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McKinzie S. Heart's Blog on her journey as an author
This journal is for my blogging, notes, and thoughts. Respectful comments are absolutely welcome!! I will also be posting any of my upcoming ebook/book releases! Welcome!!!
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September 13, 2021 at 3:26am
September 13, 2021 at 3:26am
Time to get back to writing! Nursing took over again especially with Covid. Maybe now I can find some quiet time to let the demons loose!
September 28, 2020 at 10:16pm
September 28, 2020 at 10:16pm
It's been a long time since I've been in here and I've been through many changes in life. I did finally achieve my BSN in nursing so now I will have more time to get back into my writing. I have so many nearly completed works and am truly excited although I'm still moving onward and upward in nursing as well. I look forward to providing more materials for Beta readers as I began to prep my novels for publication. Onward and upward! Live to write, write to live!

McKinzie S. Heart
~Live to write, write to live~
June 26, 2016 at 9:25pm
June 26, 2016 at 9:25pm
Been busy working away at the books. The health is better, taking a break for the summer from more nursing education, and now working again on several pieces. I've been working on Dark Moon Harvest so now it's up to 70K words, Fay Warrior Fay Master, Elemental Seduction-Unearthly Pleasures, and Her Hearts Desire. Been so stoked to have found the time and am excited with the hopes that some will be finished. I would love to send a story to each of my publishers, at least one to an agent (I've been wanting to secure an agent for some time but couldn't devote the time to finish my rewrite of DMH), and publish at least one piece on Amazon as an Indie publisher. On another note, the lady that was supposed to do the illustrations for my childrens books (which would be under a different name) hasn't done anything in almost two years. Guess I will scrap what she did and start over with the search. Wish I had the talent to illustrate my work but uh, no. My attempt would ruin it. So if anyone knows of someone let me know!
March 20, 2016 at 1:08am
March 20, 2016 at 1:08am
Apparently and according to wdc, it's been 27 days since I last blogged. A long time for most but not for me as inconsitent as I am with it. I did manage to get some writing done on Dark Moon Harvest and another novel that I don't like the current title bestowed upon it. I try to take it one day at a time. There are many times when life keeps me so busy, I just can't find the time go get out everything in my head. It's a constant consternation. I believe that many authors have some schizo in them hahaha. I find that in my dreams the stories help develop themselves and when I'm awake, if I allow it, the voices and actions of my characters fill my mind. I don't know how it works with anyone else but sometimes the voices can become quite nagging...perhaps that part of the brain is in hyperdrive. There are moments I lament the lack of time and moments when I feel the slight prick of jealousy because some writer friends seem to have all the time in the world. I suppose that if I relinquished my nursing career, I would have the time but then I don't think I would do well living on the street lol. I do look forward to Spring break next week. This will give me a chance to do some extra studying but more importantly, give me a chance to focus on the writing. So which story shall I pursue...Dark Moon Harvest, Fay Warrior Fay Master, Thief of Hearts, or the next novella in my Elemental Seduction Series? I'm sure that will be the dilemma. What a wonderful dilemma. Gabrielle's Game has been somewhat a thorn in my side. I wrote it strictly as erotica but it bored me. Maybe I will fluff it up and give it to one of my publishers....hmmm choices, choices, choices....so onward the mind marches...
February 22, 2016 at 3:57am
February 22, 2016 at 3:57am
An author friend of mine, Kim Dahl, has asked me to be a guest at her Internet Release Party for three books she has coming out. She wants me to discuss my books as well. How nice is that?
February 22, 2016 at 12:32am
February 22, 2016 at 12:32am
So, yes, I placed my writing on the backburner while working and taking statistics at school (my nemesis). However, I did manage to get some writing in on one of my novels at about 80,000 words now. I suspect that with the way I'm handling my stories, I will have several novels ready at the same time. This will actually work so that I can send a piece to each publisher, send one to an agent, and indie publish a couple through amazon. I have a friend who indie publishers on there and has done quite well for herself. She's hounded me for a while about it so I believe it's time to pursue it. I have to be thankful for my author friends who push me so well when I get involved with other things. The agency that I've been thinking about is 3 Seas Agency. I've been watching them for a few years. Well, later for now. Maybe it won't be so long between blogs!
July 1, 2015 at 1:37am
July 1, 2015 at 1:37am
Well, the ideas are flowing and the brain is kicking in gear. Just need the time to work on the stories. One of my publishers says that ebook sales are down a little bit for everyone across the board who writes. I'm just ready to spread my work around a little...send some work to an agent, send more to the publishers, and indie publish some on Amazon. But as I've said before, there are several in the works. Most likely they will be done all at once lol. How I will be glad about that. My youngest daughter will be visiting in the next few days and bringing our new puppy so it will be a pleasant juggling act.
June 28, 2015 at 11:09pm
June 28, 2015 at 11:09pm
Our little jack russell/italian greyhound mix dog is fearless. She and I went out onto the porch so she could potty while I sat in the dark enjoying the night. Suddenly, her hackles went up, she started growling, then shot off the porch barking. I could see a tall, thick figure messing with my apple tree in the dark. I hurried into the house, grabbed a flashlight, and ran back out to shine a little light on the situation. I laughed. There on its hind legs stood a deer enjoying its treats. I couldn't see Sadie anywhere. The deer, well it didn't care. Sadie didn't phase it one bit. I continued to laugh as Sadie, The Fearless, slunk up the steps and begged to go into the house. Moments later, I had to coax her out from under my bed with treats. Bet she thought that was the biggest damned funniest smelling dog she had ever seen! My fearless hero pfft...
June 22, 2015 at 4:24am
June 22, 2015 at 4:24am
Yep, sitting here at work feeling brain dead and ready to go home. Frustrating. Half the time I'm off, I'm sleeping and recooperating from working hard on the hospital floor. The other half can't be spent strictly writing since that's when errands need to be done. Ok, pity party over....
June 20, 2015 at 5:10pm
June 20, 2015 at 5:10pm
So hard to wake up and get going to my "real" job of night nursing. I love nursing but decided on this career so it could support my writing habit. Instead, it's mostly taken over so I find myself trying to squeeze in writing time when I can. It can be rough when you have two loves-two career goals. Ah well, it will all come together. Life is good.
June 20, 2015 at 3:57am
June 20, 2015 at 3:57am
Well, juggling several stories so there might be a few that come out at the same time like the last batch. Working on Dark Moon Harvest, Elemental Seduction - Unearthly Pleasures (Book Three), The Silver Fox Presents-Her Heart's Desire, Fay Warrior Fay Master, Thief of Hearts, and the Devils Den. I know, I know. I tend to work on several at once but you know how it goes...all the voices are yelling out for attention and one must pay some attention to each one. As long as I'm writing, this is a good thing. I really can't say when the next one will be out. I have another one at about 80k words but I hate the title that I gave it. I find that working on several stories, I can rotate them when I get story fatigue. That way, I don't have a problem with writer's block. Oh yeah...working on one called Kiss of the Dragon. So eeny, meeny, miny, mo. A writer friend of mine as suggested that when finished with the rewrite of Dark Moon Harvest, I should publish it on Amazon. Think I will do that. I would like to send another to an agent too. That way I would have my current two publishers, amazon, and an agent. Sounds good to me!! Ah, my cats and dog are begging for treats so I must go care for my masters before returning to writing!
June 2, 2015 at 1:32am
June 2, 2015 at 1:32am
Between work and school, still plugging away at my novel Dark Moon Harvest. Aiming to get it published in the next couple of months. Pretty psyched. Don't know how I'm juggling this but I am.
May 29, 2015 at 1:39am
May 29, 2015 at 1:39am
Such great news! I received a 5 Star Review on my short story The Rekindling and a 5 Star Review on my novella Elemental Seduction - The Dance. This always makes an author happy :)
February 15, 2015 at 8:43pm
February 15, 2015 at 8:43pm
Well, one of my publishers (Fireborn Publishing) is in need of short stories 20k and under so I sent another one. It's called Eternal Fire. I'm not liking the title I gave it so maybe they can think of something a little better. Thinking about sending Gabrielle's Game next but that one seems to be more erotica than romantica. I don't know. I'll have to think on it. Meanwhile, still plugging along with Dark Moon Harvest and have been working on another called The Devil's Den. It's really going to be funny when these are completed at the same time but that's how I work. Still want to send Dark Moon Harvest to an agent. May send The Devil's Den to Fireborn since it will be a novel. Fay Warrior, Fay Master I think I will send to Rogue Phoenix Press :))))
January 23, 2015 at 1:29am
January 23, 2015 at 1:29am
Looks like the cover art for my novella, Elemental Seduction - The Dance, has been done. Now just have edits to do with the publisher and it will be ready. Next will be putting together the second Elemental Seduction - Requited by Fire :)
January 2, 2015 at 6:18pm
January 2, 2015 at 6:18pm
Well, it's been awhile I know. Working again on the rewrite of Dark Moon Harvest and have made it to chapter 28. Think I have just over 59k words but still have so much more that I want to add. My two Elemental Seduction novellas are due to come out before June with Rogue Phoenix Press. Been so busy working overtime at work that I haven't given myself enough time for writing. Been happy with the progress on DMH though. Oh how much easier it would be if I wasn't working fulltime plus. I need to work on two more novellas that go with the Elemental Seduction series. Still have to work on Earth and Water. So it is with working and writing and trying to achieve the right balance. Eventually, I would like to make writing my next career. Received an invitation in my email about travel writing. I know that would be fun but don't think I'm at that place in my life to do it. Don't have a financial safety net. Maybe one day when I retire, I might be able to do that. My husband says that if I could, then I could incorporate my travels into my romance novels. Of course...that's what I was thinking :)
November 4, 2014 at 3:29am
November 4, 2014 at 3:29am
Working on Dark Moon Harvest and Fay Warrior, Fay Master. Feeling good about the progress. Gonna submit some paperwork to Fireborn Publishing so they can accept my short story Doctor's Orders and send it to second print. My two Elemental Seduction novellas are supposed to go to second print with Rogue Phoenix Press. Just waiting to hear when that process will begin. If I wasn't working so much nursing overtime, maybe I could devote more time to my writing.
October 9, 2014 at 5:24pm
October 9, 2014 at 5:24pm
The creative juices are flowing and I'm writing but work gets in the way. Been working a lot of overtime to pay for the wedding which leaves very little quality time to devote to my stories. I'm feeling a little burned out from working. I do hope that one day soon, I can devote more time to my passion so that there may be the possibility of making it my third career.
October 9, 2014 at 5:24pm
October 9, 2014 at 5:24pm
The creative juices are flowing and I'm writing but work gets in the way. Been working a lot of overtime to pay for the wedding which leaves very little quality time to devote to my stories. I'm feeling a little burned out from working. I do hope that one day soon, I can devote more time to my passion so that there may be the possibility of making it my third career.
August 12, 2014 at 12:01am
August 12, 2014 at 12:01am
Well, been doing a lot of overtime at work to pay for my wedding things. At least there has been some downtime lately. Started back working on Dark Moon Harvest. So excited to squeeze in some time. Working over this week too but when I get off Friday morning, I will have 5 days off. This will be great to really crunch it with the writing.

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