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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing.Com · #2251487
Guided by prompts from WDC blogging challenges... and of course, life
HI! I'm Jenn - and I'm all over the place (well, at least my mind is). In this blog, I have attempted to gather my thoughts on things prompted/inspired by WDC blogging challenges from "Journalistic Intentions, "The Soundtrack of Your Life, "Blogging Circle of Friends , "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS and, well, LIFE.
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February 12, 2022 at 11:54am
February 12, 2022 at 11:54am

My husband and I were supposed to spend the day together today. He didn't wake me this morning and I woke on my own right as he was getting ready to go to the park. He said he thought I needed the sleep and the cold spell that settled in overnight would make it difficult for me to be outdoors for very long. So, he walked out the door. I didn't know he was going to come in, or I would have held back the flood that was pressing outward from behind my eyes. He saw the tears and became upset and didn't listen when I told him to go have fun. After all, his reasons for not waking me or waiting for me to get ready so I could go to the park too were valid ones. I just want him to know that these tears aren't just because I didn't get to go with him. What he did was just the catalyst, not the cause of the dam being broken open.

They've been building up for a while - a very long while. You see, the downward spiral continues. I can tell the depression is trying to take over again, has been for a while. But this time, I am lucky. God has blessed me with tears so there might be release. For me, tears are a commodity. Not crying is not a show of strength for me. I don't cry because I can't. Sjogren's Syndrome usually keeps my eyes lacking moisture. Most times, when I need to cry, I can't. So today when I say God has blessed me with tears, I mean it. The tide of salty release continues, even as I write this entry. There is no stopping it until my heart is emptied of their melancholy heaviness.

The chill seeps through the window and into my joints, making them hurt more than usual. I look outside, through the blur of tears in my eyes and I see the trees bowing in the heavy winds and I thank my husband for being so mindful to know that the conditions outside weren't good for me. If only he could know these tears weren't the tears of someone who isn't getting their way - they're the tears of someone who desperately needs release. I suppose it is good he went without me and didn't choose to stay in too. My tears have always been a personal thing, even after knowing each other for 22 years, I still find it difficult to cry in front of him - even now, when the tears come rarely. Perhaps, when the tears finally run dry again, things will get closer to normal. Perhaps I will cry until I don't need to cry for a while. Let the tears roll freely. They wash clean my soul and lighten my heart. Once they stop, there will be peace to be found for a time.

Thank you, Lord, for the ability to cry.
February 11, 2022 at 12:17pm
February 11, 2022 at 12:17pm

Soundtrack of Your Life Logo

I woke today, still stuck on Dylan songs (this time it was Blowin' in the Wind). But instead of putting another Dylan song here today, I decided to go with the super-band that Dylan was a part of, The Traveling Wilburys. The Traveling Wilburys were a blend of American and British superstars Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison, Jeff Lynne, and George Harrison. The idea to make this band was conceived from a conversation Harrison and Lynne had during the making of Harrison's 1987 album Cloud Nine. It actually came to fruition the following year when the five stars got together to record Handle With Care, a bonus track for Harrison's upcoming single. The five agreed to record a full album, Traveling Wilburys Volume 1 in mid 1988, after Handle With Care was deemed to be too good to be released in such a limited fashion. When Roy Orbison died in December 1988, the group released their second and final album titled Traveling Wilburys Volume 3 which came out in 1990.


More factual tidbits for your reading pleasure:

* The release of the first album had a positive effect in revitalizing both Dylan's and Petty's careers
* The album Traveling Wilburys Volume 1 won the Grammy for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group in 1990
* The band members each adopted pseudonyms as half-brothers from the fictional family of travelling musicians The Wilburys
* After several years of unavailability, the two albums were reissued by the Harrison estate in the 2007 box set The Traveling Wilburys Collection, which included a DVD containing their music videos and a documentary on the formation of the band.
* The Handle With Care music video contains photos of the stars in their formative years
* The music video for End of the Line is a tribute to the late, great Roy Orbison - a rocking chair holding nothing but Orbison's guitar and a photo of him on the table


So, which song did choose as today's musical entree? End of the Line is my choice. The song is upbeat and uplifting. It has helped me get through the worst of days over the last few years with its message of "It's all right."


February 10, 2022 at 11:18am
February 10, 2022 at 11:18am
Soundtrack of Your Life Logo

Other than Willie Nelson, one of the musicians that could make me swoon was Bob Dylan. The man's got the whole package: he writes his songs, he sings wonderfully (in my opinion), he plays guitar, and he plays the mouth harp. If I haven't said so before, let me say it now, I love the sounds that come out of a harmonica. Whether it is blues, country, folk, jazz, rock, or whatever, I love the sound of a harmonica.

Many of Bob's songs are just as meaningful today as they were back in the 1960's and 1970's when he wrote them. This is definitely true for the song I chose for today. The Times They Are A'Changin' has as much meaning today as it did in 1963 when it was first released.

Here are some interesting facts about this song:
* Bob Dylan commented about this song in the liner notes of his box-set album "Biograph" (1985) - "It was influenced of course by the Irish and Scottish ballads …'Come All Ye Bold Highway Men', 'Come All Ye Tender-Hearted Maidens'. I wanted to write a big song, with short concise verses that piled up on each other in a hypnotic way."
* The song was originally recorded by Bob Dylan as a Witmark publishing demo in October 1963, a version that was later released on "The Bootleg Series Volumes 1–3 (Rare & Unreleased) 1961–1991".
* In the song, the line "Waters around you have grown" is a reference to the Biblical Flood, a metaphor for the civil rights movement in the 1960s - and it could also reference events happening more recently in the United States, Canada, and certain other countries in the world.
* The Times They Are A'Changin' reached number 9 in the British top-ten.
* In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked The Times They Are A'Changin' number 59 on its list of the "500 Greatest Songs of All Time".

So yeah, it's worth a listen - or if you aren't a fan of his style of crooning, at least read the lyrics.

Other great and timeless Dylan songs include: Blowin' in the Wind (1962), Like a Rollin' Stone (1965), and Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1973).

February 9, 2022 at 12:02pm
February 9, 2022 at 12:02pm
Soundtrack of Your Life Logo

In 2021 there were many days that I knew were going to be doozies from the time I woke in the morning. The pain was too much, being around people overwhelmed me, I stressed over financial problems - that sort of thing. Of course, I would pray for a better day than how I felt it starting out. Inevitably, I would play music to help soothe my ill and weary soul. One of the main songs I would play was "Lord I Hope This Day Is Good" sang by Don Williams. Today has been one of those days and I found the song already playing in my head when I woke this morning. I hope it helps - and Lord, I hope this day is good.

"Lord I Hope This Day Is Good" is listed now as a classic country song and was written in 1981 by David Hanner. It was released in November 1981 on Don Williams' album "Especially for You" and became Don's twelfth hit on the country charts. It stayed at number one for a week but spent a total of 20 weeks on the top country music charts. Since its first release, it has been covered by artists like Leanne Womack and Anne Murray - and the song stays as beautiful as ever, regardless of the singer.

Have a pleasant day everyone. I pray y'all's days are good too.


February 8, 2022 at 10:22am
February 8, 2022 at 10:22am
Soundtrack of Your Life Logo
Feb. 8, 2022

You ever wake up in the morning and realize it's going to be one of those days where your mind is all over the place? Your brain already seems to be on hyperdrive when you open your eyes. I felt that last year more than I care to admit. What got me thinking about that? It's how I woke this morning as well. And I added coffee to the mix. I haven't had coffee in I don't know how long, but this morning I woke all congested and knew the coffee would dilate my bronchial tubes. So, I drank coffee. Now I'll be jittery and all over the place most of the day - but I won't be congested! For today's offering, I chose a song that is a favorite of mine and my husband. We happened across this song about 20 years ago while we were on a road trip to Houston Texas. We'd never heard the like, and we wanted more, so when the DJ announced what the song was and who performed it when it was over, I made sure to write it down - because even back then my memory wasn't the best.

The group, called Focus consists of Thijs van Leer, drummer Pierre van der Linden, and Jan Akkerman, and was created as "just a send-up of those rock groups." The song I chose, "Hocus Pocus," originally recorded in 1971, is an instrumental hit known for its use of yodeling. The song stood out on the radio as there was nothing like it on the airwaves. It also contains flute, accordion and various vocal sounds. The album version of this Van Leer/Akkerman composition runs to 6 minutes 42 seconds. The radio version entered the Billboard Chart at #98 the week ending March 3, 1973 and peaked at #9 the week ending June 2, 1973. What was created as a joke turned out to be very popular, but Hocus Pocus was the only hit of the Dutch progressive rock band.

Welcome to the chaos of my mind summed up in one song.

February 7, 2022 at 11:04am
February 7, 2022 at 11:04am
Soundtrack of Your Life Logo
7 February 2022

         Feb. 7 - my big brother's birthday. For a long time, I was jealous that he got to experience everything before I did. Even his birthday came in Feb. before mine does (mine's the 19th). But as kids, he let me tag along with him and his friends. I got into as much trouble as they did, and sometimes more. My family has always been a close one. Many other kids didn't have that and therefor couldn't understand the need I felt to take up for my big brother when he was getting bullied. Yeah, my brother is older, but he was always more of a pacifist while we were growing up where I was the one always looking for a fight or some other kind of excitement. I didn't like that people were bullying my family - so on more than one occasion I beat them up since he wouldn't.
         Adulthood separated that sibling closeness. He was done putting up with my shenanigans and I wasn't about to stop. And still, he was the first to do things: have a kid, get married, own his own house. Today I look back and think well, that's his right as the older sibling. Back then I couldn't see it though. And so, I sought out things he'd never do or try so I would have some "firsts" of my own. More shenanigans, more trouble - especially within the family. And time marched on - but I haven't missed a year of wishing him a happy birthday. Even those years he refused to talk to me. Somewhere along the way, our personalities switched a bit. He became more confrontational, and I became more reserved. That's the working of things I suppose.
         Nowadays, he drives me up a wall and I can only handle him in small doses. But he's my brother so I set aside my differences a couple times a year for the good of the family. And hey, when asked while at these family functions, "Why do ya drink?" The answer is easy. It's the best way to dull the annoyingness of my brother. And it's in my blood to do so (that's another story). And getting stoned? Well, that's one helluva way to make time around the big bro more livable. And so, I guess I started my own Family Traditions...

Happy birthday big bro. This one's for you.

Family Traditions - Hank WIlliams Jr.

February 6, 2022 at 11:29am
February 6, 2022 at 11:29am
Soundtrack of Your Life Logo

         I sit here today, in a disc golf frame of mind, unable to go out to the course to scratch that particular itch. The cold weather is not my friend and magnifies the amount of pain that I must endure every day. And it is keeping me indoors, as I reserve my strength for work. In 2021, as my health continued to get better, Mark (my Hubby and partner in all sorts of shenanigans) would take me to the nearby courses for me to gain strength and soak in the vibes of nature. At first, it was all I could do just to walk even six holes of the 18-hole courses. But as I became stronger with time, I slowly worked my way up to being able to walk the entire 18 holes - twice in a day. Summer and early fall of 2021 saw me relearning how my body moves to the point that I was able to not only walk the courses but play them as well. Being able to get out to the course again and chunk some plastic (as we like to put it) was like the opening of the cage that had held me prisoner. I had regained my outlet for reducing stress, communing with nature, and socializing. The awkwardness that I feel when I am around people in most circumstances doesn't happen when I am on the course. We all share the same love of the sport, the same feeling of freedom as we watch our discs fly through the sky. Most of us have no problem when someone talks shit about our game - or talking shit about someone else's game. It's all in the spirit of the game. And a round of disc golf is a walk in the park - no matter how badly I play. It isn't about being competitive with others (especially not at the level at which I once again find myself) it is about competing with yourself and the forces of nature. Even the top pros can be bested by a good strong wind from out of nowhere. But like I said, I'm unable to play due to the weather. I told Mark to go without me as he loves the sport as much as I and would have driven me crazy pacing the halls of the house had he stayed home. So, what does this all have to do with my soundtrack pick for the day? Easy. It's about disc golf. The song is called Disc Golf Life and is by a motley group of musically inclined disc golfers calling themselves RootStand. -- And let me just say that I love the mouth harp. This won't be the only time this month that I post a song utilizing a harmonica either.

The video gives a bit of a look at what it is like tossing discs toward a basket. It may not be for everybody, but it is definitely for me - same with the song. And maybe soon the weather will warm enough for me to get back out to the course, eh!

February 5, 2022 at 12:59pm
February 5, 2022 at 12:59pm
Soundtrack of Your Life Logo
Theme - Last Year's Playlist. Which songs were you listening to most often over the past year?

February 5. Momma's birthday. Momma had/has a lot to do with my love of different kinds of music. As I was growing up and finding who I was, she was open to hearing rock, rap (to some extent), loved country and classic rock. She still loves country and classic rock. Just as she encouraged me to love music of all kinds, she did the same for my girls as they were growing up as well. She took my oldest to see a band called Skillet that she had never heard play before my daughter and nephew asked if they could go to the concert. She listened to the music and deemed it acceptable to take the kids, young teens at the time. She had as good a time at the concert as the kids did. She's also the one who introduced me to the Christian rock band. The older I get, the more I appreciate my mom and all she has done for me throughout the years. She and my Dad gave me the foundation to become who I am today, taught me morals, inspired my life.
This is for her. Take a listen. I never thought Christian music could sound like this.

Happy Birthday Momma.

About the band:

About the song, lyrics and such:

February 4, 2022 at 12:11pm
February 4, 2022 at 12:11pm
Soundtrack of Your Life Logo

Like most people, I didn't get out much in 2021. Besides the pandemic, my mental and physical health didn't allow me to get out and go like I had previously done. My husband and I did go visit one particular friend of ours, however. String (his last name - and he is also a guitar teacher) has been a friend of ours for over 10 years. He watched our girls grow into adults with us. He and my husband like to get together once in a while to play guitar and just let the music calm the week or month worth of stress. I was never taught to play an instrument. In fact, my parents hired someone to teach me to play guitar and after a couple of lessons the woman told my parents to find me a different instrument to learn to play. Out in the country it's hard to find any music teachers, so I just never learned.
But anyway, since I don't contribute by playing an instrument in these jam sessions, String decided long ago that I would sing. Lucky for me, String wants to play mainly country and classic rock songs, so I know most of them anyway.
Growing up, Willie Nelson was the be all - end all. My parents tell people that I was singing Willie songs before I decided to talk. (I'm sure that's just embellishment but I do agree that I've always loved his songs) And I actually grew up in the same hometown that Willie did. Coincidence of course, but a cool one nonetheless.

String also has a love for Willie Nelson music. I suppose it's easy to play acoustically, as we seldom have plugged-in jam sessions. But, when String discovered I have an affinity for Willie last year he found some songs that even Mark liked and suckered me into singing them. (yeah, it took him a while because until very recently, my husband wouldn't listen to country songs) One of the ones he picked for us to play was Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain - and we played it every time we got together and still do. The song is special to me and has been since I was a little girl. My grandfather and my Daddy love the song. I danced with both of them through the years to this and other Willie songs. I danced to this with my grandfather after my grandmother passed away, a tribute to my grandmother, who held Blue Eyes Cryin' as one of her favorite songs while she was alive. It's a special song to a lot of special people in my life. I hope you all enjoy it as much as we do.

February 3, 2022 at 1:53pm
February 3, 2022 at 1:53pm
Soundtrack of Your Life Logo

2/3/22 - Day 3
Prompt: Last Year's Playlist (2021). Which songs were you listening to most often over the past year?

2021 saw the return home of my eldest after about 7 years away. She had moved back in with us in order to escape an unhappy and unhealthy relationship. While she was getting settled in, since I was unable to work due to health issues, we listened to quite a lot of the music we had listened to while the girls were growing up. One day, I was listening to my personal playlist online when she rushed out of her room and excitedly stated, "I remember that song! Remember when I thought you had just made up a song about me? That's it!" She was, of course, referring to Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" - and yes, she was so vain back then that she thought the song was about her.

Of course, back then the only part she heard was the chorus:
"I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you don't you don't you?
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee clouds in my coffee and

You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (you're so vain)
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you don't you?"

We finished listening to the song, reliving happy memories of more innocent times, laughing at the vanity of a teenaged girl. And I in turn told my daughter stories of my own youthful vanity. It was a mother-daughter moment we hadn't been able to experience to that point due to our differences. And it was a turning point in my relationship with my adult daughter.

About this song; Lyrics and Such:

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