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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #2161749
Just shooting the poop with Lori
He travels the world on the backs of others
Insignificant in his stature and size
His journey carries no mission
Randomly roaming at the will of his host
Sated enough to never question his trek
Life is an open adventure without worry
If the excitement of his dusty trail dulls
Another bus awaits to grant passage
With a furry friend to carry him home
Ah the wonderful life of a flea
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November 28, 2018 at 3:48pm
November 28, 2018 at 3:48pm
Money makes the world go round, they say. This is never more obvious when you see someone trying to keep their head above water. This is the time of year everyone is hurting. What little I can give is a mere drop in the bucket but if it helps one person than the gift is priceless. The red kettles are there to give people a fighting chance. Count your blessings and dig deep my friends.
November 25, 2018 at 10:19am
November 25, 2018 at 10:19am
What to do...What to do? The neighbor across the street has decorated her house for the season. It looks beautiful! I need to do the same. My dilemma stems from her positioning of a large glittery ornament in her window. When the sun is shining it shines a glaringly bright light into our front window. You are blinded by the light as you stand in our living room. When the curtains are drawn closed it still manages to shine its glinting light our way. This happens to be a not overly friendly neighbor, so I will probably endure the glare. I thought about looking for a light reflecting decoration to place in my window but was afraid it might start a modern-day laser war. I can see the headlines now "Star Wars revisited in small Mid-Western town". Here we go with small world problems! Love thy neighbor and thank her for sharing her seasonal joy with everyone. That is the Christian
thing to do.
November 24, 2018 at 11:09am
November 24, 2018 at 11:09am
So I'm cooking a turkey today. In case you hadn't noticed it's Saturday. I'm a little late but we ate at the family dinner on Thursday. I hate not having leftovers and all the turkey trappings so I usually cook on the following weekend. It is probably nuts that I do this, seeing as I could totally avoid the mess. I just don't want to forget how to cook and I like just a dinner with my husband and kids. Not as much food is involved. So I better get to it!
November 23, 2018 at 11:34am
November 23, 2018 at 11:34am
And so it begins.... the Christmas season is upon us. We will now be inundated with sale ads, commercials, and mailings vying for the almighty buck. Each outlet spends money to convince us that our lives are not complete without the purchase of (fill in the blank). We are lured to their product like a fish on the line. Bigger and flashier ads follow to reel us in as Christmas approaches. Any means possible are used to ensure the sale, such as pulling on the heartstrings of family love. If we allow it, we detract from the spirit of Christmas. Find the vibes and hold them close this season. There is nothing that we need to be made of metal, plastic, or string that will brighten our holidays. It is the flesh and blood of loved ones that blankets the world for us. It is memories made that carry us through the tough times. It is laughter shared that warms the heart. Merry Holidays to one and all. Throw away the ads!
November 22, 2018 at 9:44am
November 22, 2018 at 9:44am
Happy Thanksgiving Day! May your Blessings carry you through the holidays and into the new year. May you cheer the love of family and friends. May you always travel the road of goodness. May God hold you forever close. And may your turkey be tasty and fluffy.
November 18, 2018 at 3:46pm
November 18, 2018 at 3:46pm
To go bowling or to work, that is the question? One costs money while the other makes money. One is social and one allows little social interaction. One is laughs and giggles and the other is not so much. One will wear me out physically and the other will exhaust me physically and mentally. There is camaraderie to be found at both but one side cheers your skills while the other tosses people up and over with you. one causes your back to ache while the other turns your back into the form of a pretzel. I am allowed bathroom breaks at bowling but nursing bladders are infamous for never being drained. Such a dilemma....I think I would rather bowl today. May the bowling God's be with me.
November 16, 2018 at 4:39pm
November 16, 2018 at 4:39pm
The trendy fundraiser now sweeping the Midwest is "Glo Bingo". I am set to indulge in this experience tonight. It is set to be a reminiscent-disco, epileptic-seizure inducing free for all night of fun. They liquor you up so you spend more money. They stuff you with food so your resistance is low. I, however, am wise to their ways so will not fall for the gimmicks. I might just have a hard time ignoring the neon flaring of intense light in my pupils as it hypnotizes me to spend. I guess I'll get my "Glo" on.
November 15, 2018 at 5:38pm
November 15, 2018 at 5:38pm
Blog blog,blog, blog,...... Oh sorry, I was supposed to write something. The snow around here has me blurry eyed and sleepy. All I can say is that I'm no longer dreaming of a White Christmas, instead, I seem to be destined for a White Thanksgiving. Turkey day is done in slow motion this year. Have a great week!
November 12, 2018 at 11:59am
November 12, 2018 at 11:59am
An old man professes his love to a girl half his age.

" Listen up Shavone. You are my kind of gal."

"Lester you are nice and all, but you're just not the model for me."

"Lady, I am a classic. My joints might creak, but I am priceless."

"If that means that you are an old fart, Okay."

"I may be older and wiser. It just means that I am better tested. I have survived everything they threw at me. I persevered while other replicas have been crushed."

"Yes, the body damage is evident! "

"Baby, you may be sleek and sexy, but I endure. You know it's true I love your style. You have that shiny gloss and springy look about you, but I am sturdy and strong."

"Lester, they call that old-school style. You are just an old counterfeit of a newer model."

"You are causing collateral damage to my heart by your comments, girl. Remember, I withstood the test of time. I outlived those bogus models that you have your eyes on, sweetie."

"Lester, I have to tell you, those younger guys are my kind of eye candy. All of that alloy and metal hardware they sport turns my head. It just electrifies me."

"But, woman you will love my wood. It is smooth and splinter-free. It gets polished on a regular basis."

"But how much damage has it seen, Lester? I want to be nice, but your wood is kind of dented."

"Those dents, my love, are proof that I outlasted those fakes that turn your head. I pulled through the crash of life so many times. My dings and dents are badges of honor, baby."

"Lester I think you are just a dummy, like all the rest."
An old man professes his love to a girl half his age.

" Listen up Shavone. You are my kind of gal."

"Lester you are nice and all, but you're just not the model for me."

"Lady, I am a classic. My joints might creak, but I am priceless."

"If that means that you are an old fart, Okay."

"I may be older and wiser. It just means that I am better tested. I have survived everything they threw at me. I persevered while other replicas have been crushed."

"Yes, the body damage is evident! "

"Baby, you may be sleek and sexy, but I endure. You know it's true I love your style. You have that shiny gloss and springy look about you, but I am sturdy and strong."

"Lester, they call that old-school style. You are just an old counterfeit of a newer model."

"You are causing collateral damage to my heart by your comments, girl. Remember, I withstood the test of time. I outlived those bogus models that you have your eyes on, sweetie."

"Lester, I have to tell you, those younger guys are my kind of eye candy. All of that alloy and metal hardware they sport turns my head. It just electrifies me."

"But, woman you will love my wood. It is smooth and splinter-free. It gets polished on a regular basis."

"But how much damage has it seen, Lester? I want to be nice, but your wood is kind of dented."

"Those dents, my love, are proof that I outlasted those fakes that turn your head. I pulled through the crash of life so many times. My dings and dents are badges of honor, baby."

"Lester I think you are just a dummy, like all the rest."

"I just want to sing the blues *Music1* *Music2* *Music1*
With this kind of news
Girl, I certainly love you
You have to know it's true
I may just be a manikin
an old wooden skeleton
You're making me feel crummy
By calling me just a dummy
I'm setting the record straight, girl
I'm a one of a kind time-tested pearl
Very proud of my lifelong career
This old fart never shows any fear
A first generation classic diagnostic tool
Never a dummy and never a fool
You can call me old school
If you just have to be cruel
I am a car crash aficionado
Built from wood, a long time ago
Been Battered and crushed
But I will not be hushed
Been thrown about like a mummy
An official auto crash dummy
Car companies think I'm keen
I keep showing up at the scene
Shavone if you stick around
I won't let them melt you down"

"Lester, I sure don't want to end up in the fire pit like the other metal dummies. There is certainly something to be said for wood. Let's go give it a test, you dummy. "

Word count 484
November 12, 2018 at 10:04am
November 12, 2018 at 10:04am
Veteran's, I thank you for your service now, ever, and always. I have been blessed with safe nights and peaceful calm because of the diligence with which you fulfilled your duty. Loyalty to your country has provided my family with a safe haven in which to grow. My allegiance to your sacrifice and unwavering support of our country will never diminish. Thank You!

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