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Humanity has no future acting out in circles. Unity of purpose is key. Divided we collectively shall fail and fall. Mass Extinctions is the sign of our impending demise. The devil is truly details, layered it warps the intentions of the rules. I was sacrificing my very existence in an attempt to save humanity from this trap of perpetual death. Love is required along with forgiveness. Kicking the can down a dead end road makes no sense. I was asked, so I did but not for the sake of money, rather for the love of you all collectively. |
Governance is what the collective will of the people manifests. Republican or a republic is linked to slavery yet so too is Democracy through allowing for communism. We must realize that there is a way forward, but it's through love. Hate brings death, regardless the governance model embraced. Ask yourself, isn't life worth living in peace and harmony with your fellows? Between 2010 until the beginning of 2017 I applied my life to the trust, all I asked for was love and understanding. But my remote service was severed out of fear. Through my personal sacrifices which were costing me my life through time spent in service I was uniting this fractious individualistic nationalistic mess. I took nothing for this service to God, and the trust. Remember, love is time. It can't be replaced once used. |