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Writings about death, relationships, feelings, and time |
Expressing my feelings about death, the death of family members and friends, life and life's impacts. I hope to write poems about coping with death, life, family and friends, and getting the best out of life. Every emotion and every thought comes from living. I hope to live through my writings. Hoping to reach out and meet others where they are in hopes that any one of the poems will bring solace on some level. |
Rufus (BuddY) Miles, Jr, my brother-in-law, transitioned from this world to his next adventure on January 18, 2024. I am not feeling it. I am not prepared to accept it. I am not willing to let him go just yet, but he is gone. I guess I don't have to feel it, like it, or accept it because it is what it is. He is gone, never to return to this life or wait on my visit to see him. His transitioning is definitely out of my control, and I will have to keep that in mind every time I reach for the phone to call him. |
Pray for our Nation. Pray for Charleston, South Carolina. Pray for the families that lost their love ones! Pray for the shooter! Pray for his family! Pray for all of us who are shaking our heads and asking how could such a violent act be carried out by one so young after sitting with his victims for more than an hour! We are in need of God in this Country that was founded on the principles of the Bible. |
I almost read the ENTIRE meeting agenda last night! I was excited about that. Now, if my sight would only stabilize! Dr. Gancayco says that the bleeding and leakage in the left eye has stopped (it is my worst eye), and the sight has improved. The right eye is still leaking some, but my sight has improved in it as well. Long and short of the story -- there has been some improvement in my sight, but I still must go in for the injections in both eyes to maintain the ground that I have gained. Not sure how many people out there are experiencing or have experienced AMD, but take it from me it is not a disease for wimps! It is the worse roller coaster ride in the world. One day you are seeing clearly and the next day you are wondering if and when you will go blind. Then you start treatment, knowing that there is no guarantees or cure, but you are hopeful. Two or three years later you find that there is some improvement in your sight. It feels like a miracle. A reason to celebrate. A time to be extremely grateful. That is me this morning. I am eternally grateful that I am still able to see, to read, to drive, and to take care of myself. What a blessing to be alive with all of the problems, concerns, and conditions that are going on in my life. Yes, I could complain. Yes, I could feel sorry for myself Instead, I feel incredibly blessed. I have a reasonable portion of health, and woke up with a sense of wellness. We can choose to see the glass half empty or half full or we can choose to not see the glass at all and just focus on what is in it. They are all choices. I chose to see all three. By doing so, I get to make much better choices about me, my life, and my circumstances. Based on that view, I choose to be hopeful and optimistic, but not blinded by my hope and optimism. I get to see things from all three perspectives and select the one that is best for me for the moment. That's right, I get to mourn and mope around because the glass is half empty, while savoring the taste as I finish it off. I also get to rejoice in the fact that the glass is half full while pondering what is necessary to fill it back up, and anticipate the challenge. But best of all, I get to inspect what is inside the glass and determining what I can do with what is in there. How much more exciting can that be. My friend Ida decorates hats. She gets a completely beautiful hat and adds her own touches to it AFTER having a picture in her mind that would take the hat to another level. Her creations are simply divine, and the end result usually makes it one of a kind, and desired by many. Such are the choices that we get to make every day. We can take the ordinary and turn it into something wonderful and grand. It only takes time, and time is what we all get each day that grace and mercy wakes us up. We are the masters of our own fates -- it is called choices. These choices are not just going to affect our lives today, but also our future tomorrows, and therein lies our fate! Peace and blessings always on your journey! |
It's three o'clock. The world is quiet. People are sleeping. It's dark outside, and I get to have a quiet chat with the Lord. What do I say to someone who has always been there with me? Someone who has taken care of me since life began. How do I thank Him enough? Praise, worship, honor and glory seems so small. They feel like "thank you" when someone does something for you when you needed it most. Living a life of helpfulness to those around you seems to be a much better offering. Loving God and people around you will allow you to commit random acts of kindness from the heart. Those random acts of kindness will make you feel better while improving the lives of others. It is a gift that will keep on giving when you commit those random acts of kindness from the heart. Bless the Lords name often by doing things that causes his love to shine through you. Speak honestly and openly. Share the good news often. Let others see God in you and you will know why God made you even in bad times or when you think you are going through bad times. |
No matter where you find yourself, you are not alone. Yet, you can be in a crowd of five (5) thousand, and be very alone. Getting up in the morning and feeling very rested can be a very good thing. Yet, you can get up in the morning feeling very good while hating that you had to wake up. Having a quiet meal with a very special someone is often pleasing and rewarding. Loving the very special someone that you are having a quiet meal with often bring you stress. There are paradox in all of our lives, but we seem to survive them We live and breath, and do all of those things that help us to get through life. Most of these are on life's terms, but we often try to make life's terms ours. I am looking forward to another day of learning tomorrow. Even though, I have noticed that tomorrow never comes! |
I know how important it is to keep all of my eye doctor appointments. I know that I can still see, and that is a blessing based on all that I have read. Yet, I dread going. I detest the idea of that needle being stuck in first one eye and then the other. I sit in the chair waiting for the medicine to numb the eye. Then the doctor walks into the room, and I know the procedure is about to start. Which ever eye is not being worked on starts to cry. My heart gets very fluttery and I get tense holding me together. I am sure there are worse things in life, and that I am blessed to be able to afford the treatment that I am being given. I am also thankful and grateful that God has given man the knowledge to perform such intricate surgery on my eyes and those of others, but it does not stop the tears or the dread. Praying for victory in my eyes and that my sight continues to improve. It has happened for others. I know that God loves me regardless of the outcome. However, I show hope that I can see for the rest of my life all of the beauty that God has made in this world for me to enjoy. Staying in touch with my reality. |