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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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March 5, 2025 at 5:15pm
March 5, 2025 at 5:15pm
I always say this kids and elders are alike.
Go back to your childhood,
Imagine how your parents used to put your underwear down and make you sleep as soon as you speak.
Used to feed you,
Used to clean your spit. Had to clean the potty too.
When you were sick you had to run.
Sometimes, if you would have been tired of eating wrong, then sometimes it would have been constipated.
If you don't understand then I would have explained you again and again.
Staying up all night for you.

Woke up all night with you in your little pain. Ten times explain the same thing to you. If you were insisting, you would have scolded, sometimes you would have explained with love. But thinking of fulfilling all your stubbornness.
By keeping good things aside that child eats his own choice.
Wherever you go, wherever you stay, they take care of you first.
Just the story of childhood being younger.
And old age after youth, going back to God.
Doesn't matter much.

They also insist on making their talks done, to eat different than what you eat.
You will be angry with you. Again we will agree as soon as we love.
Just like a child needs love, they need respect and respect with love.
Need care like a child, you will hear loud, hands and legs will be painful.
Take care of them as they raised you.
As childhood learns, old age comes out forgetting.

Childhood starts recognizing, forgetting old age.
Many times, they don't recognize their children at a long age.
But you have to remember everything they gave us in childhood.
We will make half of him, he is the biggest Aquarius of life.
Neither their sleep can stop nor potty.
Their machine goes the same way.
Life is similar to childhood in old age.
The only difference is that they make us three or four happy.
And they get heavy on us alone.
This is the difference between us and them.
If you wipe it out, all your baths and pilgrims will be completed here.
February 24, 2025 at 9:32am
February 24, 2025 at 9:32am
I have a firm belief that everything negative can give birth to something positive. It is our duty to penetrate deeply into what is darkness and what is light. We can create love and light out of darkness.

The world is now going through the dark night of the soul—but at the end of the tunnel there is light. I have made up my mind to believe in love and light.

What positive effect can Putin and Trumps policy give birth to? Here comes a few sugestions.

1. Europe can become more united and strong - both economically and militarily.

2. Europe can become clear about its values ​​and identity. This also on the individual plane.

3. Europe cleans up corruption.

4. Europe becomes more socially liberal. This will bring the extreme right-winged towards the center and prevent a third world war.

5. Europe will protect democracy and freedom.

6. Europe takes the initiative in the climate crisis.

7. Europe creates a greater balance between poor and rich.

8. Europe will have a more well-functioning immigration policy.

Dangerous extreme right-wing winds are blowing. The strong become stronger and the weak become weaker. A dualistic mindset that do not protect nature and Life. An unempathetic world where psychopaths and narcissists rule.

Right winged and left winged are opposites - but have similarities. The pendulum can easily go from one side to the other. Too liberal immigration can give power to extreme right-winged parties although they are opponents.

There have been dictators on both the left and right political spectrum.

Leftists have often been associated with communism or socialist systems where the state has had total control.

Joseph Stalin led a brutal communist dictatorship. Mao Zedong's dictatorship resulted in mass starvation.
Fidel Castro ruled Cuba with tight control.

Right-wing dictators have often been associated with fascism, military regimes, or authoritarian capitalist systems. Adolf Hitler combined nationalism, racism, and authoritarian rule. Franco ruled Spain with an iron fist. Now we see right wing Trump more and more acting as an dictator like left wing Putin.

My conclusion is that extreme left or right political systems leads to suffering. The solution is more towards The Happy Middle Way. The Scandinavian countries are good examples. Here we find both wealth, peace and happy people.

Let us not invite extreme right or left parties - and these trends in society.

Darkness and light is a part of the evolution. Let us not hate the darkness - but be very clear about our own standpoint in the light. It is too much polarisation - and too little cooperation. Every political party can teach us something. The most important we need is a shift of consciousness. All actions comes from consciousness.
February 13, 2025 at 1:36pm
February 13, 2025 at 1:36pm
Prompt: "The human heart has hidden treasures. In secret kept, in silence sealed. The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures. Whose charms were broken if revealed." Charlotte Bronte Write about this quote in your Blog entry today.

Every time I see an old couple walking hand in hand, I don’t just see love—I see a lifetime of choices, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment. I wonder how many nights they went to bed upset, yet woke up choosing to stay. How many arguments they had where pride could have torn them apart, but love pulled them back together. How many misunderstandings they worked through, knowing that the bond they shared was far more valuable than the momentary pain of disagreement.

Love isn’t a fairytale, and relationships aren’t built on fleeting emotions. True love is a decision made over and over again, even when things are hard, even when life tests you, and even when you don’t always see eye to eye. It’s about learning each other’s flaws and still choosing to stay. It’s about seeing the imperfections and loving even harder because of them. It’s about forgiveness, about embracing growth together, and about realizing that no love story is without its struggles.

That old couple? They weren’t always old. Once, they were young, passionate, and just starting out, navigating the unknown of love and life together. They made mistakes. They hurt each other. They probably had moments where they questioned everything. But through all the ups and downs, they never stopped choosing each other.

Real love isn’t measured by the absence of fights but by the willingness to fight for each other. It’s in the silent moments where one reaches for the other’s hand after an argument. It’s in the patience shown during difficult times. It’s in the deep understanding that love is more than just an emotion—it’s a promise.

So, if you ever wonder how some couples make it through decades together, the answer is simple: they never stopped trying. They forgave a thousand times. They chose love even when it wasn’t easy. And most of all, they cherished what they had, never letting temporary storms destroy something worth holding onto.

Because in the end, it’s not about finding someone perfect—it’s about finding someone who makes the journey of love worth every challenge, every tear, and every moment of joy.

The human heart has hidden treasures. In secret kept, in silence sealed. The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures. Whose charms were broken if revealed..all this can be be covered if there is love spelled backward as evol or eternal virtue of lord.
February 7, 2025 at 3:00am
February 7, 2025 at 3:00am
Prompt: What is a significant life change you've recently experienced and how has it impacted your daily life? Write about this in your Blog entry today.

I got a major jolt in life, as my father in law lost his mind, though he was a responsible and proactive person and 5 people's life depended on his shoulder. After he lost his mind, everything went to bonkers and my daughter one of the 5 persons depended on him is facing nightmarish experience. I have recommended these steps to cope up with the changes.

1. **Privacy is your superpower.** What others don’t know, they can’t ruin. Keep your life close to the chest—people thrive on drama.

2. **Loneliness is part of the journey.** Embrace it; it’s an art form all its own.

3. **Remember, everything is temporary.** Life is fleeting, so stay grounded and humble.

4. **Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.** Be kind; it costs nothing.

5. **Your partner mirrors you.** Choose wisely. Seek out her values just as diligently as her looks.

6. **Your mental health trumps everyone’s feelings.** Be a little selfish here; it’s vital.

7. **You don’t need more time; you need fewer distractions.** Focus is your key to success.

8. **Guard your time fiercely.** Not everyone deserves a piece of it.

9. **Surround yourself with those who truly value you.** You shouldn't have to plead for respect and appreciation.

10. **Self-love is not selfish; it’s necessary.**

11. **Treasure those who lighten your load.** They are rare gems in this world.

12. **Choose your circle with care.** The right people uplift you; the wrong ones can drag you down.

13. **Peace of mind is invaluable.** Protect it at all costs.

14. **Stop chasing love; simply live your life.** The right person will come along.

15. **Seek those who embody that “grow together” mindset.** Lift each other higher.

16. **No regrets—just lessons learned.** Dust yourself off and push forward.

17. **Pursue someone proud to have you by their side.**

18. **Never surrender.** Everyone faces tough times; pick yourself up and keep going.

19. **If you feel drained, take a step back to recharge—don’t quit.**

20. **Sometimes, you need to disappear to return stronger.**

21. **Learn from the successes of others, but let their mistakes teach you wisdom.**

22. **Want to be happy?** Stop expecting anything from anyone; nobody owes you a thing.

23. **Everything will fall into place eventually.** Keep that optimistic mindset alive.

24. **Keep grinding—your breakthrough is on the horizon.**

25. **There’s nothing more attractive than mutual effort.**

26. **Stop overthinking it in places where you’re not valued.**

27. **If no one lends a hand, take the initiative yourself. Complaining won't help.**

28. **Obsess over your growth.** It’s the best investment you can make.

29. **A heart-to-heart should never end in conflict.** Open dialogue is sacred.

30. **“I’ll do it tomorrow” is just procrastination in disguise.**

31. **Aim not to stay the same—strive to be better.**

32. **Sometimes, waiting is more powerful than forcing things to happen.**

33. **Not everyone will understand your journey, and that’s perfectly fine.**

34. **Heal so you don’t become a reflection of your past trauma.**

35. **Keep your circle small and your friends insightful.**

36. **If they’re only around temporarily, feel free to let them go permanently.**

37. **People come and go; learn how to stand strong alone.**

38. **If needed, take time to disappear and focus on yourself.**

39. **Some will resent you for refusing to be controlled.** That’s their problem.

40. **Concentrate on your improvement, not on proving yourself to others.**

41. **Never, ever return to what once broke you.**

**Keep pushing forward!**
February 4, 2025 at 2:49am
February 4, 2025 at 2:49am

At a certain age, you’ll stop longing for a companion. You’ll learn not to stress over people and forced relationships. Instead, you’ll start enjoying your own company. You’ll stop feeling awkward over an empty seat in front of you in a café or a large bucket of popcorn all for yourself in a cinema.

At a certain age, you’ll choose sleep over an uncommitted conversation, to stay at home and indulge yourself in classic movies than to force yourself to show up in a Friday night party just to blend in.

At a certain age you’ll learn that moments can also be fun and memorable even in your own company. That it’s never sad to explore life’s corners on your own, that it’s actually more fulfilling and freeing.

At a certain age you’ll learn that you are not getting any younger and all you can do is to make every moment count. That life is a short but meaningful journey; and to make the most out of it, you have to stop waiting for someone to hold your hand and walk the road with you. You have to get up and cherish the walk yourself.

- Ali
February 3, 2025 at 2:42am
February 3, 2025 at 2:42am
Ernest Hemingway once wrote: The hardest lesson I have had to learn as an adult is the relentless need to keep going, no matter how broken I feel inside.

This truth is raw, unfiltered, and painfully universal. Life doesn’t stop when we are exhausted, when our hearts are shattered, or when our spirits feel threadbare. It keeps moving—unyielding, indifferent—demanding that we keep pace. There is no pause button for grief, no intermission for healing, no moment where the world gently steps aside and allows us to mend. Life expects us to carry our burdens in silence, to push forward despite the weight of all we carry inside.

The cruelest part? No one really prepares us for this. As children, we are fed stories of resilience wrapped in neat, hopeful endings—tales where pain has purpose and every storm clears to reveal a bright horizon. But adulthood strips away those comforting illusions. It teaches us that survival is rarely poetic. More often than not, it’s about showing up when you’d rather disappear, smiling through pain no one sees, and carrying on despite feeling like you're unraveling from the inside out.

And yet, somehow, we persevere. That’s the quiet miracle of being human. Even when life is relentless, even when hope feels distant, we keep moving. We stumble, we break, we fall to our knees—but we get up. And in doing so, we uncover a strength we never knew we had. We learn to comfort ourselves in the ways we wish others would. We become the voice of reassurance we once searched for. Slowly, we realize that resilience isn’t always about grand acts of bravery; sometimes, it’s just a whisper—“Keep going.”

Yes, it’s exhausting. Yes, it’s unfair. And yes, there are days when the weight of it all feels unbearable. But every small step forward is proof that we haven’t given up. That we are still fighting, still holding on, still refusing to let the darkness consume us. That quiet defiance—choosing to exist, to try, to hope—is the bravest thing we can do.
What’s the hardest lesson you’ve had to learn as an adult, and how has it shaped you?
February 1, 2025 at 5:15am
February 1, 2025 at 5:15am
It occurred to Pooh 🐻 and Piglet 🐷 that they hadn't heard from Eeyore for several days, so they put on their hats 🎩 and coats 🧥 and trotted across the Hundred Acre Wood🌲 to Eeyore's stick house. Inside the house was Eeyore.

"Hello Eeyore," said Pooh.

"Hello Pooh. 🐻 Hello Piglet 🐷" said Eeyore, in a Glum Sounding Voice

"We just thought we'd check in on you," said Piglet, "because we hadn't heard from you, and so we wanted to know if you were okay."

Eeyore was silent for a moment. "Am I okay?" he asked, eventually. "Well, I don't know, to be honest. Are any of us really okay? That's what I ask myself. All I can tell you, Pooh and Piglet, is that right now I feel really rather Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All.

Which is why I haven't bothered you. Because you wouldn't want to waste your time hanging out with someone who is Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All, would you now."

Pooh looked and Piglet, and Piglet looked at Pooh, and they both sat down, one on either side of Eeyore in his stick house.

Eeyore looked at them in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"We're sitting here with you," said Pooh, "because we are your friends. And true friends don't care if someone is feeling Sad, or Alone, or Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. True friends are there for you anyway. And so here we are." 💜💚

"Oh," said Eeyore. "Oh." And the three of them sat there in silence, and while Pooh and Piglet said nothing at all; somehow, almost imperceptibly, Eeyore started to feel a very tiny little bit better. 🥰

Because Pooh and Piglet were There.
No more; no less.

January 30, 2025 at 2:38am
January 30, 2025 at 2:38am
Prompt "It isn't what we say or think that defines us but what we do. " Jane Austen Write about this in your Blog entry today.

From the above prompt I am here highlighting a common phenomenon where people often prioritize their own interests over the needs of others and that defines us.

Instead of genuinely offering value, they disguise their needs and requirements as offerings, hoping to receive something or favours in return.

The Universal Principle: "Givers Gain"
As, the universal principle of *"Givers Gain"* suggests that when we give without expectations, we ultimately receive more in return.
This principle is rooted in the idea that giving is a form of planting seeds, which will eventually bear more than one fruit.

The Power of Selfless Giving
When we give without expectations,
1. Build Trust: By showing that we're willing to give without expecting anything in return, we by default settings build trust with others. (Chances of these seeds sowing is you would likely get faster what you need is high, provided you don't expect from the...)
2. Create value: Selfless giving creates value for others, which can and will lead to meaningful relationships and OPPORTUNITIES.
(Opposite to value creation is when giving is poisoned with ego "I give" I; me & myself eg. Even in " 'I' love you" if I is prominent it's a vulgar display of integrity & character then love.)

3. Cultivate abundance: Giving without expectations can lead to an abundance mindset, where we focus on the value we CAN PROVIDE rather than what we can gain.

Planting Seeds of Kindness
As eloquently put , "giving is the seeds we plant." When we give selflessly, we're planting seeds of kindness, compassion, and generosity. These seeds will eventually grow into strong, meaningful relationships and a sense of fulfillment.

WHENEVER you give WITH expectations or implied FAVOURS OR returns and you don't get the EXPECTED returns or favour from "the same person", you feel miserable, cheated and used.

May THESE words inspire us to adopt a Mindset of selfless giving, planting seeds of kindness and compassion that will bear fruit for years to come as so eloquently written by Jane Austen.

January 28, 2025 at 5:22am
January 28, 2025 at 5:22am
Prompt: Memories
"Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them."
Bob Dylan
What are your thoughts and feelings on memories? Would we be better off with or without them? And which kinds of memories are dear to you?

The recent memory and experience of Mahakumbh at Prayagraj, the event that happens in 144 years, will be always my best memories. I have tried to give facts and figures and also my memories

This Kumbh Mela is the first in the world in terms of population, preparation, technology and spirituality.

You should know how Uttar Pradesh and its Yogi Maharaj are shocking the world.

And in Kerala, where even a single Sabarimala season cannot be held without complaints,
10 KSRTC buses cannot be run without people's concerns, and Kerala cannot even protect the sacred Pampa River of Sabarimala without dirt and garbage, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath should be understood as a saint who should go to tuition with a notebook. We, Sanatani Hindus, should not forget that the Kerala government has not been able to provide a little water and food to those who queue for hours at Sabarimala or provide them with proper toilet facilities after counting the money of Ayyappa devotees.

What we can see in Prayagraj is an organization that even the world's leading premier institutes fail in management. Yogi has prepared wonders under Modi.

🔱 It is estimated that 45 crore(450 million) pilgrims will arrive in the Mahakumbh Mela, which will last for a month and a half from Makara Sankram to Shivaratri. Yogi says that there are facilities for 100 crore people. If we say 45 crore, it is more than the total population of 204 countries in the world excluding India and China. So many people will travel to and from this city in 45 days. Think about it. How many trains, how many planes, how many buses, how many roads, bus stations, railway stations, national highways, government and private buses. What arrangements have been made silently.

🔱 As part of this Kumbh Mela, about 4 lakh crore rupees(50 billion dollars) will be contributed to the GDP of Prayagraj and UP. Four lakh crore rupees. That is, one-third of the total GDP of Kerala will be brought through Yogi Kumbh Mela in just 45 days.
About 50 billion dollars... It will reach the common man in the economy of Uttar Pradesh as development, employment and welfare schemes. Money is being taken by giving them the best facilities in the world without squeezing the devotees.

🔱 This is a digital Mahakumbh Mela - Uttar Pradesh is showing the world the model of tomorrow by digitalizing devotion with technology and spirituality.

The world's largest AI Security Command and Control System will probably be at the Mahakumbh Mela.

Yogi has set up the world's largest AI Aided Lost & Found center at the Mahakumbh Mela.

The world's largest AI Traffic & Crowd Control System will control the crowd and vehicles at the Mahakumbh Mela. The parking lots of vehicles are arranged for 10 lakh vehicles. That too is updated digitally.

🔱 The wonders of the Kumbh Mela land of 40 square kilometers (4000 hectares) do not end there.

1.5 lakh tents,
1.5 lakh toilets,
25000 waste collection tanks,
15,000 sanitation workers,
160 waste collection vehicles,
69,000 LED lights,
30 temporary bridges,
50000 police-paramilitary forces,
3000 CCTV cameras ....

Security systems worth Rs 13000 crore just to prevent fires,
351 fire engines,
More than fifty fire force stations, more than two thousand fire force personnel, drones used underwater and in the air.

Yogi Adityanath is not an elite class who studied at top management institutes. Yogi is the practical management stalwart who blossomed in his 20s with the institutions under the Gorakhnath Math, which his guru entrusted to him. Yogi Maharaj of Uttar Pradesh. Tomorrow maybe of India too. 🙏

January 22, 2025 at 11:35pm
January 22, 2025 at 11:35pm

When we suppress our emotions, we deny a vital part of our humanity. These feelings—whether we perceive them as light or shadow, love or fear—are reflections of our inner world. They are neither enemies to defeat nor burdens to avoid; they are messengers, guiding us toward deeper truths about ourselves.

From a personal perspective, I’ve learned that it’s essential to feel these emotions fully, even when they are painful or uncomfortable. Suppression may seem like a quick fix, but it often allows these emotions to fester beneath the surface, growing stronger and more disruptive. Instead, when I acknowledge my emotions, I see them for what they truly are—parts of myself longing to be understood.

Imagine your emotions as visitors knocking at the door of your mind. You can ignore them, hoping they go away, but they’ll only pound louder. Or you can invite them in, listen to what they have to say, and decide how to respond. In this process, you reclaim your power. You are no longer controlled by your emotions, but you also don’t dismiss their importance.

This is where true mastery lies: in feeling your emotions without being ruled by them. Acknowledging fear, anger, or sadness doesn’t make you weak—it makes you honest. By facing these "demons" head-on, you strip them of their power. They no longer control your thoughts or dictate your actions. Instead, you integrate them into the tapestry of your being, allowing them to inform your growth without derailing your peace.

When we learn to control our mind and emotions, we step into a space of transcendent clarity. We respond rather than react. We lead our lives with intention rather than being led by fleeting impulses. This is not a denial of feeling—it is the art of balance, the harmony of embracing the storm within while staying anchored in calm.

So I invite you to reflect: What EMOTIONS have you been suppressing? What would happen if you sat with them, acknowledged their presence, and asked what they are here to teach you? This journey is not always easy, but it is profound. By choosing to feel, reflect, and rise, we transform our inner battles into stepping stones for growth. In mastering ourselves, we master the world within and beyond us.

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