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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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May 20, 2019 at 7:48am
May 20, 2019 at 7:48am
What time of day are you most motivated? Least motivated? For me, I’m most motivated and productive in the morning, and least in the mid afternoon around 2pm. What do you do to renew your motivation in those slumps?

Manx Cat from Japan

{{size:3.5}b}Quotes: “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.
Mother Theresa

When I was looking for some quotes this morning I found (well Google Found) a whole page of quotes and really I could not decide which one to use. That's how great they were: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/time. sometimes small quotes about a subject just say it all.

Here is another one from the linked page:“Books have a unique way of stopping time in a particular moment and saying: Let’s not forget this.”
Dave Eggers

Time of Day

My life has been so influenced by books. I read a book about exercise for women ages ago. I gave a half - hearted search for the name of the author. Since I know it was a library book before kindle came into my life I might find it again but not today.

Anyway, it did a really good talk about morning people, afternoon people, and evening people. It explained that there are people in all those areas that function better at a certain time of day. According to the story that's the time of day when you should exercise. That is when I found the fatal flaw in the argument. Me.

I deliberately organize my day according to what I want to accomplish. I prefer to get up and work until about 11:30 a.m. then stop to feed lunch to the critters. Then stop for my own lunch which can be as long as I want since I have no real schedule. Then I might hit the work load again.

Because I have no motivating schedule I might read all day, after morning chores if it rains or snows. I might play games on my kindle before climbing out of bed, which puts morning cleaning chores off until after I get up.

Morning chores can be cleaning cat boxes, and bird cages, loading or unloading the dish washer, feeding breakfast to critters, sweeping through the house to put some things in order. feeding the pony and cleaning the barn, wash, dry, and put away clean clothing or clean porches. In between any chores I decide to do I may do yoga / ride a stationary bike / lift some weights / vacuum any floor of house / yard work / spring gardening / I don't do all of these every day.

I pick and chose what will keep the family and pets going from day to day. Writing, reading, blogging etc. is pushed in where ever I put it. I prefer to do afternoon TV, reading books, and sedentary things in the afternoon.

Baking is good in the morning because I can clean up the kitchen as I go along. Besides I hate cooking so it gets done early.

Today, we may have to fix the barn door that came off the hinges last week? No idea why, it was not even a windy day. I won't have to do much of the work but I am nevertheless moving my day around because of it.

I prefer to do most of the work in the morning so my afternoon is free for fun stuff reading, writing, TV, dog walks (which might happen in the morning). I read a lot. Lots of times what I prefer does not happen since the day and hours are always up for grabs. We just don't always stick to a schedule. What if there is only one chapter left in the book. I read the book and clean in the afternoon.

It seems like I have a lot of things that keep me busy. But, I throw the whole lot into a bag shake it up and pick out whatever will keep the factory going, That is what I try to accomplish on any given day.

Someone once told me you slow down when you get older and I know I have. I don't do dairy farming, or train horses, or raise children any more. But, I do lots of different things that will always be here to do. Like picking up limbs after a bad wind storm. If you are busy enough it really isn't wrong to chuck it all to read, write or blog. The work will wait for a week or a day. I will get it done and keep it all going. I even finished an afghan this winter.

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne
May 19, 2019 at 10:51am
May 19, 2019 at 10:51am
Write about your ideal weekend.

signature dancing owl
The Washington Post ran an article about the Carson City, Nevada female majority, in the Carson City newly elected congress. It's called, "Where Women call the shots." I couldn't link it but it was a really nifty article. I was impressed with the fact that they want to pass a law to look into early female deaths where the male from a marriage is left alone to get a new spouse.


Actually, I don't think I even have a thought about an ideal life any more. I guess Ideal would be to payoff the mortgage and make sure K has enough cash to keep up with his meds but, that is not just a weekend ideal.

I watched the Preakness yesterday on TV. Gave me quite a start when Bodexpress came out of the gate with a massive buck, that totally unseated his rider, John Velaquez. Then the horse proceeded to run the entire race riderless but, to my relief did not try to join the pack, as they thundered around the track. Even though he hit the track hard, Velaquez did not seem to be drastically injured as he walked away brushing himself off.

Char and I took a walk this morning after barn chores and when I finish the blog I will probably read or watch a movie this afternoon. The weather is trending toward hot and sunny with high cumulus clouds floating above. If I blink the weekend will be over and I will be off getting other things done for next week. I guess a good ideal would be calm and quiet and peaceful time.

I Put the screens down and the storm windows up, upstairs and opened the windows wide. Fresh air in the house is great so it's a presummer weekend. Out on our walk this morning I saw the first bees buzzing around.

See Ya!

May 18, 2019 at 11:11am
May 18, 2019 at 11:11am
Write a poem or stream of consciousness entry about something you do every day.

This book is a Hoot!

Stream of Consciousness referenced from Wikipedia:"In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a narrative mode or method that attempts "to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind" of a narrator.[1] The term was coined by William James in 1890 in his The Principles of Psychology, "

Windows On The World

How odd. there's a bunny stalking toward the base of the tulip tree. Is there something in the grass there? Oh! a red squirrel at the base of the tree. *Laugh* The rabbit chased the red squirrel up the tree. Ha! Rabbit is running toward the apple tree, red squirrel is chasing rabbit. *Laugh*. Their kind of young, just playing. Hmm, there's another red squirrel in the maple on the corner. I wonder why we have chipmunks and red squirrels but never any bigger squirrels like you see in parks. There use to be lots of different kinds of squirrels in the woods when I was young.

Merit Badge in Encore! Encore!
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Thank you for your interesting entries in the 30 day 50/50 Lyn I can be found in any weather, at different times of day, pausing to daydream, while staring out my living room windows.

May 17, 2019 at 11:07am
May 17, 2019 at 11:07am
A lot of medical research today focuses on developing cures to ageing. Presumably, with the right breakthrough, humans could live forever. How do you feel about this? Write an entry describing the advantages and disadvantages of extremely long life using facts and opinions to support your answer.

Manx Cat from Japan

Quote: "It's paradoxical, that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn't appeal to anyone." Andy Rooney
Read more at:{link: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/long_life}

The Science: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-habits-linked-to-a-long-life#section14

Live Forever? In our present bodies? I think if there is ever such a discovery it will be awhile before the general public hears about it. Probably, it would be divided out to certain people and the public would start noticing people around them were not aging. Hmm. Sounds like a science fiction story already.

I like living on the earth. I like routine. I'm not against cleaning the house, yard, barn and keeping order in our living area. Getting sick or having an accident is a drag. But, I know the body heals. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, depending on the sickness, injury, and treatment.

The science between health and sickness is pretty solid. Reduce caloric intake, and eat fruits, nuts, fresh vegetables, beans, and don't forget turmeric.

Don't smoke or indulge in extreme alcohol consumption. (although wine is suppose to have beneficial chemical content) (because its made from apples,I wonder about the health benefits of beer, but I haven't read about it yet. Does anyone know if beer has health benefits?)

Coffee and tea are suppose to both be good for you. When I got into tea knowledge I was amazed to find out how diverse teas are. I have trouble with eating oats that are cooked to a slime. But, I found a tea that is made from the oat plant. It's call Oat Straw Tea, It's a green beverage and very tasty. Also, different oils have health benefits, Olive Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Coconut Oil. There are herb teas made from the leaves of broccoli, and other plants that are excellent health plants to consume. I don't drink coffee so I can't tell you about its healthy benefits.

The one I like the best is laughter. It increases your positive attitude and a light hearted approach to life. Take time to do things you love to do without feeling guilty. We have a right to live on this planet. Enjoy what you do and don't be afraid to change things around if it helps your stress or gives you a progressive attitude.

I've been in a lot of desperate situations in my life. I know to some extent we can change our attitude and bring calm and joy into some stupid life situations. Beware, if you intend to be happy there will be the people who won't like it. Too bad. Life is interesting. find out what's really going on and make it a happy search.

Merit Badge in Encore! Encore!
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Thank you for your interesting entries in the 30 day 50/50 Lyn *Rolling* Laughter is the best medicine.

May 16, 2019 at 10:10am
May 16, 2019 at 10:10am
Congratulations on making it halfway through the challenge! Today, we’ll do something a little different. Instead of writing an entry of your own, take the time to show some love to your fellow 30DBC challengers! Write thoughtful comments on at least five different blogs from this month’s competition. Then, post the links to the entries you commented on in your own blog and share one thing you learned. Have fun!

signature dancing owl Quote: "the object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." By Marcus Aurelius

1. From the writings of Prosperous Snow Globe. "Baha'i House of Worship: The Lotus Temple in India. I learned the Lotus produces beautiful blossoms even when the roots are in muddy water. It symbolizes purity of heart and mind to the Indian people.

2. MD Maurice "Is there Truly No More "Impossible?" I learned most people don't evaluate before they try to achieve something impossible.

3. Wake Up and Live "Rising Stars Project I recognized we need a motivation to move our writing selves. Or, wake up the muse who will tell us what to write.

4. Lazy Writer "Invalid Entry This one was about nurturing. It seems most people who nurture often suffer from a lack of nurturing.

5. QPdoll "Unexpected Surprises Sometimes when we are young, we don't notice that the sound of people talking may not reveal the true idea behind a comment. I recently read that people make opinions about others by what they think is true rather than find out the actual circumstances behind their thoughts.

Merit Badge in Cheerleading
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Congratulations on finishing your  [Link To Item #monthlyreading]  goals for June 2018 *^*Bookopen*^*!

~Minja this is a cheer for all the great blogs out there in blog land.


May 15, 2019 at 9:14am
May 15, 2019 at 9:14am
Share an instance when something blew your mind.

This book is a Hoot! Quote: " On January 9,1964, grievances between native Panamanians and “Zonians”, or Americans residing within the U.S.-controlled Canal Zone, boiled over into a series of anti-American riots which resulted in an evacuation of the U.S. embassy in Panama City, widespread looting, and dozens of deaths." Taken from an article in Life magazine.

Reference: https://adst.org/2016/07/panama-riots-1964-beginning-end-canal/

I was in an apartment in Panama City when the riots broke out. Our landlady came to my door and told us the people were rioting in the streets. We were suppose to stay in place. My husband dressed quickly and stating that he had to be on duty jumped on his motorcycle and left. Some USA TV news station later ran a film of him being shot at as he was approaching the base. He made it through the gates after his motorcycle wrecked.

The landlady was angry with him for leaving. She came into the apartment and said, "Pick up some things for the baby and come into my apartment with me. She gave us shelter and safety for the next two days along with a member of the army and his wife, who also had an apartment within her compound.

What blew my mind? Being escorted out to an armored truck surrounded by Guadia Nationel. Surrounded by these excellent men, who, equipped with machine guns, held back a crowd of hundreds of people pressing in. They drove us through the city back to the base. Without them my oldest son and I would not be here.

Also, the evil attitude of family members, when I returned to the states safely, with my 9 month old son.(All families without base housing were immediately sent back to the states) It cemented my brain waves in place, to try to take care of myself, as I would always be threatened. People join groups, some to make evil, some to contain evil.

After that I watched it all on TV as it unfolded. I saw Kennedy go down when he was shot, I saw the Reagan shooting. I was watching news when an important local politician shot himself. I was in school when 9/11 went down, walking down a hall to a class. I was glad there was no TV around so I could see it.

So, whenever I see a school shooting, lack of indepth information about news in the media,or leaders of nations yelling lets have another war, I know in my heart that it really could happen.

I took a class called "violence in the USA" in 2001. Understanding is one step up from wondering what in the world is going on.

Some people think I have courage. I'm pretty sure it's just a numb brain from all the violence. *AwarenessRB*

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne Bye for Now

May 14, 2019 at 11:15am
May 14, 2019 at 11:15am
Discuss the “Four Burners Theory” as it is outlined in this website:


Which burner in your life burns the brightest? If you had to completely turn off one of your burners to be successful in the other three, which would you turn off?

owl for signature use

“Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas. They prefer to devote their social energies to close friends, colleagues, and family. They listen more than they talk, think before they speak, and often feel as if they express themselves better in writing than in conversation. They tend to dislike conflict. Many have a horror of small talk, but enjoy deep discussions.”

― Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking


This is a very interesting idea. It seems like it is meant to trip up whoever reads it. Have you ever had the experience of being caught between two opposing ideas held by two different groups of people that you are involved with socially*QuestionP* If something like this happens to you more than once you get smarter quick.

I don't believe the 4 burner idea is more than a theory and probably an unworkable one at that.

The definitions of family and friends may overlap, Using words like ancestry, parentage, birth, background, and some one with whom you have a bond can describe both groups depending on, who you live with and who you habitually spend time with.

So, that leaves health, which is physical and mental and work, which is training and learning.

In some cases, you may be forced to withdraw from some people, if they have strange beliefs about your work and you continue to be involved in your work.

At this point the actual 4 burner theory starts to break down because it involves too much individual knowledge, pertaining to specific subjects and specific rules of living.

My guess is that's why it's a theory and not a reality. Theories are a scientific media that has to be tested by specific rules, in order to maintain relevance. You would have to test X amount of individuals and get stable results in order for it to leave the theory stage. Like me, many people would not turn off any of the burners. Others would turn off all the burners and then there would be the results that would vary so much you would not be able to work with the variables.

Life is a two way street. Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne Bye Ya All*ExclaimBr*

May 13, 2019 at 11:29am
May 13, 2019 at 11:29am
Discuss the “Goldilocks Rule of Motivation” as described on the website below. “Human beings love challenges, but only if they are within the optimal zone of difficulty. Tasks that are significantly below your current abilities are boring. Tasks that are significantly beyond your current abilities are discouraging. But tasks that are right on the border of success and failure are incredibly motivating to our human brains.” How does it relate to your life.

signature dancing owl Quote;“Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/motivation

I recently read that females use intuition more than males. When I read the information about the Goldilocks rule of Motivation on the website I thought it was very insightful. But, all through the reading, it felt like it just fell short of some special idea that it did not contain.

I think the missing motivation may be the way humans interact with each other. If someone has a really good idea and shares it but, it will take work to accomplish. One person may be motivated and continue to work on the idea. Even, conquer the goal to their own satisfaction. Only to discover, that everyone who had an opportunity, to work on the project and didn't are now irritated that the project was a success. Partners in this type of goal making, motivate or unmotivate each other. Necessary action is the key to working on your own motivation.

I have a robot vacuum named Smissel. It does the most awesome floor cleaning job. If I run it regularly it gets up all the pet hair and my floors shine. Plus, the floors stay clean longer even with the group of dogs and cats I have running the house all the time. So, one time my granddaughter came over with her dad. She immediately noticed the fuzzy hair along the walls. She whispered something to her dad who asked, "Is the robot broke?"

Even robot cleaners don't work unless they are turned on. I know enough about action to get up and do things. Some times I do and sometimes I don't provide the action needed to get something done.

I can still drive an automobile but, I don't like to do everything alone so, quite often I stay at home when I could be out hiking or shopping. I don't have any close friends or acquaintances. One of the reasons is I don't go to church. Around here church is a big social place.

I've been getting things done and self motivating for many many years. Now, it does not seem as necessary as it did when I was younger. I enjoy getting up in the morning when it strikes my fancy and going to bed when I want to. I enjoy saying clean the floor another day and go outside to walk the dog instead. *Smile* Even K wonders when he wants something finished on his schedule and I just finish reading my book or say, "i'm not cooking today." or "I'm not your robot maid."

I got into a discussion with the farrier about his father-in-law who had retired and was recovering from a heart attack. From the descriptions of the family and the problems he was having I perceived the father-in-law just needed someone who liked to do the things he likes to do. This is probably an elderly problem across the world. Technological changes and fast moving scientific knowledge are changing everything.

Because I read about lots of different subjects, I see a lot of things, that are left out of the news that would educate the public. This happens at intervals of years, depending on what type of President the USA has. I just finished " Reboot America." by Karan Doshi and "Freakonomics" by Steven D. Levitt. Both of these books bring your mind into a place of understanding today's social and political problems. Now I'm reading "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" by Zukav, Gary.

My grandchildren are startled when I make a comment that is relevant to the way life is for 20 year old children .And, they aren't into Spiritual History or Physics. *BurstY*

That's why *WDC* is so special. It helps elderly, youth, people from different countries, and all kinds of ideas move around and connect. Depending on your need Facebook and Twitter work for some people too. I get disgusted with constant criticism of all online social places. Our world has moved on from the way people connect in the 11th century to the way people connect in the 21st century.

To sum all this up, I say learn to act on your ideas even if you don't think you can. You will achieve and achieve and achieve which will motivate you to try even bigger and better goals. I read " "The Little Train That Could"" at a very early age. *Laugh*

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne
May 12, 2019 at 10:39am
May 12, 2019 at 10:39am
Write your entry inspired by the word “nurture.” What does it mean to nurture something or someone? How were you nurtured growing up, how are you currently nurtured, and how do you nurture others?

Nurture: noun:https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=define+the+word+nurture
noun: nurture

the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.
"the nurture of ethics and integrity"
synonyms: encouragement, promotion, fostering, development, cultivation, boosting, furtherance, advancement
"the nurture of ideas"

owl for signature use {i}“We do not learn for the benefit of anyone, we learn to unlearn ignorance.”
Michael Bassey Johnson https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/nurtur

Even when I think I understand the meaning of a word I will look up the meaning to be sure I have it right.

I was to some extent nurtured by my Dad, who often gave me good advice and was not afraid to speak up, when he thought I was going to do something I should not. Or, when he thought I had done something he approved of.

Reading, listening to news, Blogging with the 30-day-challenge, reading the writings of others on *WDC*, these are all ways I am currently nurtured. Although, I think of nurturing as being applied to youngsters more than oldsters. Once in a social studies group we talked about sharing with others, as a means of passing news and communication.

If you apply the word to growth it probably is for any age group. Since, anyone can learn at any age.

I spent the last year nurturing a new kitten. She knows how I apply the word NO! Like any teenager she doesn't always obey. *Laugh* *Nuclear*

May 11, 2019 at 10:16am
May 11, 2019 at 10:16am
Write your entry today from the perspective of an animal. You could choose a pet, a lioness on the hunt, a rhino being pursued by poachers, or any other animal of your choice.

Red DragonIf we can teach people about wildlife, they will be touched. Share my wildlife with me. Because humans want to save things that they love.”
Steve Irwin {link: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/wildlife

The following story is fiction. The names and places protect the innocent and bear no resemblance to any thing really true.*Laugh*

A Hunter's Yarn *Tea*

"I can hear the heavy breathing as she runs. See, the broken bushes and brush. She went this way."

"RRRRoar. I'm not running any more I'm bigger than that man. Maybe if I take a stand I can scare him away. RRRRROAR! Stay away I have long claws. I'll eat you." The bear stood straight up on it's hind legs and waved it's massive claws at the man with the gun.

"Be sure you get it in the right place Joe." One quick bang sound, then a sudden solid thunk like the projectile hit something solid.

"Rrrr...I'm hit. Everything is going dark."

"Wait Sam make sure it's down and out for good, before you approach." The two men approach the bear and moved the body so they can look at its teeth better. "That was sure a good shot Joe."

"Look here is a tooth that needs to come out." Joe pointed to a tooth as he clipped a tag into the bears ear.

Sam leaned over Joe's shoulder to look. "OK. Let me in there, I knew there was some reason you asked me to come along on this hunt. I brought some tools along let's clean all the teeth. Sam pulled the tooth and handed it to Joe. " Put that in your trophy bag."

Next, Sam took out some small power tools and cleaned the rest of the teeth in the bear's mouth. "This wasn't what I had in mind when I went to dental school." Sam worked quickly, then the two left the bear's carcass and moved to higher ground.

Soon the bear began to move around. It staggered at first,in a drunken way, when it got up onto all four feet. Soon, the bear was meandering toward a flowing stream that was close.

"Wow. I guess that hunter missed me. I must have scared him away. Anyway, it was a good day for a nap. I'll just have a cool drink." The bear smiled at itself in the water's reflective mirror.

"Would you look at those pearly white teeth. I bet it's all those berries I eat that keep my teeth so clean. That hunter must have run clear over into the next county when he saw how big and white my teeth are. The tooth that hurt must have fell out when I roared at the man. Guess I'll go eat some more berries, I know just where there is a good berry bush. Then, maybe I'll take another nap on the big sunny rock above my winter cave."

*Butterfly2B* THE END *MushroomBr*

Reference: This short short story was inspired by a field note titled, Pearly Whites, by WCO Ricky Deiterich, Bloomsburg--- in the September 2017 issue of Pennsylvania Game News

Merit Badge in Encore! Encore!
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Thank you for your interesting entries in the 30 day 50/50 Lyn See Ya!




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