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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/rig0rm0rtis/day/6-22-2021
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2232903
My blog, where I store those thoughts rattling around my brain
Welcome to the insanity of my mind! Please excuse the cobwebs and clutter, I've been meaning to clean the place up a bit...

Stop in and read some of my nonsense whenever the mood strikes you :)
June 22, 2021 at 1:12pm
June 22, 2021 at 1:12pm
I was looking online for tips to get back into writing and found several exercises. One of which was to simply just type whatever comes to mind, stream of consciousness style.

So here I am, rambling on about nonsense.

A few of my fellow writers agreed to collaborate on a project. Well, that isn't quite right, we opted to pick a prompt and work on something to keep our imaginations active. So far we have a bunch of nonsensical ideas and are voting to pick one from the pot.

I just wish I could figure out how to keep going on the projects I started. Discipline is something I am sorely in need of.

Can I hire someone to lock me in a room with nothing but a typewriter? Not even a computer, those are far too distracting. Just give me an old-fashioned writing instrument and keep me away from anything remotely technological. Why are phones so addicting?

Damn those cursed rectangles. They seem to absorb all of your time and leave you wondering where the day went. It's no wonder why people are so apathetic these days. Why bother going outside when you can live vicariously through others? Why bother thinking and formulating your own ideas when you can watch a reaction video telling you how to feel?

Hm, this is becoming a bit of a rant.

Did I work off enough rust? Is my brain ready to get back to storming or am I going to mindlessly wander through the internet and giggle at cat videos?

Truly, this modern age is a tricky one to navigate.

Guess I should get back to hacking away at the keyboard and throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Hopefully I can stick with my goal of 1000 words a day. Some days I can get twice that and not break a sweat. And then we have today where I struggle to get out a mere hundred.

Wish me luck, dear readers!

June 22, 2021 at 10:50am
June 22, 2021 at 10:50am
I just realized I didn't post my thoughts on the finale.

While the first two episodes were excellent, this was a bit poorer in terms of quality. There is a time skip and it presents an interesting concept but it goes nowhere fast sadly. Instead of going for a more science fiction route and uncovering the secrets of Dracula, (like how the first episode began), this final chapter chooses an emotional climax which it achieves with some success.

But this comes at the loss of more interesting storylines and time spent meandering with characters that I never had much interest in. The "new" Agatha is a bit lackluster and spends most of her time fawning over the charismatic count and cleaning up his messes. She never is angry with him, even when he murders dozens of people. It's almost like they shrug it off, as if he can't help it.

The poor thing was hungry, after all.

But while the finale falters in places, there are some brilliant bits here and there. Dracula is in fine form here, devilishly cheeky and ever ravenous. Seeing how he navigates modern society was interesting but it felt a bit strange how nobody wants to hunt him down and study his blood.

There was a moment where I thought the Van Helsing Organization was going to be the world's supernatural task force, hunting down monsters and capturing specimens for further research. This is something many movies and shows have tried and failed.

Perhaps that's why the writers opted for a subversive twist with Renfield. But one wonders why Zoe didn't fight it more, that was a bit odd.

My favorite part had to be the children of the night reference, it was a morbid scene that was built up nicely.

Overall, wonderful show with some fresh new ideas. I just wish they stuck the landing a bit more.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/rig0rm0rtis/day/6-22-2021