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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
“Once, in India, I became very fond of a little deer. I had seen one being fed with a little bottle and I said to myself: “How I would like to have a little deer like that one.” Then one day, long after, I told my friends that God was going to give me a deer. So it happened one day, as I was bathing in the river, when the children came running and said: “We have a deer.” I ran out of the water and there was my deer, and I tell you that deer used to sleep in my room and come near my bed – how I loved it! One day I was going away from the school and I told one of the students not to feed the deer for I feared something serious would happen if he did. I had gotten that feeling while chanting earlier in the day. But, sad to relate, he bought a bottle of milk and gave it all to the deer at one feeding, and the deer almost passed out. I almost died with sorrow when I returned. I said: “If there is a God, He will not take my deer away.” So I began to meditate, and after three hours the deer got up. God had given him back to me... I stayed up until 2 o’clock and the deer was still alive. I felt a little sleepy, so decided to go to bed. Strange to say, I didn’t even put the deer in my room that evening, but put it in a room next to mine, and thus I fell asleep. But at 3 o’clock the form of my deer appeared to me and said: “You are holding me back. Let me go! Let me go!” I said: “All right.” Then suddenly I awakened and said: “The deer is dying,” then the whole school awakened. The deer made a last effort to get up, walked toward me, then dropped at my feet dead. I learned a lesson that night. The karma (law of cause and effect) of the deer was over. It was to go, but I was holding it because of my attachment. I was holding it in the body when the soul was struggling to get out of that little form. So the deer’s actual soul came to ask release, and until I gave permission it wouldn’t or couldn’t go, but as soon as I said: “All right,” then it went. God means for you to love everything and see everything in Him, but if you are attached, then you see only death. The man who is attached sees the curtain fall at death, but when he is not attached, but loves with the love of God, then at death he realizes that he has only gone back to God. I was selfish in not wanting the deer to go on to a higher state of development, letting it go when it was its time to go. Animals can quicken their attention, intuition, and evolution through man’s kind, loving, intuitive training. Beating spoils all animals. Mental telepathy can be established between you and your pet. Man can imitate all the sounds of animals; he can crow like the cock, laugh like the hyena, whine like the dog, bark like the bulldog, bellow like the enraged bull, sing like the nightingale, meow like the cat, growl like the tiger, and roar like the lion. By imitating their cries and by loving the animals, man can understand the animals’ food call, water call, mate call, and expressions of anger, hate, jealousy, love, curiosity, and necessity calls. ❤️ God is silent in the stone, He sleeps in the plant, He dreams and cries in the animal, and in man He knows what He dreams and learns to talk. Watch the various sounds uttered by different animals when they are happy, boisterous, or hilarious; then you will begin to interpret the different sounds of animals and use them, in turn, to talk to the animals in order to quicken their evolution. ❤️ Quiet singing allures the mouse, the songbirds, and even snakes. Soft, endearing words are appreciated by cats, who never like harsh commands. They become frightened when their feelings are hurt. Dogs like kind commands in a militaristic language. Horses love soft, firm commands and respond to you intelligent desires. Monkeys love to be alternately petted and commanded. If petted too much, they get spoiled; if commanded harshly, they become paralyzed with fear, or grow indifferent. Tigers can be tamed by whipping and by instilling fear; lions can be tamed by love, fearlessness, and cool commanding. Parrots can be trained by one person’s intuitive love. ❤️ Many birds like human company and human singing and whistling, and quickly respond to human love. Human company and better methods of human training can quicken animal intuition and thereby quicken their evolution. ❤️” |