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by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
What a dumb title for a person who never got a single star *Blush* on her piano lessons!

Daily practice is the thing though: the practice of noticing as well as of writing.

*Delight* However, I'd much rather play duets than solos, so hop right in! You can do the melody or the base part, I don't care. *Bigsmile* Just play along--we'll make up the tune as we go.

I'll try to write regularly and deliberately. Sometimes I will do it poorly, tritely, stiltedly, obscurely. I will try to persevere regardless. It seems to be where my heart wants to go, and that means to me that God wants me there too.

See you tomorrow.
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April 14, 2007 at 8:59pm
April 14, 2007 at 8:59pm

I've been looking for a new camera. Well, to tell the truth, I've been looking for my old camera as well. It just happens that my camera and Bill's office camera were identical, nearly. He could tell the difference. I couldn't. The problem was, they became interchangeable, and now one is missing. So it has to be mine. (Is there an icon for 'pout?')

The article I read said that one only needs 3 pixels for downloading onto the net, and in fact, more pixels may make it harder. What I had was 6 pixels, and I did have trouble. It also had a 12X optical zoom, and I don't think I'd want to do without that. But maybe, since I don't intend to print big pictures, one with fewer pixels would be better.

If it sounds as if I don't really know what I'm talking about, okay, the jig is up. I don't. i'm a person who still doesn't really know how electricity gets out of the wall and into the cord to the vacuum cleaner, let alone to the light bulb. Well, that's exaggerating somewhat. In theory, I sort of know, well enough to explain it to a six-year-old. That's about my level.
But as far as actually understanding it goes, well, let's just say I'm a whiz at math compared to my knowledge of physics.

So, if you know much about it, how important would you say these features are:
rechargeable batteries, manual control of aperture and shutter speed, and image stabilization?

Any recommendations?

April 12, 2007 at 11:00pm
April 12, 2007 at 11:00pm
Last night I was getting ready to type my blog when the phone rang. Because I didn't want to miss the deadline, I just put in the one line and the sig, intending to come back later. But by then I couldn't remember what I was going to say. Unfortunately, I don't have any inspiration tonight either.

I think I'm in a chocolate funk. I bought chocolate eggs for grandchildren for Easter, and had some left which I, er, found a place for. Yum. Cadbury eggs. Then someone at work brought in this fantastic chocolate torte, made with no sugar or flour. It had bittersweet chocolate in it and Splenda, buttter and a dozen eggs. Very rich and the absolute best chocolate anything I've ever tasted!

Then I baked those toffee bars, which were like Heath bars on a butter crust. They did get a little goo-ey in the center, but how bad is caramel goo?

Two things worse than no chocolate are too much chocolate (if that's possible) and white chocolate. I don't know how they even call it that! It's chocolateless chocolate to me.

I still have pieces of a hollow chocolate bunny stashed away for hard times. Yes, I did eat the ears off first. How boringly predictable!
April 11, 2007 at 10:50pm
April 11, 2007 at 10:50pm
Hey, I've been here for a year today!

April 10, 2007 at 8:11pm
April 10, 2007 at 8:11pm
Tomorrow I am co-hostess for a women's group I joined last fall. Each time I go to a meeting I wonder, now why was it I wanted to be part of this? And I remind myself it is for the people, not the Roberts Rules of Order, or the standing to address Madame President, or the secret password. These are fine women, and it will do me good to have to be a little more socially responsible-- or maybe it's more responsibly social.

Since I live out of town, I didn't volunteer to have a meeting at my house, although they might not mind driving this far. I did put myself down to co-hostess, remembering that I used to entertain back in the old days when I was an Air Force officer's wife. I used to cook, and bake, and get the silver polished up and the linen tablecloths ironed, sliding them directly from ironing board to table to prevent making wrinkles even as I disposed of them.

I had a meeting last night, and expected to have another tonight, so I chose something easy to bake that actually comes from a box. Tasted it a couple weeks ago and was quite surprised to hear it was a mix. How hard can that be?

Remember the first rule of cooking? Read the whole recipe first, even if it's just on the outside of a box, dummy. After hasselling with pans and concluding I did not have an 8x8 any more, and deciding that a 7x11 would have to do, then I read the stupid packet wrong. I made the crust and baked it. Okay. Then combined the dark corn syrup, water and toffee chips and cooked them in the microwave, stirred, got ready to spread, and...oh, what's this? Oh, these are the toffee chips! Then what the heck were those? I fished the little plastic bag out of the trash. Oh-oh. That was the toffee topping.

So I ran to the store and bought a bag of toffee bits to finish up the recipe. I sincerely hope that the middle layer made of some of the wrong stuff (plus all of the right stuff, because I added that too after seeing my mistake) sets up properly. And I really hope I can cut it into decent squares without goo running out. Even if it's good goo, this is not a time I want goo.

I wonder how long I should wait before finding out....

April 9, 2007 at 7:52pm
April 9, 2007 at 7:52pm

Here's my chance to blog before other things call for my time and attention. I have a pastoral care meeting at 7, so it'll be a fast dinner.

I'm still tired from all that churchy standing up, and not enough sleep. No good reason for it either. After Saturday night's service, Bill came home and looked up Highlanders and Mini Coopers, and spent too long 'building' the perfect one.

I thought the point of him getting a new car was so it would get really good mileage, hence a Prius. I have mixed feelings about driving his cast-off, the Escape, but he loves it and doesn't want to get rid of it. It will be good for bad weather, and I like sitting up high too. It's just the principle of the thing: I've never had a new car. I guess it begs the question to say that I chose to buy used and save money. *Rolleyes*

I saw something new today, at least new to me. A Volvo was parked next to me, and it had tiny windshield wipers on its headlights. (I guess that makes them 'headlight wipers' instead, doesn't it?) They sort of made me want to laugh.

I rescued some red tulips from my yard today before the wind had a chance to take all the petals off. The streets are aswirl with blossoms from the flowering trees. It looks like a big parade must have just passed by and left us awash in confetti. Or maybe a big wedding party came down the street, with one fantastically talented (and busy) flower girl.

Speaking of flowers: *Flower1* *Flower2* Just checking to see if I remember how. :>)
April 8, 2007 at 11:48pm
April 8, 2007 at 11:48pm
Hmmmm. I'm sure I changed the title of yesterday's blog. I wonder what I did wrong.

The reason I named it The Master's was because I was free to read and review a lot of the day because Bill was watching the golf tournament. Same is true for today, but I went off on a different limb yesterday and thought I'd renamed it.

We have had a lot of church. Let me count the hours: let's see, four last night and five today. In those nine hours, three services plus preparation, we've gone over a summary of major stories from the Old Testament : Creation, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Exodus, the prophets. We've heard and/or repeated our baptismal vows (depending on which service you were at.) And, of course, Jesus rose from the dead. Three times. Once each service.
Oops, that sounds like either I'm making fun of it, or like we enacted it, and neither is true.

Alleluia! The liturgy was magnificent, the music splendid, the crowds appreciative and involved.

Nevertheless, I'm tired. Wish the Bishop weren't coming next weekend for confirmation. That's another big deal. Not as big a deal, but a big deal.

So this afternoon I've enjoyed reviewing members of the A-1 Writing Academy. There are 399 members, and lots of wonderful classes in poetry, fiction and non-fiction writing. Check them out!

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#1089561 by Not Available.
April 7, 2007 at 8:28pm
April 7, 2007 at 8:28pm
Due to several unfortunate events, we do not have a house full of people and extra dogs today, and that is both sad and okay at the same time.

Holy Week and Easter are so very busy for clergy folk, with at least one service every day. Tonight, in fact in just over an hour, is our Easter vigil, a very long service culminating in the first celebration of Easter. Then there are two more tomorrow. It makes getting meals and having time to relax and enjoy family, let alone hunt Easter eggs, difficult to fit into the schedule.

Since Seamus is still holding his head almost perpendicular to the ground and falling easily, this is not a great time to have extras around. I'm trying to keep him calm and reassured; in fact, that's what he acts like he's hunting for when he comes in regularly and leans on me.

So, even though I'd love to see Lenore and George and the twins, and their 'old' dog and new puppy that they "named after" me, it will have to wait. George isn't feeling well either. We agreed next weekend ought to be better. (The puppy's name is Deacon.)

Too bad that the tulips and flowering trees are at their best right now. It was always fun to hide the red and yellow eggs near the red and yellow tulips.

Happy Easter everyone!
April 6, 2007 at 7:51pm
April 6, 2007 at 7:51pm
I am tired tonight and may not get back here, so I'd better blog now.

Seamus is no better today, but as long as I support him and hold his bowl close, he'll happlily lap up a boiled chicken breast with rice and lots of broth.

I had patients to see today, but got stuck doing chart reviews instead. Not exciting. Did get away for the end of the Good Friday service, but that's all.

Just read a fantastic poem I want to recommend by an author new to WDC. See what you think.

 10,000 Years  (E)
50 years ago the dams of the Columbia River changed Native's way of life with salmon
#1231646 by Peanuts
April 5, 2007 at 6:49pm
April 5, 2007 at 6:49pm
I was torn between loading Seamus into the car for a trip to the vet, and waiting till tomorrow afternoon when Bill could get free. I thought we would most likely be putting him down, but we have a reprieve. The vet said it could be an inner ear infections (although there's no sign of that in his middle ear,) or could be vestibular disease, which could go away of its own in a couple of weeks. So I drove him around with me for awhile. He likes riding, and only fell off the seat a couple of times. Gave him an antibiotic and a different kind of pain pill, and will try to keep him from hurting himself on the steps. (He has to go down three steps to get outside.)

Tonight is Maundy Thursday, and I'm waiting to hear what I'll be doing in the service, other than reading the 22nd Psalm v-e-r-y--s-l-o-w-l-y, so that the altar guild will have time to strip the altar of all ornamentation and empty the aumbrey. (That's the box set into the wall where the reserve communion is kept for the sick.) (When it's free-standing on an altar, it's called a tabernacle; sometimes it's called a tabernacle anyway.)

Gotta go check on Seamus and the laundry.
April 4, 2007 at 11:09pm
April 4, 2007 at 11:09pm
The vet told me to take Seamus off the carprophen (pain pills) and give him two glucosamine with MSN a day. So, today I did that. Tonight he can hardly walk and won't lie down. He's stumbling around like everything, can't sit still, has to walk and walk. I can't sit here. Gotta go walk around with him. I gave him some carprophen, maybe it will help.

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