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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
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March 7, 2024 at 9:14pm
March 7, 2024 at 9:14pm
Texted out of my appointment today. I was just hurting too much and I had not slept well. I was also nauseous. I had planned on getting my xrays done while I was out. Didn't get that done either. Oh well.

Did call and leave a message with nuerology today. Hopefully they will call me back tomorrow or I will have to call them again on Moday.

Didn't get anything done today. I hurt so bad it was making me nauseous. My hip, knee, and back were attacking me good.

Just not in a good place....

March 5, 2024 at 9:19am
March 5, 2024 at 9:19am
I've been writing!!!!!!!! Not only writing, but writing on my novel "Rage of Envy Rewrite Project I decided to start from the beginning and put in the changes I've been thinking about.....It feels soooo good. Now the only thing is finding the time to do it........

Seems like I just start a good streak of writing frenzy and that is when Terry decides she needs me..... I swear I'm going to sneak out and go to the library or clubhouse to write. Either place won't bother me much and clubhouse has snacks...... for a price.

Ended up not helping my niece. She canceled on me at the last minute. I had psyched myself up to do it and was looking forward to the money she promised. I got all ready and even told my worker I couldn't change our appointment when she called. Then Terry called the niece to ask her about something else she had said she needed. She said she didn't need that any more and throws in "oh by the way I don't need help today or tomorrow either. My neighbor is going to do it." I wasn't happy but I got over it.

RoE is getting more complicated. I need to look at my writing books and see if I have anything anywhere on plots and themes and such. I just think the changes I'm making are enhancing the book. Let's hope that I'm not wrong.

Just thought of something. I read horror (mostly) but the "teachers" I read write mysteries (mostly) which is what I write (mostly). I keep telling myself I need to be a broader reader (as a writer) but I can't seem to get into other genres enough to be able to finish a book. I don't know. Maybe I'll read more as I am trying to do more reviewing around here.

Maybe I'll add to this later.........

Worked on RoE almost all day and got a lot of it done. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to start retyping. Some parts are still going to be a bit sticky. I don't know how my group is going to have some of the knowledge they are going to need to know. Maybe Kristin could have hung out there once upon a time, or one of the other members of the group could have the knowledge somehow. Through a former job or something. I'll figure it out.

That niece called Terry's phone today. Terry wanted me to talk to her, but I refused. I guess I am still a little angry.

I thought Jacob made an appointment for us for a month away, but I got a text saying I have an appointment with him on Thursday. I don't know if I am going to go. I may go just to get out of the house.

Not much else going on.

Weeds and Flowers

I actually prefer some weeds instead of certain flowers. I would prefer a bouquet of wildflowers rather than roses any day. Most weeds are actually more fragrant than flowers. Weeds are easier to find in the wild. Most herbs were originally considered weeds.
I remember when I was young and playing house, we used to fill our little cooking dishes with water and a variety of weeds when we were making dinner. I remember too playing by myself and pretending I was a scientist, combining different weeds to try and create a cure for some fatal disease. I had a great imagination back then and one of the things most readily available was the weeds. A dandelion is still considered a weed though it is used like an herb for a variety of things.

If you can't tell, I am kind of fond of weeds.

March 3, 2024 at 9:33pm
March 3, 2024 at 9:33pm

I wrote a story back in High School about rumors and gossip and one girl's revenge on those who spread them about her.. She found out she could ask for things to happen, asking in a certain way, and they would. She made this one boy who always said mean things to her very clumsy. So clumsy he got kicked off the football team. One girl that was mean ended up with neon green hair that she couldn't get rid of. She asked to meet her favorite pop singer and her favorite TV star; while they were all out to lunch together she made them fight over her. In the end though her best friend convinced her that what she could do would be dangerous in the wrong hands. She ask to be able to show the government what she can do. They lock her in a facility to study her/. I shouldn't have ended iit the way I did but I had her get so depressed in the facility that she finally asks to die. I had been a depressed and troubled teen then and a lot of kids were mean to me.

Something about me:
When I was in High School they still played "step on a crack you love (insert my name here)" in my elementary school. Some of the kids didn't even know who I was. I used to walk past my elementary school on the way home from High School. When I asked them who that was, they described a girl with ratty hair whose face was covered in warts and boils. I used to say that it didn't bother me. Who else did you know in HS that was still talked about in their elementary? Truth was that it was very hurtful.

Terry has been in better spirits today. She has been trying not to bother me too much. Truth be told, she doesn't bother me any more now than she did before she broke her arm. I'm hoping she keeps up this consideration for me when she is better.

Pulled out "Rage of Envy Rewrite Project today and was paging through it. I scratched a few notes and was going to start the rewrite but I felt a little overwhelmed at the enormity of it all. I don't know why I even try writing novels. I can't even write a short story that is the right length. They always end up too short. I have short stories that are finished that I plan to rewrite and tweak into an anthology I have planned. Maybe I should find them and do that. I just don't know......

I scratched notes and a prompt idea today too. I want to do some serious writing but I don't know what to write or work on. It feels like everything is so unorganized

I bought some command hooks to hang up my pictures and things in my room but some of it I'm not going to be able to reach. Plus I read the instructions on the hooks and there is no way I am doing all of that. I keep saying to myself I need help but then I ask what I would do if i lived in my own place. I would have to do it myself. Of course, if it was my own place I'd be putting nails in the walls......

This is home and is going to remain home even if it doesn't feel like my home. I don't have my own place, but I do have (mostly) my own space.

Life is still just okay.......
March 2, 2024 at 9:32pm
March 2, 2024 at 9:32pm
Was looking up information on Chemistry for research for "Nezoom Musings I am going to need someone with an extensive knowledge of basic chemistry to answer a lot of questions before I can flesh out the prologue of the story. Looking them up was twisting me in circles and making my head spin.

Terry is home. BFHD. She is as miserable as she was before she left. Scratch that. She is more miserable. I've got to stop being so hard on her though before karma throws me for a real loop and makes me break something. Believe me, even before Terry fell, falling was on my mind.

Scratched some notes while watching Forensic Files that I may or may not use for "Rage of Envy Rewrite Project... I'd really like to get back to work on that one. It would have to go into another rewrite though. I have to see where I can work in the changes I want to make.

Idk. I want to write so much but usually when I get the time to I end up just going to sleep..... Damn apathy. I just don't care about anything. Nothing is that important.

I'm supposed to go help my "niece" on Monday and Tuesday and I wish I could get out of it. I don't really have to do much; just make sure she and her son get lunch basically. It is because of this apathetic view I have of life anymore. I used to blame my "terminal laziness" now it is my "extreme apathy".... Yeah, sounds like just excuses to me too.

Okay I'm starting to get down on myself here and I don't need any more of that than what I have already. It's hard to try and think of reasons not to do something ..... I don't want to call it stupid but that about covers it....... My main reason so far has been that I would have to hear lectures from too many people when they find out.....

Okay I need to get out of here......

March 1, 2024 at 10:50pm
March 1, 2024 at 10:50pm
Had a great idea for a dystopia story but forgot it that quick......
But I got another one......

It is set after aliens (who are like locusts; using a planets resources up then moving to the next one) What they left behind is mostly contaminated. There are less then 5000 people left on the planet scattered over the planet.

Natural Resources definition - materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and ferttile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain. Materials from the earth that are used to support life and meet people's needs....

Essential Physical Human Needs - food, water, air, sleep, exercise and shelter.
          How are these basic needs met? How many people are in our group? How do they tell if something is contaminated?

I have other notes for this story written down but I don't want to type it all now.

Terry had her surgery today. They put in a titanium ball (don't know about the socket) and she will be in a sling for several weeks. She is staying in t he hospital over night and will be home tomorrow. David stayed at the hospital through her surgery but came home before she got a room. I talked to her a couple of times and s he seems in good spirits. I just hope that having the surgery relieved some of the pain she was in.....

Cleaned my room and put my clean clothes away.

Selling my birds. Not asking much for them. I just want to get rid of them. If I get money that would be great.

Things are okay. Not good, not bad, justt okay.

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