Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/judithd/day/5-8-2019
Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

May 8, 2019 at 11:21am
May 8, 2019 at 11:21am
In the future, if space travel became possible, would you want to go? What would most influence your decision whether or not to leave Earth?

“A still more glorious dawn awaits
Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
A morning filled with 400 billion suns
The rising of the milky way”

Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Fairy playing a flute

Will it be soon, I'm 74? *Thought* Does it matter if I go or stay? Where is the world I would travel to? Is it green like the earth? Does it have wildlife I can communicate with? Are the native inhabitants friendly? Do they understand that humans that migrate try to take over from the local inhabitants? Will I gain the physical ability to live for eons of years if I leave the earth? Is there adequate food on the new planet, so I don't have to depend on the earth to supply me. If there is war on the earth will supply ships continue to bring the colony food? Do I get my own parcel of acreage? About 500 acres might suffice.

Do I get to take my dogs, cats, parrots, and pony? What kind of housing is there? I'd like my own villa with lots of solar and WIFI. What about the sun? Is there lots of light? How about seasons? Is there winter? That's my worst season so I have to know how long winter is if it has winter? How about water? Is there a river or a lake on my 500 acres? Do I have to live in a dome or wear a suit with a breathing apparatus every time I leave the villa?

Will I have to fight a war with native inhabitants in order to keep my 500 acres? Are their weapons as good or better than Mine? *Pthb* AW heck. I guess I don't have any money for a ticket anyway. Maybe I'll just stay here and wait until a lot of other people leave. The earth will quiet down then anyway?

Merit Badge in Courage
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on an honorable mention in WDC Scavenger Hunt 2011! Attached is your GP prize. Thank you for your participation. *^*Smile*^*

Wishing you all the best in future endeavors! Out of curiosity, how long is the trip?

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/judithd/day/5-8-2019