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Rated: E · Book · Other · #2222875
A collection of thoughts and ideas
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You have found my collection of ideas and thoughts.
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June 29, 2024 at 12:04pm
June 29, 2024 at 12:04pm
A world filled with magic that no one can use due to a disaster that happened before remembered time.

We have legends and stories of elves, deaarves, trolls and other magical beings and creatures that interacted with us.

Yet, where did they go?
Why are they not here only in time might we bring them back, but who knows?

In time that it happened long ago. We believe that we're the only one's left yet. Are we the mix of the other creatures trying to survive in that time frame? Trying to keep a disaster at bay while keeping our world alive and keep the magic flowing. Are the others.

Let us think back and look at the possibilities. The possibilities that when magic was here a disease struck, that would strike down any that could use its magic, a magic force disease. How could this be? How do you prevent such a thing from taking everyone out? You look to those immune to magic. Unable to use it for they are the ones that do not have access to this disease. Disease does not know how to take hold of what it cannot touch. Therefore, you let those that have been forgotten outcast. Come together intermix, and become one turning into once a dark thing in the scourge of the Earth into the saviors. For others in the future troholzed we're small and unevil. To survive had come into the communities where the elves and the dwarfs had cast their unwanted out, those who had no ability to use the metals of the ground on earth, who could not feel the song and the forge elves and their wonders of nature and sky. Cath, look to those that I felt nothing they were outcasts. Things have just hobbled around the villages, for they had no ability to use. Let them come together and find ways to grow. In time, the bloodlines would merge become a new race. Human. You can see their features of the different races. If you look closely enough, each one thing slightly thin for the elf. The shorter stockier build of the dwarf. The tall giant lake structure, the trolls and giants enable these people to have skin tones told you the. Regions, they came from and possibly who there past was as well. Given the fact that those emotions might give a greener hue to their skin, the sky was fair and pale Arctic weight in comparison to the deep desert jungle on them. Survivors, the deep forges. The threw fire back at their residence. Harris seemed to be his matter to show different aspects of each culture for things and abilities that they might have had at 1 time, temperaments and strengths, agiles and jills, things that would talk to them and give them the ability to move forward in life. Now all condensed down into one race erase of non. Magic users A. Curace, to care for the world and it's magical beings that still live there in time. The disease of magic took out other beings of magic to where they're no longer seen yet once in a while. You can catch the glimmer of a spot of magic. Somebody that can move in the shadows without knowing it quiet. As a mouse yet they were there, but yet they weren't, but were they there? They don't live long anymore, though. Those are the ones that come to go in the shortest amount of time. And yet magic still shows itself. In everyday life, magical always will be within everything that it sees and knows. He touches everybody, no matter if they're a user. Or not, but today in the humans, there's a new. Danger that arises a danger. They call cancer. They don't know where it comes from. They know what it can do. They know that its growths of something growing in them. They think are just mutated cells growing out of control. But what if what if that is just really pockets of magic trying to expand and trying to merge back in with its house, the host, it's known for trillions in years and yet they no longer can use it. So it becomes cancerous to them. A disease that they have no care for yet. Still, the magic wants to be with someone with them. It's still here amongst us today. You can catch it in the skies and watch the birds. Use it to navigate the ways each double on, knowing exactly where to go without ever being shown by another bird. Creatures hunt upon ways and paths. We don't see trails run through woods. We call them game trails. But yet, what of their magical highways left behind from old times so much left so much God so much forgot it. For we do not see or cannot yell, but once in a while you'll find Somebody, they can just tickle the edge of Magic. Though their lives normally tend to be shorter, those that can use slings like dousing rods. And pendants, they know the skills that there they remember traces and elements. They renewal, the things have abilities. So instead, if them being able to use themselves, they ask things to do it for them. Trying to still be part of the magic of the world. While magic tries to eat a soul.
April 3, 2021 at 11:04am
April 3, 2021 at 11:04am
Unlike many I have known both true love and a zombie.

My first husband was in a car accident and refused to get proper medical treatment for his injuries. So, a month and 3 days after the accident his spleen ruptured. He was at work at the time it took him 2 hours to get home. He had planned to pick me us breakfast but as he waited for good to come out his coffee felt to hot in his stomach. He paid for his coffee came home and fought to keep going trough the seazers he was having. I recognize the seazer and raced to call the ambulance then back to his side. It was painful to watch each seazer but I was doing my best to be there for him in his time of need. We where such a little place that I had to step outside so the medics could check him out. He did one last thing for me he got up and walked over to the gurny so they could load it into the amblance. Once out of my sight in the amblance he give into the seazers and passed away.

To day was his birthday. All I have been doing was reliving our days together.
February 6, 2021 at 8:56pm
February 6, 2021 at 8:56pm
It feels like everything i do is only allowed to be for others. The one thing I think about being selfish about is the one area I have troubles with.
December 29, 2020 at 12:31am
December 29, 2020 at 12:31am
know its early but with this past year I thought I would put up my goal for next year. It might take a full year or just a few months.

There might be a chance for a personal interest as well. Though that depends on both sides.

As for my son, with the prayer he will be back in school come the 19th. One of his classes is for students that are having issues with learning out of class. Though I think his is more the lack of social interaction.
December 22, 2020 at 3:03am
December 22, 2020 at 3:03am
8 years ago December 22 I made my account on wdc. 3 years later I end up in contact with my brother just to find out his b-day is the day before.(Long story short I grew up knowing I had a brother we were just raised by different parents. Him by his father and me by our mother. So, I never really committed to memory his b-day for the longest time.) Now I have two great days to celebrate along with the holiday season.
December 21, 2020 at 12:15am
December 21, 2020 at 12:15am
I know I'm working my way out of this whole but dose not feel like it. I know one day I will look around and find myself back on solid ground. Just keep wondering when that will be.
December 10, 2020 at 9:36am
December 10, 2020 at 9:36am
I've come to the conclusion that I'm in a hole. Not just any hole but a good deep one. The funny thing is that this year has thrown so much at me that it feels like others are trying to berry me. Yet, each shovel full of grief ends up being a little bit more of fill to the hole as I shift to keep from getting hit i end up climbing up the fill and together we end filling in this hole and possibly me walking out on top.
October 31, 2020 at 5:04am
October 31, 2020 at 5:04am
It feels like I'm hanging on the side of a cliff. The gear I have placed hanging tight into the rock. Though in some places the Rock is showing its age. It feels like I have ran out of gear and hanging there waiting for others to come help me out.

Then again its not easy handling a death on your own. Everyone keeps being surprised by how well it looks like am handling it. When really I'm falling apart. But I know outside it looks like I'm handling it. But not really have things I need to do and sadly I have too.
October 25, 2020 at 2:07am
October 25, 2020 at 2:07am
Well it's all in storage till I get the paperwork on the next step. The frustration is that my mail man decided that my box was vacant. So emptied my ox and put a tag up saying vacant.

Just one more thing to add to my world. So I get to let my boss know I need to clock in late so j can deal with all of this.

But I made it home and brought my fathers cat with me.
October 22, 2020 at 11:20am
October 22, 2020 at 11:20am
Thank you my friend. I do tend to undercut myself when talking because I write how I am feeling. I tend to keep going even when I should give up simply because for me it's easier to keep going. This blog and the comments of my friends shows how far and strong I am even if I dont show or feel it.

Comments have helped push aside thoughts. Actions have at times drugged me past frustrations. One could say thanks to my stubbornness and this wonderful community I keep going.

Thank you friends and family. Your words at time have been the spark I needed to keep going.

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