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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
I do not know quite what happened or when , but my hubby and I now qualify for seniors' discounts at some venues. This creates a quandary; in order to save money, but not face, we have to admit to our age. HMMMM..... We definitely do not consider ourselves to be old. In this day and age ,when people as a whole are living longer and healthier lives why are 'young seniors', those in their fifties, like moi, considered 'old'?? It's so true that age is just a perception! "Maturity" is very objective/subjective, and I object! Whew, a few years have skittered by since I composed this biography block. Those "fifties" are in the rear view mirror and they are distant, fond memories. Oh, I do not plan to stop writing any time soon.
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April 30, 2020 at 4:13pm
April 30, 2020 at 4:13pm
by ~Dragon~ (645)

Shelters are seeing an increase in adoption and fostering rates right now since nobody wants to be #SaferAtHome alone! Tell us about your pet. If you don’t have one, tell us about your ideal pet!

         I've not enjoyed the company of a pet for several years now. In the past, I shared my home with cats and dogs. My living arrangements are not conducive to a pet.
         First of all, my ideal pet would have to agree to traverse the flight of nineteen steps that lead to and from my apartment. I've known many a canine who delights in throwing itself down the stairs instead of pacing or stepping directly on each step. If they miscalculate, they risk a bone-jarring tumble. I know, I've done this. A dog would also require numerous potty breaks each and every day meaning several forays up and down those stairs.
         What I need is a pet that could carry me up and down those nineteen steps,( sigh, I count them every trip), a strong animal, an animal in great physical shape. This candidate would also view the stairs as a mere hindrance, not an insurmountable obstacle.
         My ideal pet must also feel comfortable in a jungle-like setting. My indoor grow op. boasts greenery galore.
         At times, it can get a tad warm in here. I do not possess a thermostat to control the heat. Something that adapts to humidity would fit right in.
         It's okay if they do not wish to speak to me, but perhaps we could communicate via sign language. A few rudimentary gestures would suffice.
         What would my ideal pet be? I believe I've just described the attributes of an ape. I could envision a gorilla hunkered down on the reclining chair waving the t.v. remote control. I wonder if he cooks? My daughter would be happy to sew an apron for my new room mate. Does anyone know the sign for cup of tea, or banana bread?
April 29, 2020 at 12:39pm
April 29, 2020 at 12:39pm
How have you been (or not been) keeping track of the days?
Sometimes, I believe I should be scratching a big, bold 'x' on a wall for each day of my captivity, er, um, my self-isolation. It seems so dramatic and effective in movies revealing the desperation of prison occupants. One 'x' for each day behind bars,unless all those marks represent the roman numeral ten? Ack, I'd really lose count then. What if it was only an eighth day, or a ninth, but I miscounted and claimed it to be a tenth?
         There's an amusing meme floating out there in Facebook space. The days of the week have been renamed as 'thisday', 'thatday' etcetera. They all blend into a meaningless blur.
         I have definitely not been counting the days. I am well aware that it's been ' a while.' I'm not exactly sure if it's been 'forever' or ' a lifetime', but the time passed has been considerable.
         My one and only clock raps out a steady rhythm, tick, tock, tick, tock. All those seconds add up I suppose.
         I cannot claim to be completely oblivious of what day of the week it is, or the calendar date. My perfectly competent computer takes care of that and posts the pertinent information in the lower right hand screen. I also jot notes in/on a calendar. The memory can be fickle and this habit has paid off for insurance claims and medical information in the past. When did the injury happen? When and where did you seek treatment? On what day did the Covid-19 lockdown commence?
         I am not keeping track of the days by counting the missed birthday parties, the cancelled reunion, the delayed anniversaries and a possible postponed wedding.
April 27, 2020 at 12:54pm
April 27, 2020 at 12:54pm
Mon. Apr. 27th Prompt
by Fivesixer (656)

What do you think you'd be doing today if this pandemic had never happened?
         Has this several weeks of self-isolation been a dream? Have we all been swept up in a low-budget disaster film? Are we free to continue with our 'usuals' whatever they may be? No more Groundhog Day?
         Hmmm... I'd most likely be succumbing to the allure of a sunshiny day and the eagerly anticipated-at-long-last disappearance of the snow. It might finally be springtime and for a brief period, the voracious blackflies and mosquitos have not invaded our tranquility. I'd feel motivated to step outdoors and soak me up some Vitamin D. Granted, I'd be squinting, and second-guessing why I hadn't refused to wear socks and shoes in favour of my long-neglected flip-flops. I'd be shucking my jacket and denying the cool breeze.
         I'd most likely be enjoying a lunch date with my younger sister. Of course, we'd be nattering away and deflecting the overtures of a waitress intent on ushering us out before the supper rush. Yes, we do have that much to discuss.
         I could drive out to my seasonal campsite and inspect my camper. I'd satisfy myself that it had weathered another interminable winter as I opened windows and aired it out. Cautiously, I'd pull open cupboards and peer into nooks and crannies. Wielding a broom, I'd evict all manner of squatters, spiders, ants, and mice. Some inevitably take advantage of my absence to set up creepy-crawly bed and breakfasts.
          I'd struggle with the lock on the shed door before I knocked on that door to alert the flying squirrel-squatter that I wished to enter her winter abode for a site inspection. She's never been much of a housekeeper and she will occasionally pad her sleeping quarters with stuffing excised from lawn furniture cushions. As I gingerly step inside, I will spot the sleek groundhog ambling out from under the deck. I hope not to find a sticky oozing puddle in the drinks' fridge because someone neglected to remove one last can of soda.
         In the yard, I will bend over too many times to count and retrieve fallen tree branches that I pile in the firepit. I refer to this as playing pick up sticks. My efforts create a structure similar to a beaver dome. The inaugural campfire will have been set and ready to light.
         If I'm feeling particularly energetic, I'll begin raking the dense carpet of leaves. Once again, I'll marvel that 'my' trees are still standing upright and budding with tender new greenery. How can they possibly shake off that many branches and leaves and still be alive?
         Perhaps, I'll be conscious of the passing hours and hurry back home just in time to greet my grandgiggle Emily arriving for an after school visit. She'll request that we make and bake a chocolate chip pizza for a snack. After some chatting, she will ask to play on my computer 'cause internet access is spotty at best in her house.
         Ah, I miss my B.C. life.
April 27, 2020 at 11:41am
April 27, 2020 at 11:41am
Sun. April 26th Prompt
by Fivesixer (656)

Hey all...I don't remember whose turn it is to send out a prompt and instead of there not being one, I'll just post one.

How has your idea of lockdown/quarantine changed since the beginning of this month?
         Since you asked... I've been self-isolated since March 17th, and for ten days before that long ago time, I was isolated in rural Quebec. Our schools have been locked down, or is that locked up, since March 12th. When will this end?
         My concept of time has changed. It now seems to drag along. Initially, 'my' government assured me this necessary quarantine would be for a two week period. That seemed doable. That has morphed into several weeks.
         As the hours have passed, I've come to accept that this lockdown is necessary. At the beginning, this virus presented as something almost theoretical, or foreign. How could it affect us in Canada? How bad could it possibly be? These drastic measures were not implemented for other viruses such as SARS.COVID-19 sure has invaded our lives! I personally know of no virus that has shut down countries and generated fear as this one has done. It's a new experience for not only me, but everyone worldwide.
         I've learned that self-isolation is doable, one day at a time. I've learned that most people are considerate and committed to quarantine themselves for the good of everyone. It is a group effort that will benefit us all.

April 25, 2020 at 7:01pm
April 25, 2020 at 7:01pm
April 24th Prompt: What do you think that noise was in the middle of the night?
         It startled me awake, a thump, thump, thump kinda noise. I sat up in bed and strained to hear. Both dogs whimpered and paced. It started again with some whooshes and whumps.
         Mystified, I rolled out of my warm bed and rolled to my reluctant feet. On tip toe I snuck down the hall. As I neared the closed basement door, the muffled sounds grew louder.
         Clomp, clomp, whump, whump...I thought I detected a bit of a scurrying, scrabbling, scraping noise as if little nails were trying to climb wood.
         With one sudden movement, I wrenched the door open. My mouth must have dropped agape and I stared. I had no words.I rubbed my eyes and swayed on my feet. I discovered my eldest child, Carrie, crouched on the cellar steps holding a plastic cup. She swung the cup up and then forced it down onto a step above her trapping a tiny mouse.
         I never once offered to assist her, nor did I speak. Without so much as a glance my way, Carrie flipped her cup upright and explained. "This little bugger woke me up. I wanted a basement room, right?"
April 25, 2020 at 3:10pm
April 25, 2020 at 3:10pm
April 25th Prompt
by 🛸 Sum1 🗿 (705)

(This message was edited by fivesixer on 04-24-20 @ 11:05 pm EDT)

Describe the best place to hide in your home (closet, bed - under it or the covers, basement, attic, behind the couch, in a cupboard, etc.), and why it is the best?
         Alas, I do not have a safe haven, a hidey-hole in my humble apartment. There are drawers under my bed, so no room for me, let alone myself and I. That bed barely fits in the room. The closet is the world's smallest of its kind and stuffed with clothing. If I attempted to squirrel away in that tight space, I would suffocate. Hide under the covers? Nah, inconceivable.
         No attic or basement spots exist. My kitchen cupboards cannot offer refuge, they too are crammed with stuff. My loveseat sits up against a wall and it's wedged between two overflowing book shelves.
         Really, where would I hide? I do not possess large lamp shades that I could throw over my head in a pinch either, so that I could imitate a tall floor lamp.
         In this apartment, what you see is what you get. I stick out like a sore thumb. Perhaps if I could somehow disguise myself as a book.....?
April 21, 2020 at 2:42pm
April 21, 2020 at 2:42pm
April 21st Prompt
by 🛸 Sum1 🗿 (709)

I love this one! And since I have to get up and be in a virtual classroom ready to teach at 8 am, I thought I'd post this now.

Be silent for 5 minutes with your eyes closed. What do you hear? What regular sounds does your house make that you aren't consciously aware of?
         Okay, I closed my eyes and tuned my ears. I'm aware that I am slurping my tea and it's not warm anymore. Damn! Tea dribbled down my chin. Apparently, I should sip tea with my eyes open. I heard the ceramic mug clink against the wooden surface of my desk. Hooray, I didn't spill it.
         My cellphone chirps to indicate I have a text message. I am forced to open my eyes to read it and it's nothing but junk mail, irritating.
         I hear the wet sucking sound of vehicle tires driving through fresh slush. Sigh, it's snowing...again...still. I'm sitting next to a window that faces the street.
         The silver clock ensconced on a kitchen wall is relentless with its constant, precise tick, tick. I believe it's vying for attention and attempting to drown out the steady hum of the refrigerator. Everyday, I listen for that sign of life from an appliance that is over twenty years old. Sometimes, it wheezes like an asthmatic. Early this morning, it shuddered to life with a groan when the power was restored. I knew the hydro had abandoned us only because the microwave beeped a warning as it always does.
         Snow is battering the nearby window and propelled by a howling wind. Winter is reluctant to depart.
         The computer whirrs as if thinking aloud.
         Vehicles rumble past outside. The cable that runs the length of this building squeaks and that darn loose siding slaps the wall, over and over. It has yet to reach a metallic screech/scratch/scrape. The window rattles. My chair creaks; I know it wasn't my knees 'cause I haven't moved.
         Muffled voices float in. The wind distorts them.
April 21, 2020 at 2:38pm
April 21, 2020 at 2:38pm
April 20th Prompt
by 🛸 Sum1 🗿 (709)

Well, I e-mailed it, and forgot to post it. Dang it! Still getting used to doing these things.

Every once in a while, more often maybe, depending on your location, power goes out. Do you have easy access to candles or flashlights? Do you know where they are? When was the last time you checked that your flashlight worked or that you had matches with the candles for when the lights go out? Describe where you keep them.
         Short answer, yes. I do have candles and flashlights and I know where they are kept waiting to be of service. Throughout my home, candles stand vigil ready to light my space if so needed. They sit in ceramic saucers, or fancy decorative holders. I also have a former cookie tin stuffed with candles and wooden matches. This container has pride of place on a lower book shelf.
         I refuse to use the cheap matchbook matches. They are flimsy and difficult to force into a flame. I prefer the sturdy wooden matches that are housed in an equally strong box complete with a sizeable striking surface. They flare readily. I'm not handy with lighters, you know, fuel-filled flame throwers for smokers. I tend to burn myself and I wish to retain the fingerprints that I currently still have.
         Yep, there are also flashlights lurking in cupboards. Two years ago, I purchased a jumbo package of batteries from Costco. They may be bequeathed to my children. I doubt I will burn through them in my lifetime. I found rechargeable batteries in a basket, so, I'm prepared to power anything.
         Every autumn, I tote home the battery operated lamp I use in my camper. Power outages occur regularly in the winter. On Sunday, I blew the dust off this lamp and pushed in its magic button. In the gloom, it's a bright beacon capable of directing planes on a runway. The power left me for several hours and I had a book to finish devouring. I lit a couple of candles, more for the ambiance. Nothing says home like flickering candles and shadows dancing on the walls.
April 19, 2020 at 2:23pm
April 19, 2020 at 2:23pm
April 19th Prompt
by 🛸 Sum1 🗿 (709)

I guess I should have posted this last night. I figured I had the 19th thru whenever, and would post tonight, but I could be wrong. Either way, here's the prompt. I just hope it hasn't been used yet. If it has, tell me, and I'll post a new one.

Tell us about what you always wanted to do if you had more time at home. Have you done, will you do it?
         Well, I must confess that ambition has been lacking of late. Most days, I coast through, filling the time, dallying and dallying. Someone in the extended family signed up for a CraveTv subscription and they generously created a sub account for me. Yep, I've been succumbing to binge watching. I'm like a kid with a new toy.
         In the past, BC, Before Covid, I always spoke of projects I'd do if I had more time, but they didn't entail a lockdown, a stay-at-home-for-weeks scenario. This is now too much time on my hands, alone. I think I'm talking more to myself. So far, we haven't argued, or resorted to fisticuffs.
         I suppose I could paint a wall or two, but, meh, I don't really feel it. More time at home usually meant more time to myself, or more time to do something I wanted to do like travel. I'm definitely spending more time alone. The me time has accrued that's for sure. Travelling is a no go at the moment.
         My timing was way off and I purged weeks before this quarantine, so I don't have that home improvement project to keep me busy. What's left to organize? Should I alphabetize the books on my shelves? I should actually build more shelves. Perhaps I could place hundreds of photos in albums. I may read more books, but if I do that I may starve. I do get engrossed and to do this I'd need to ignore other things. My blogging would suffer. My house plants would shrivel and die. Intense reading is my summer activity. If I read a great deal now, I won't want to read then.
         Sadly, I never made any immediate short term goals. I lived day to day and that hasn't changed...much.
April 19, 2020 at 1:30pm
April 19, 2020 at 1:30pm
Saturday, April 18th Prompt
by Carol St. Ann (884)

It’s been fun. I turn over the prompting to our next volunteer and wish you all well.

Staying at Home: Up We Go!
Dig Deep. Share your best, most profound uplifting words of wisdom for those who have become disheartened and down.

Carol St. Ann
         Ya, yesterday the 18th, I kinda felt tired. I moped around a bit and then settled down with a new novel and I didn't come up for air until I'd finished reading it. Time is irrelevant when I'm immersed in a good book. That is what I do when I want to escape, or decompress, I read. Everything else fades away for a short time.
         I then dragged myself outside for a stroll in the sunshine. Huffing and puffing, fighting the strong breeze for control of my wayward hair, feeling my leg muscles contract, I felt alive. It felt freeing to be out and about. I left the four walls of my home behind.
         This self-isolation/quarantine/lockdown is dragging on and on. It seems interminable. When will it end?
         Did you know there are a plethora of platitudes circling the planet? Let a smile be your umbrella. Turn that frown upside down. Fake it 'til you make it. Don't worry, be happy. It's not always that simple , is it?
         I believe we should stop watching the news, or at least curtail our watching of it. Most of it is repetitive and depressing. Yes, there is a worldwide pandemic, but do we really need to hear about it 24/7? We are living it the best we can. We couldn't prevent it. We cope with it day by day. Too much of the newscasts focus on the doom and gloom, spouting statistics, and projected numbers. It's all too much to process.
         Did you know the British government created motivational posters for the public during the second World War? They were posted in public places and meant to reassure citizens. Many of these posters were simple and printed with these inspiring words, Stay Calm, Carry On. That's what most of us attempt to do in a crisis, carry on. We persevere. We soldier on. We don't give up.
         We carry on to benefit ourselves, our loved ones, our countries, our fellow citizens.
         We think of what we are grateful for, what has created joy in our lives. We strive to maintain that. We cherish it.

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