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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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September 9, 2021 at 9:24am
September 9, 2021 at 9:24am

Everyone seems to be pretty health conscious in today's world. What health tips have worked for you. If you can't think of any, or are like me and haven't pursued any, what would you like to do to improve your health?

Owl with signature

Quote: Insightful health quotes. “Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle.” “Your body hears everything your mind says.” “Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners.” https://everydaypower.com/health-quotes

Quote from the same website: “To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”

Every once in awhile I recognize a simple glitch coming my way. It usually involves a change in the timeline. I felt it for awhile just before Covid became a part of everyone's life. I felt it just before I decided to plunge into college at the age of 55. You have to balance yourself during the changes that come to you in life. Ride the sea of change and maintain your spiritual, mental, and physical balance. Yes maybe your spatial balance too.

You have to force your body to do the don'ts. Don't eat the wrong things too often. Don't believe you can pass up a good nights sleep on a regular basis. Find your own bad habits and work on better ones. If you hate to exercise find ways to exercise that are entertaining to you. Don't copy me learn about exercise and work on how you would like to eat, exercise, and sleep. You know your own abilities, stress standards, and everything you.

I took 3 health classes in college. I have read at least three books about exercise. I have taken (since college) two courses in identifying plants and how they are used in medicine.

Some credit goes to my aunts and grandmother who canned and froze all kinds of vegetables from their gardens. I was along on many visits to local pick your own orchards to bring back apples, pears, peaches, strawberries and other types of foods to store for winter. I canned and froze food 4 my own family for many years.

I went against public opinion about yoga. I learned what scripture actually says and then did my own study. Bought a book and learned the Hatha exercises. The word hatha actually refers to a series of slow physical movements, combined with breathing and holding each movement for a certain amount of breaths.

Learn about breathing properly when doing any kind of exercise.

And remember this any change for the good of your body will most likely be resisted by someone. Did you ever hear your body is the temple you live in. Look for easy recipes of food you like the internet is flowing with recipes for good foods.

If I falter in my resolve I move back into good eating, yoga, bible study, and music to bind it all together. Just like anything else you have to work at it one day at a time or a few minutes many days to make it work.

Trying to break bad eating habits? Try eating properly every other day and eating what you want every other day. Only be sure on the days you are eating properly you are also eating tasty foods in appetizing recipes.

Merit Badge in Refreshing
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Great to be blogging with you again in 30-Day Blogging Challenge. *^*Heart*^* Happy Trails

September 8, 2021 at 10:17am
September 8, 2021 at 10:17am

A practice I can begin to help me let go of negative emotions and return to a state of peace is…

Fairy playing a flute

Quote: Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.
Kabat-Zinn https://positivepsychology.com/mindfulness-quotes/

One practice I'm always involved in daily. Take a scripture such as Philippians 4:7, John 14:27, or Isaiah 26:3. Keep it in your mind to pull out and think about now and then. " And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

Through prayer and study the bible teaches us Mindfulness. Hearts and minds equals emotions and thought processes. We need control of both in order to act and fulfill daily activities in a peaceful state.

You can learn mindfulness without Bible. Other systems teach ways to touch the peace that passes understanding. Buddhism, and Zen and other systems also teach mindfulness. Some types of music can bring peace to your mind. King Saul called on David to play his harp to experience peace.

Mindfulness teaches a type of study, so you can be constantly aware of the evil attacks against your soul.

Merit Badge in Courage
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Congratulations on an honorable mention in WDC Scavenger Hunt 2011! Attached is your GP prize. Thank you for your participation. *^*Smile*^*

Wishing you all the best in future endeavors! May you always find yourself on Happy Trails.

September 7, 2021 at 10:48am
September 7, 2021 at 10:48am
You have been chosen to speak at a Zoom conference concerning your chosen field. Over 500 people will attend. Each of them is new to your field and are waiting to hear words of advice from you about this field. What will you say to them to them concerning things you wish you’d known about the industry when you were getting started?

owl for signature use

Quote: 39 Funny Meetings Memes - "Meeting at 9:30 am? But that's when I look at cat pictures on the internet." {https://winkgo.com/meetings-memes/}

If the meeting is about Journalism: (How long is this conference?) I would have to build an outline but it might go something like this.

1.The history of how humans spread news.
2. Specific types of journalism.
a. short historical development of each type.
b. choosing specific journalism studies/ Different types of stories available/Different types of journalists.
3. Some journalism sociology
a. journalism ethics
4. Journalism anecdotes: Like how many journalists are murdered? Stresses of the job? What human characteristics make up a good journalist?

500 new journalists or more. Where will we put them all? *Laugh*

Merit Badge in Courage
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on an honorable mention in WDC Scavenger Hunt 2011! Attached is your GP prize. Thank you for your participation. *^*Smile*^*

Wishing you all the best in future endeavors! Happy Trails
September 6, 2021 at 12:07pm
September 6, 2021 at 12:07pm
Do you love your job/career? Tell us why you love it, and why did you choose this career and not something else.

signature dancing owl

Quote:“I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as 'making a life'.
Maya Angelou https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/career

Which Job? I have enjoyed parts of every job I ever attempted. As a career, I wish I was still teaching horse back riding. The interaction between horses and riders is very rewarding. And, I'm a trained journalist. I still research lots of stories to find the part no one tells you on the TV news. I believe print journalism is the more informative way to learn about news.

I followed what I knew I liked. I worked at some jobs just because I needed a monetary gain to live. But, I enjoyed best the jobs that I had a God given talent for, because it's in the DNA?

Merit Badge in Super
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Thanks for being a part of an excellent Western Caribbean cruise *^*Beach*^**^*Sun*^**^*Wave1*^*with Andre*^*Monkey*^*and the rest of us. It was a lot of fun. I didn't even know Andre could dance, until you guys showed us some moves! Happy Trails
September 5, 2021 at 11:11am
September 5, 2021 at 11:11am
What is the best thing to come out of staying at home?

Fairy playing a flute

Quote: Today, the glorification of the word FREEDOM has made it impossible for people to sincerely believe a man can truly be content in social isolation or within the confines of home, but the fact remains that most of us anyways spend our entire life time chained to our thought process and being confined to our belief palaces.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/stay-home

Covid has seemed far away unless I need to grocery shop. I normally stay at home. Before Covid I could feel a kind of pressure building in the USA. Especially, fueled by the shootings, new ones in the news daily. So, staying home is not a problem for me. I have relatives with children. Stay at home was difficult, when children could no longer use their energy for sports and play grounds.

Covid and masks still rule our society to some extent. Stores started taking down mask signs when it appeared a lot of the population was being vaccinated. Now, the news has indicated vaccinations are not enough. It's back to wearing masks when shopping. I saw a headline from CNN about erratic weather being a warning of severe storms yet to come.

Because staying at home is a peaceful thing for us, and the news is broadcasting possible difficulties with weather and new strains of Covid for the fall it feels like living in two different societies at once. One separate and quiet with daily routine the other constantly in turmoil.

So, the best thing for me is the steady daily routine. Hope you are experiencing peace in your home life as well.

Merit Badge in Appreciation
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Thank you for reading and commenting in my blog for my 16th WDC anniversary! "Happy Trails To You!"


September 5, 2021 at 11:11am
September 5, 2021 at 11:11am
What is the best thing to come out of staying at home?

Fairy playing a flute

Quote: Today, the glorification of the word FREEDOM has made it impossible for people to sincerely believe a man can truly be content in social isolation or within the confines of home, but the fact remains that most of us anyways spend our entire life time chained to our thought process and being confined to our belief palaces.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/stay-home

Covid has seemed far away unless I need to grocery shop. I normally stay at home. Before Covid I could feel a kind of pressure building in the USA. Especially, fueled by the shootings, new ones in the news daily. So, staying home is not a problem for me. I have relatives with children. Stay at home was difficult, when children could no longer use their energy for sports and play grounds.

Covid and masks still rule our society to some extent. Stores started taking down mask signs when it appeared a lot of the population was being vaccinated. Now, the news has indicated vaccinations are not enough. It's back to wearing masks when shopping. I saw a headline from CNN about erratic weather being a warning of severe storms yet to come.

Because staying at home is a peaceful thing for us, and the news is broadcasting possible difficulties with weather and new strains of Covid for the fall it feels like living in two different societies at once. One separate and quiet with daily routine the other constantly in turmoil.

So, the best thing for me is the steady daily routine. Hope you are experiencing peace in your home life as well.

Merit Badge in Appreciation
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Thank you for reading and commenting in my blog for my 16th WDC anniversary! "Happy Trails To You!"


September 4, 2021 at 11:12am
September 4, 2021 at 11:12am
If the Internet disappeared tomorrow, how would you continue to share your love of food?

This book is a Hoot!

Quote: “Bein' rich is having leftovers. Good leftovers make yo' tongue fly outta yo' mouth and smack yo' brains out.”
Paula Deen https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/food-love

I was going to say I don't like food, but that isn't true. I just don't enjoy cooking or cleaning up after eating. I just started this week getting tomatoes out of the garden. I did not plant a large garden. One bed has about 6 tomato plants. One bed had zucchini, and squash. rabbits ate the zucchini and squash plants.

The bed with the tomatoes is giving me a few every day now. Home grown tomatoes have the best flavor. I eat them with my breakfast cereal.

I also grew cucumbers and tomatoes on my porch in my new {www.agardenpatch.com} container. I really appreciate this new way of growing a garden. I hope next year I can order 3 more Gardenpatch containers complete with fertilizer. I grew lettuce, cucumbers, and tomatoes on my porch this year. I have been eating cucumbers and lettuce from my containers all summer. Salads and sandwiches are my favorite eating at the present time. Growing in container gardens is a great way to raise flowers and veggies. https://www.agardenpatch.com

Yes. I still cook. Really, this summer the haying just dragged on and the lawn mowing took a lot of time. Lots of rain and heat during July and august.

YouTube has a lot of different videos on container gardening. Some of them show a way that is new to me, about watering plants from the bottom of the container. I tried this in some large plant pots I had around and it works well.

A way to grow a lot of food with a lot less work.

Fixing the off subject part of this blog. If the internet disappeared. I would have to visit a library in real time to get books to read. That would curtail my reading habits quite a bit. I would literally be cut off from the world. All ordering would be by snail mail. Really don't like such thoughts. Let's stick with the 21st century. Progress is good.

Merit Badge in Refreshing
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Great to be blogging with you again in 30-Day Blogging Challenge. *^*Heart*^* Happy Trails

September 3, 2021 at 12:32pm
September 3, 2021 at 12:32pm
What is the Hardest Part of Your Job? Tell us how you deal with it.

Owl with signature

Quote :Mindfulness can open the door, but only character strengths can keep it open
Ryan M. Niemiec, Mindfulness and Character Strengths {https://www.wow4u.com/quote-of-the-day/}

Right now. My job is being retired. It's a lot like being a kid again. No one says I have to do anything each day, so I try to use my time wisely which, is some days well spent other days a joke. I crocheted a Stetson hat this summer and it is so cool. Now, working on a winter coat for my whippet. I read, do housework, cook and bake, play games on my kindle. mow lawn sometimes. I think of spending an eternity of days finding activities and think it would be fun to live this way for years yet. The hardest thing about being elderly is convincing younger people the elderly life is worthwhile. Elderly people can think and work and live.

I look back on my time when I was training horses and riding. One time when I was teaching a girl guitar. Some students have the idea that they can take in the information without doing the practicing that sports and music demands. I had students, that had a regular excuse, when they did not spend time on the specific practice for the week. I felt like I was just taking their money. I often asked such students why they kept coming to lessons if they were not going to work on the problems they were experiencing.

Often such students, particularly the horse back riders, had unruly mounts. The horses knew the rider was out of sorts and so refused good manners. The riders could not comprehend that the horse would be mannerly only if the rider cared to put into practice the proper equestrian model, that would give both the equine and rider comfort and pleasure during the ride.

Learning any thing is a hands on experience. New knowledge has to become a part of your life. So, when the new changes show up in any given subject as they will down through the years. You can see the rightness of a new system in an old subject .You can absorb the new material and continue on with your life. Use cooking as an example. Cook stoves fueled with wood or coal moved to cookstoves with electricity, to Microwave ovens, now to air fryers. If you are going to stay on the earth 50 or more years you will see a change in something you know or use.

Happy Trails.

September 2, 2021 at 9:56am
September 2, 2021 at 9:56am
Where do you see yourself five years from now? Be realistic, write about your writing plans, or other plans you may have.

Manx Cat from Japan

Quote:“The future is never just one choice. It's a thousand. And they never stop. You will choose your future every day of your life. And should you wake up one day to find that you regret the choice you made the day before, then make a new one. Don't worry about whether you might be wrong someday. Worry about whether you're right now. Tomorrow can wait.”
Cora Carmack, All Played Out --https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/future-plan

Five Years? That is such a short amount of time. If nothing large changes in my life I will still be here muddling along. We are slowly making changes that will make life easier.

Last years corn stove experiment worked so well we are installing a smaller one on the main floor. The corn stove we installed in the basement resulted in a reduction in the amount of electricity we used in preceding years. We had less work load by eliminating wood heat. We continued to heat the living room on the main floor with a radiant heater.

I did consider tearing down the whole house and building a tiny house in its place which I doubt would ever happen. *Laugh* That is my brain which doesn't age talking.

In 5 years, my school loans will be paid extra dollars in the budget will be nice.

I do wonder about the aging process. In 5 years I will be 81. I talked to an 81 year old women this summer. Her husband passed away last spring. She is maintaining her life style in the home where she raised her family and is presently doing well.

I'm going to miss summer this year. We have some insulating to do and the new corn stove to install. My new companion dog which I got last Christmas has progressed in his obedience training. I take as many daily walks with the two dogs as I can. Sometimes lately, if the heat is simmering I skip walks. Really, living is just a daily adventure. If there are going to be any major changes in the next 5 years I can't see them right now. I'm moving into the next season one day at a time.

Merit Badge in Appreciation
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Thank you for reading and commenting in my blog for my 16th WDC anniversary! I am so happy WDC is celebrating there anniversary once again. *PartyHatO*
September 1, 2021 at 2:38pm
September 1, 2021 at 2:38pm
Well, let's get this official month started with a different sort of prompt... What room in your home do you use the most? The least?

owl for signature use

Quote: “Gamache knew people were like homes. Some were cheerful and bright, some gloomy. Some could look good on the outside but feel wretched on the interior. And some of the least attractive homes, from the outside, were kindly and warm inside." by Louise Penny, from her novel The Cruelest Month--https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/rooms


I can't say for sure. We have a lot of rooms. We use some of them more in one season or another. The living room has the computers, and TV. so I spend a lot of time there. I do the cooking and cleanup so I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. The laundry room gets it share of time spent. My guitar is in my bedroom, that is also where I may play a lot of music ,I have a cd player there, or read as well as sleep.

It really depends on the activities for the day. Am I sitting round watching TV. or baking, online shopping, or doing laundry. I read every where. When I'm working on something with the dogs I may spend a lot of time up and down the hall ways. Probably, if I would count hours the living room would be the most on many days. The balcony is set up as a sitting room and I keep the cat boxes there it would probably be the least.

Merit Badge in Western
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Hello from Texas, I want to say thank you for reading and commenting on my blog.  I appreciate it very much. Happy Trails

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