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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/nannamom/day/10-20-2017
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
I do not know quite what happened or when , but my hubby and I now qualify for seniors' discounts at some venues. This creates a quandary; in order to save money, but not face, we have to admit to our age. HMMMM..... We definitely do not consider ourselves to be old. In this day and age ,when people as a whole are living longer and healthier lives why are 'young seniors', those in their fifties, like moi, considered 'old'?? It's so true that age is just a perception! "Maturity" is very objective/subjective, and I object! Whew, a few years have skittered by since I composed this biography block. Those "fifties" are in the rear view mirror and they are distant, fond memories. Oh, I do not plan to stop writing any time soon.
October 20, 2017 at 8:03pm
October 20, 2017 at 8:03pm
If you had to be a member of an outdoor species during the Fall and Winter, what would you be? Would you be the kind of bird that migrates to a warmer climate? Would you be a bear, curling up nice and snug through it all? Would you be a squirrel, hiding food here and there and occasionally poking your nose out of your tree? Whatever you choose, tell us how/why you reached your decision.
          Hmmm, what animal would I be to better survive Winter? I cannot imagine myself as a bird flittering here and there. Do they ever have much of a thought in their tiny bird brains? Don't they ever tire of fluttering those wings? A bird's feet must feel the cold of the branches, the telephone lines, or the fences on a blustery day. All they can do to stay warm is puff up their chests and ruffle their feathers. Scavenging for food can't be easy in the snow and ice.
         I don't see myself as a squirrel either. Chances are I'd forget where I stashed my winter supply of nuts. I'm not partial to heights, and I'd have to reside in a tree. That bushy tail would be such a distraction.
          I dunno, being a bear might have its advantages... I could grow to love the idea of bingeing, and gorging on my favourite foods. I wouldn't have to count calories, or watch for unwanted weight gain, or diet. My appetite would be appeased with everything and anything. I could indulge my sweet tooth indiscriminately. A bear is supposed to bulk up for winter. Hearing "she's a big gal" would be the ultimate bear compliment.
          If I was a bear, I could forgo the whole shaving ritual. Hairy legs are fashionable , fetching, and warm for a bruin. Just think, no possibility of cuts and bleeding, so no future scars. Bears love their fuzz/fur.
         Hey, I wouldn't need a hair cut if I became a bear. I'd be expected to be hairy. There'd be no call for styling at all.
         I could save a bundle on personal hygiene products, too. Bears don't lose sleep worrying about showers, shampoos, or deodorants. They prefer au naturel.
         The whole-hibernating-for-months thing is appealing. It'd be one extended lie-in, with no alarm clock. Uninterrupted lazing and lounging sounds so refreshing. How could I not feel rejuvenated in the Spring?
         With this there would be an extended period of inactivity. Ah bliss, no exercise, exertion, or perspiration. I'd concentrate solely on my deep breathing.
         I believe the greatest benefit to becoming a hibernating bear is that I'd be able to avoid Winter entirely. Yes, I'd be snug in my den and protected from bitter, blustery winds. I would not shovel mountains of stubborn snow. Ice could not send me crashing to the frozen ground. I would be blissfully unaware in a type of suspended animation, dreaming of sunshine and gentle breezes.

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