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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #2161749
Just shooting the poop with Lori
He travels the world on the backs of others
Insignificant in his stature and size
His journey carries no mission
Randomly roaming at the will of his host
Sated enough to never question his trek
Life is an open adventure without worry
If the excitement of his dusty trail dulls
Another bus awaits to grant passage
With a furry friend to carry him home
Ah the wonderful life of a flea
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October 17, 2019 at 5:56pm
October 17, 2019 at 5:56pm
It's as if you are sitting on the edge of your seat, watching a nail biting, drama impending saga to unfold. The popcorn is soggy with butter and the salt curls your nostril hairs with it's bite.There is no clue what happy clown or evil doer waits around the bend. It is life that has come-a-knocking at your door. Do you answer?
October 14, 2019 at 9:44am
October 14, 2019 at 9:44am
My sweet, sweet Blog, I apologize for my tardiness. I have been delinquent in my duties as a blogger. Each day you send reminders, yet I have ignored the calling. There is no excuse for me to offer. It takes but a moment to jot my thoughts of the day down. In my heart, I am but a procrastinator of all life's deeds and tasks. I promise to mend my slovenly ways. Five days is entirely too long to avoid my friends.

My thoughts about life's events the past week are from an insiders perspective. First, I believe that the appliances in our homes have human characteristics. They eavesdrop on conversations, like Siri, but in a more mechanical, less obvious way. The just hang around doing their jobs waiting for the moment that they can say"Gotcha". My proof is the conversation with my husband about our tight finances this month because of tuition payments. Almost immediately, my washer walked off the job and quickly followed by the toaster. I've known and loved the washer for 20 fine years, and the toaster for 10 years. The washer and I had years of long passionate interludes with dirty under-drawers and smelly clothes. The toaster and I had toasted and cheered our mornings with bagels, peanut-butter toast, and pop tarts. It is a sad day in my home. They were like family and I feel quite betrayed by the beasts..

Halloween is upon us! All things eerie are visible. My husband was stressed because he hadn't gotten the yard decorations up. Good news! We have our goblin and ghost present and accounted for. I wish they made transformer decorations, that with the touch of a button would transform to a turkey, Santa, and baby New Year.. Life would be sweet.

That's ......all ... folks!
October 9, 2019 at 5:21pm
October 9, 2019 at 5:21pm
Back to work for the next few days, no time to play. I like my job, but there are days that I, like 9 million others, wish I were independently wealthy. I picture myself sitting on a yacht in front of my computer, tapping out the stories that call to me, as I float merrily along. Anyone else have this fantasy? Thoughts such as this get me through the tough days. No matter how old I get, I will allow the dreams to visit. They seem to take the monotony away.
October 8, 2019 at 6:34pm
October 8, 2019 at 6:34pm
Hello Folks,

It is a grand day full of sunshine. Instead of being outside to enjoy it I shivered indoors writing my latest and greatest. Be sure to take a moment to read it. Have a great day.
When The End Comes   (E)
A much too wordy tale based on prompt from "Screams"
#2202586 by L.A. Grawitch
October 4, 2019 at 9:21am
October 4, 2019 at 9:21am
I do my best writing when I'm driving home in the morning. The problem is I'm going to have to install a tape recorder to talk into because by the time I get home the ideas have all drifted away in the fog of my brain. I might have had a best seller somewhere lurking.
October 2, 2019 at 9:37am
October 2, 2019 at 9:37am
Wow, what a night! Night life at the hospital is not the quiet library-like atmosphere that people would have you believe it is. People truly do not sleep through the night. I have had patients request several items and tell me when I'm done that I can go ahead and go back to sleep. I will dispel this myth here and now! Night shift nurses do not sleep. They do not pay me to sleep,it is not allowed. In between the serving of sandwiches, sodas, and jello for 2 a.m. snacks there is a bustle of medical activity happening that the other patients may not see. I personally transported 2 people to MRI and Xray for testing in the middle of the night and because their health was precarious I, as the nurse, had to remain with the patient. We had a code and an almost code. For some odd reason they decided to do 2 fire drills for which we had to respond. Three of our patients were what we call "sundowners " and required extra attention to maintain their safety. Our water and ice machine shot craps so the distance to obtain the aforementioned items was twice as great. I wish I would have had my pedometer to count the steps traveled. Admissions did not stop. IV catheters were going bad or being pulled out every time we turned around. The teamwork among the five nurses was phenomenal. When all was said and done, I felt good about all of the things I accomplished and the care I provided, but I am whooped. So my sleep awaits.
September 29, 2019 at 12:12pm
September 29, 2019 at 12:12pm
Good Sunday morning folks!
I hope all is well with you and things are on the sunny side of life for you great people. May your toast be buttered on the top and your jam be sweet and juicy. I am spending my afternoon with my youngest son getting senior pictures done. Part of me is a little melancholy but I love the person that he has become. Last night, he was honored for the Eagle Scout project that he completed for our community. He has some good things going on in his life and I couldn't be happier for him.

It is so easy to let stress overwhelm you, but take that special moment to rally in the good fields. Life is sometimes hard and you just have to keep on swinging the hammer and punching the bag. Finding joy in the small things is at times an accomplishment of grand proportions. The memories are well worth the fight. May your dandelions be few, and your grass be lush and green.
September 26, 2019 at 3:24pm
September 26, 2019 at 3:24pm
Hello world it's Thursday, a day that sits miserably unrecognized in the midst of all weekdays. It lacks the pizzazz of all the rest. It carries no hump nor thanks of goodness. IT isn't blamed for all of the woes of world such as Monday. Tuesday could possibly be the lackluster sister of Thursday but at least gets credit for moving the week along. Thursday has no such claim to fame. I, am here to turn the tables and release Thursday from the incognito status of previous years. So here I go! Yeah, it is almost Friday, and i'm off for the weekend. The weather is beautiful and hot darn it's Thursday. Anybody got a Thursday poem they wish to share?
September 24, 2019 at 8:48am
September 24, 2019 at 8:48am
Have you ever had a neighbor that drives you absolutely batty? The kind of person of which I speak are the ones that are into everybody's business or better said as their guana doesn't stink. Luckily this neighbor lives down the street, so I am not on her radar for my imperfections, but the things that you see her post on social media are wicked. She called one neighbor out for not sweeping the clippings from mowing out of the ditch.She blasted the local restaurant for giving her son a burger with ketchup instead of plain as they ordered claiming their night was ruined because of the incident. Our roads were recently oil and chipped
( 9 million little rocks) and she insisted that the neighborhood learn to drive correctly and at a lower than usual speed to preserve the condition of the roads. One neighbor had a limb fall on their shed from a particularly nasty storm and this woman informed them that it wouldn't have happened if they just would have trimmed the tree properly. I avoid this woman like the plague because of her negativity. When I see her posts I am saddened by the bitterness of her life. This is a functioning middle-aged woman with four happy and healthy teen-aged sons and I wonder what brought her to this state of rage over the minuscule events of life My point with all of this is to live and let live. Don't sweat the small things Look for the good or more importantly try to be part of the good. So in that respect, her yard looks marvelous!
September 17, 2019 at 9:40pm
September 17, 2019 at 9:40pm
Having some fun in a local writing class. It is always great to hear the mind mingling of other souls as they put together the pieces of their stories. I am fascinated by the thought processes of each individual, including myself. The outcome is ever varied and the colorful hue of each yarn is unique to the individual. One poignant line can lead a writer down paths yet visioned. In a nutshell, that is my joy that writing gifts to me. It is like searching for buried treasure on an empty page and finding the pearl hidden in the recesses of your mind. Creativity birthed.

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