Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/judithd/day/5-15-2019
Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

May 15, 2019 at 9:14am
May 15, 2019 at 9:14am
Share an instance when something blew your mind.

This book is a Hoot! Quote: " On January 9,1964, grievances between native Panamanians and “Zonians”, or Americans residing within the U.S.-controlled Canal Zone, boiled over into a series of anti-American riots which resulted in an evacuation of the U.S. embassy in Panama City, widespread looting, and dozens of deaths." Taken from an article in Life magazine.

Reference: https://adst.org/2016/07/panama-riots-1964-beginning-end-canal/

I was in an apartment in Panama City when the riots broke out. Our landlady came to my door and told us the people were rioting in the streets. We were suppose to stay in place. My husband dressed quickly and stating that he had to be on duty jumped on his motorcycle and left. Some USA TV news station later ran a film of him being shot at as he was approaching the base. He made it through the gates after his motorcycle wrecked.

The landlady was angry with him for leaving. She came into the apartment and said, "Pick up some things for the baby and come into my apartment with me. She gave us shelter and safety for the next two days along with a member of the army and his wife, who also had an apartment within her compound.

What blew my mind? Being escorted out to an armored truck surrounded by Guadia Nationel. Surrounded by these excellent men, who, equipped with machine guns, held back a crowd of hundreds of people pressing in. They drove us through the city back to the base. Without them my oldest son and I would not be here.

Also, the evil attitude of family members, when I returned to the states safely, with my 9 month old son.(All families without base housing were immediately sent back to the states) It cemented my brain waves in place, to try to take care of myself, as I would always be threatened. People join groups, some to make evil, some to contain evil.

After that I watched it all on TV as it unfolded. I saw Kennedy go down when he was shot, I saw the Reagan shooting. I was watching news when an important local politician shot himself. I was in school when 9/11 went down, walking down a hall to a class. I was glad there was no TV around so I could see it.

So, whenever I see a school shooting, lack of indepth information about news in the media,or leaders of nations yelling lets have another war, I know in my heart that it really could happen.

I took a class called "violence in the USA" in 2001. Understanding is one step up from wondering what in the world is going on.

Some people think I have courage. I'm pretty sure it's just a numb brain from all the violence. *AwarenessRB*

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne Bye for Now

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