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Rated: E · Book · Religious · #2329484
There are 54 weekly reading cycles. Initially established by Moses. Reinstituted by Ezra
Gen. 1:1-6:8
Isa. 42:5-43:10
New Testament
Rev. 22:6-21

Gen. 6:9-11:32
Isa. 54:1-55:5
New Testament
Matt. 24:36-46

3-Lech-Lecha/Go Out
Gen. 12:1-17:27 HafTorah
Isa. 40:27-41:16
New Testament
Rom. 4:1-25

4-Vayera/And appeared
Gen. 18:1-22:24
2Kings 4:1-37
New Testament
Luke 1:26-38;24:36-53

5-Chayei Sarah/Sarah's Life
Gen. 23:1-25:18
1Kings 1:1-31
New Testament
Matt 1:1-17

Gen. 25:19-28:9
Mal. 1:1-2:7
New Testament
Rom. 9:1-13

7-Vayetze/And he went out
Gen. 28:10-32:3
Hos. 11:7-14:9
New Testament
John 1:19-51

8-Vayishlach/And he sent
Gen. 32:4-36:43
Obad. 1:1-21
New Testament
Heb. 11:11-20

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January 26, 2025 at 6:48am
January 26, 2025 at 6:48am
Weekly Bible Reading #13-Shemot, names


Exodus Chapters 1:1-6:1


Isaiah 27:6-28:13;

New Testament

1Cor. 14:13-25

The Doxology | Anthem Lights ft. Selah

https://youtu.be/tQUTvMtUhw4 (~2 mins)

The Hidden Beauty of the Holy Name of God - YHVH
Assembly of Called-Out Believers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbb45zmkli4 (21 mins)


1 Corinthians ~ 14:11 to 14:40
YHVH Savior
Marching On In Truth #Shepherd's Chapel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBki6P-TLNo (~ 58 mins)


Rabbi Chaim Richman The Torah portion of Shemot
Why does Moshe ask G-d what His name is…and what is the meaning of G-d’s cryptic answer, ‘I Shall Be What I Shall Be?’

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgVYfTTYptM (11 mins)

The Torah portion of Shemot (Exodus 1 : 1 - 6 : 1) is read on Shabbat, Tevet 21, 5782 - December 25, 2021

The Book of Sh’mot
Rabbi Isaac
Assembly of Called Believers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=197Q8swBNMA (90 mins)

The Book of Sh’mot (Exodus) begins by chronicling the names of those who comprised the creation of the nation of Israel, from Ya’akov down to his descendants. Shemot means "names," in this Torah parashah, we learn all the different hidden glimpses of redemption in the Hebrew names of the tribes and Moses' multiple names. A whole study on the name of God as the holy name of God is introduced!


Rabbi Isaac, Shemot -Deeper Teaching
AMAZING insights on the opening chapters of the Book of Exodus with parallels for Today!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9-gQN_3N2c (57 mins)

Prepare for next Shabbat's Torah portion with deeper understanding... Listen and learn from Rabbi Isaac's new Dvar Torah teaching on the 13th Torah Parashah Shemot (שְׁמוֹת‬) — Hebrew for “names,” referring to the sons of Ya’akov listed in the opening of the book of Exodus. The Book of Sh’mot (Exodus) begins by chronicling the names of those who comprised the creation of the nation of Israel from Ya’akov down listing his descendants and the first couple of chapters give the backdrop for the development of Hashem’s plan which is being fulfilled by them becoming a nation. As after Ya’akov dies 17 years after coming to Egypt there is then 113 years for the children of Israel to multiply before Moshe is born and then another 80 years before there deliverance!

Each year we study and understand on a deeper level and we hope this more profound teaching on Israel in Egypt and Moses' birth and early life blesses you with deeper insights and spiritual growth!


Southern Raised Performs "What A Day That Will Be"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrWuboX1oZ0 (~ 4 mins)

January 18, 2025 at 4:05pm
January 18, 2025 at 4:05pm
Weekly Bible Reading #12-Vayechi-And he lived

Gen. 47:28-50:26

1kings 2:1-12

New Testament
1 Peter 6:12-16

Blessings - Laura Story (with lyrics)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQan9L3yXjc (~5 mins)


A Sermon by R.C. Sproul
The Twelve Apostles: Called by Christ (Luke 6:12-16)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI-8tGiibHw (~32 mins)


The Sabbath: A Day of Healing - 119 Ministries
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32BrcxeTv3Y (14 mins)

Some critics of following the Torah believe that when Messiah healed people on the Sabbath, he showed that it was no longer critical. That is, they say that by healing on the Sabbath, he ended it. While that is one way to look at it, we don’t believe it is correct.

BimBam Vayechi: Jacob Blesses his Sons, in Rhyme!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywxNiO97KTc (6 mins)

After journeys, revelations, struggles and visions, our ancestors take stock of their blessings in this week's Torah parsha, the last one in Beres*** - closing out the book of Genesis. Marcus J. Freed - poet, teacher, playwright and actor - gives voice - or is that voices? - to the whole thing.


Parashat Va'yechi 5785 | Asking God for the Impossible
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
How can we obtain miraculous results in our prayers? The secret of prayer is hidden in plain sight in this week's Torah portion, in the words of the patriarch Jacob.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ux0Quoon_I (~12 mins)

Rabbi Richman Parashat Va'yechi 5782: Live in the Moment
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qalm52ETB9s (14 mins)
The Torah portion of Va'yechi (Genesis 47 : 28 - 50 : 26) is read on Shabbat,
Tevet 14, 5782 - December 18, 2021

As he prepares to depart from this world, the patriarch Yaakov gathers his children together to tell them the secret of the End of Days, but is prevented by Heaven from revealing the date. Why?


Assembly of Called-Out Believers #12 - Torah Parashah Vayechi -
Symbols of the 12 Tribes Reveal their Migration Path!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdQLK2m5N04 ( 1 hr 50 mins)

Parashah Vayechi tells of Jacob’s prophetic blessing over Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh and then the prophetic blessing he gave his other sons before his death. Learn the symbolism of the different tribes from Jacob's blessing and how it prophetically hints at their futures and where they migrated in the diaspora!

Vayechi (וַיְחִי‬)— Hebrew for “and he lived,” it is the twelfth weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‬, parashah) in the annual cycle of Torah readings and the last parashah in the Book of Genesis. The parashah covers Genesis 47:28–50:26!


#12a Vayechi - Illustrated D'var Torah with Deeper Understanding of Jacob's Prophetic Blessing!
Dec 12, 2021
Listen and learn from Rabbi Isaac's new Dvar Torah teaching on the 12th Torah Parashah Vayechi (וַיְחִי‬), meaning “and he lived,” and in this Dvar Torah study, we focus on what it means to “live” out Divine Service through the context of this parashah. The overall parashah from Gen. 47:28 to 50:26 tells of Ya’akov’s request for burial in Canaan, Ya’akov’s blessing of Yosef’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh, Ya’akov’s blessing of his sons, Ya’akov’s death and burial, and Yosef’s death.



Assembly of Called-Out Believers #12 Haftarah Vayechi - David's blessing upon Solomon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As4_6-gvhCA&list=PLjwGJ03D1fXoJ40g4nvce1GDyj7Q31... (42 mins)

In this week’s haftorah, King David delivers his deathbed message to his son and successor, Solomon. This echos this week’s Torah reading, which discusses Jacob‘s parting words and instructions to his sons at length.

King David encourages Solomon to be strong and steadfast in his belief in God. This will ensure his success in all his endeavors and the continuation of the Davidic Dynasty.

"Be strong, [chazak] therefore, and show yourself a man. 3 Keep the charge [be shomer] of YHVH your God, to walk in His ways [derakhim], to keep His statutes [chukkot], His commandments [mitzvot], His ordinances [mishpatim], and His testimonies [edot], according to what is written in the Law [Torat] of Moses, that you may succeed in all that you do and wherever you turn, 4 so that the Lord may carry out His promise which He spoke concerning me, saying, ‘If your sons are careful of their way, to walk before Me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, you shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel."

Unfortunately, Solomon did not keep all of Yah's commandments in his life and reign over Israel, opening the door for his son's sins and thus losing the scepter and the blessing of Messiah coming from his lineage!

David then gives his son some tactical instructions about people who deserved punishment or reward for their actions during his reign.

The haftorah concludes with David’s death and his burial in the City of David. King Solomon takes his father’s place, firmly establishing his sovereignty.


The Acappella Company Celebrate and Sing with us!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzpLhiTSIxo (18 mins)
January 11, 2025 at 1:11pm
January 11, 2025 at 1:11pm
Weekly Bible Reading # 11- Vayigash- And He came near


Gen. 44:18-47:27


Ezek. 37:15-28

New Testament

Luke 6:12-16


The Acappella Company
God Will Make A Way Praise and Harmony on Victorious God.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NL0qLL0HLM (2 mins 14 secs)


Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
Luke 6:12-16
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOiZmBztkDE (~41 mins)


Rabbi Richman Weekly Torah Portion: Vayigash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_W5z0BAXtA (20 mins)

The supernatural sparks flew when Yehudah approached Yosef. Ready to engage in cosmic battle for the life of Binyamin, Yehudah's anguish turned to joy when Yosef revealed his true identity. We all share in the joy of the reconciled and reunited brothers, and in the return of Yosef to his father Yaakov. This story of reconciliation is the paradigm and blueprint for the great redemption that is to come, when the brothers will once again unite, in heart and soul and might.


Pastor Isaac #11 - Torah Parashah Vayigash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UNvTAOV1AY (104 mins)

Learn the symbolism of Joseph and Benjamin and Judah as different aspects of Messiah’s mission! In this parashah, we see the reoccurring theme of intercession as Judah intercedes on behalf of his brother Benjamin, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and then intercedes to Pharoah for land in Goshen for his family coming from Canaan. Jacob comes down to Egypt, and Joseph’s administration of Egypt saves lives but transforms all the Egyptians into bondmen.


Pastor Isaac #11 Haftarah Vayigash
from Ezekiel 37 - Prophecy of Yosef and Judah coming together again!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG_1LjyDrlI (~60 mins)

This week's haftorah mentions the fusion of the kingdoms of Judah and Joseph during the Messianic Era, echoing the beginning of this week's Torah reading: "And Judah approached him [Joseph]."

The prophet Ezekiel shares a prophecy he received, in which God instructs him to take two sticks and to write one one, "For Judah and for the children of Israel his companions" and on the other, "For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and all the house of Israel, his companions." After doing so he was told to put the two near each other, and G‑d fused them into one stick.

God explains to Ezekiel that these sticks are symbolic of the House of Israel, that was divided into two (often warring) kingdoms: the Northern Kingdom that was established by Jeroboam, a member of the Tribe of Ephraim, and the Southern Kingdom, that remained under the reign of the Davidic (Judean) Dynasty. The fusing of the two sticks represented the merging of the kingdoms that will transpire during the Messianic Era — with the Messiah, a descendant of David, at the helm of this unified empire.

"So says the Lord God: 'Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side, and I will bring them to their land. And I will make them into one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be to them all as a king...'"The haftorah ends with God's assurance that "they shall dwell on the land that I have given to My servant, to Jacob, wherein your forefathers lived; and they shall dwell upon it, they and their children and their children's children, forever; and My servant David shall be their prince forever."


Glen Allred - We'll Work 'Til Jesus Comes
Gaither Music TV


December 28, 2024 at 4:06pm
December 28, 2024 at 4:06pm
Weekly Bible Reading # 10- Miketz/ At the End

Gen 41:1-44_17

1Kings 3:15;4:1

New Testament
Matt. 27:15-28


Crowder House of the Lord
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3lDxE-Vb88 (3 mins)

Matthew 27:1-50 - Skip Heitzig


Aleph Bet Parshat Miketz: Why Didn't Joseph Write Home?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srSTuj6KVt4 (8 mins)


Parashat Miketz 5785 | Why Does God Choose the Outsider?
Rabbi Richman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE8kHmAICus (~20 mins)


Rabbi Richman Weekly Torah Portion: Miketz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phfdho7VxlU (24 mins)

The story of the betrayal of Yosef by his brothers and their ultimate reconciliation is one filled with pathos and pain. While the sin of the brothers who sold Yosef into slavery has long term ramifications which have reverberated throughout Jewish history for 1000's of years, their crime, ironically, by leading to Yosef's ascent in Egypt, saved humanity from deadly famine.


Rabbi Isaac #10 - Torah Parashah Mikketz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_psJxS_BMA (90 mins)

Mikketz Genesis 41-44:17

Mi Ketz, means "from the end" or "completion". It was the end of two full years, from the time the butler and baker were released from prison till Pharoah dreamed and the wine bearer remembered his promise to Yosef (Joseph). His experience in prison must have been akin to what we feel when we have the call of God on our lives and have to wait, sometimes years, to carry it out. He demonstrates for us the best way to spend our time, serving our Master diligently as the scripture says "whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might" Eccl. 9:10 By doing this, Yosef's endured the situation in patient service to Yahweh and his character was strengthened and prepared for the calling on his life.

Learn the symbolism of Joseph and Benjamin as different aspects of Messiah and the correlation with Joseph being brought forth from the pit (on Rosh Hashana/Yom Teruah/Day of Trumpeting) and those who will be brought forth from the pit of Death when Messiah comes on a future Day of Trumpeting! Contemplate the lessons for us in needing to have discernment and wisdom like Joseph to prepare for the coming famine (both Spiritual and Physical) and be a blessing to not only our families but all that God brings to us!


#10 Haftarah Mikketz - Parallels of Wisdom from Yosef and Solomon for us Today!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLm-5Wh3KvI (60 mins)

This week's haftorah from I Kings 3:15-4:1 opens with the words "And Solomon awoke, and behold it was a dream," echoing this week's Torah portion which opens with Pharaoh's dreams. Though not included in the haftorah, in this dream God granted King Solomon his legendary wisdom. The haftorah then relates a famous episode that made all of Israel aware of their new monarch's keen intellect. Two harlots approach King Solomon to adjudicate their dispute. They lived together in the same house, and each had given birth to an infant three days apart. One night, one of the infants was accidentally crushed to death by her mother, and one woman accused the other of switching infants in order to have a live baby. Each woman claimed that the live child is theirs and the deceased child was the other's. King Solomon asks that a sword be brought and orders that the child be cut in half with each woman receiving one half. At this point, the mother of the living child exhorts the king to give the child to the other woman so that he may live, while the other woman says, "Let it be neither mine nor yours, divide!" The king ruled: "Give her the living child, and by no means slay him: she is his mother!"

We draw inferences in our D'var Torah prophetically between these two woman... one true woman, one false woman with end-time prophecy about the true pure woman keeping God's commandments versus the false woman called a harlot in Revelation... Watch and learn the deeper message for us today!


Crowder - All My Hope featuring Tauren Wells
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tElvdnId4Q (~3 mins)
December 21, 2024 at 11:58am
December 21, 2024 at 11:58am
Weekly Bible Reading # 9-Vayeshev/And he dwelt

Gen. 37:1-40:23

Amos 2:6-3:8

New Testament
Matt. 1:1-6;16-25

Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
Matthew 1-28; Mark 1-16; Luke 1-24
Oct 10, 2019
These three Synoptic Gospels give us our first glimpses of Jesus' life and death here on earth. Matthew, Mark, and Luke present Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah, the Servant of the Lord, and the Son of Man, respectively. On this flight, we'll see the service, sermons, sacrifices, and sovereignty of Jesus as we witness the fulfillment of many Old Testament prophecies.

Count on Joseph (Old Testament song #7 by Shawna Edwards)


Rabbi Richman
Parashat Va'yeshev 5785 | Two Paths to Messianic Redemption


Dec 20, 2024 Weekly Torah Portions
The story of Joseph and his brothers is a human drama of jealousy and enmity. At the same time, its inner dynamic is a spiritual, prophetic tension that will lead to the final messianic Redemption with the reunion of the descendants of Joseph and Yehuda.

The Torah portion of Va'yeshev (Gen. 37 : 1 - 40 : 23) is read on Shabbat, 20 Kislev 5785 - December 21, 2024
Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone


Messianic Rabbi Isaac
Assembly of Called-Out Believers

Two Sticks Roundtable Radio Show - Episode 13 "What it means to be Grafted into Israel"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbCsuck2DAI (50 mins)

Messianic Rabbi Isaac
Assembly of Called-Out Believers
#9 Haftarah Vayeshev - Parallels and contrasts between Yosef and his 10 brothers with the 10 Tribes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7AxkD1xO4U&list=PLjwGJ03D1fXoJ40g4nvce1GDyj7Q31... (45 mins)

Dec 21, 2019
This week’s haftorah in Amos 2:6-3:8 parallels the Torah parashah in Genesis 37:1-40:23 about Joseph and his brothers. It contains an allusion to the sale of Joseph by his brothers, an incident discussed in this week’s Torah reading.

Amos opens with a rebuke to the Jewish People. God had been patient with them, notwithstanding their transgression of the three cardinal sins — sexual impropriety, idolatry, and murder. Their fourth sin, however, crossed the line — the mistreatment of the innocent, widows, orphans, and the poor… in essence, not taking care of the “whole house of Israel”!

God reminds the Jewish people how He lovingly took them out of Egypt, led them through the desert for forty years, and settled them in the Holy Land. There, He bestowed the gift of prophecy on some and inspired others to become Nazirites. Yet the Jewish people did not respond appropriately, giving wine to the Nazirites and instructing the prophets not to prophesy. Amos then describes God’s punishment for the errant behavior: “And the stout-hearted among the mighty shall flee naked on that day, says the Lord.”

The haftorah ends with an admonition from God, one that also recalls His eternal love for His people:

“Hearken to this word which the Lord spoke about you, O children of Israel, concerning the entire nation that I brought up from the land of Egypt. ‘Only you did I love above all the families of the earth; therefore, I will visit upon you all your iniquities…'”


Pastor/Messianic Rabbi Isaac
Assembly of Called-Out Believers
#9a Vayeshev - Illustrated D'var Torah with Deeper Understanding of Joseph and his Brothers!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6v0_lZ5ah4 (~38 mins)

Nov 21, 2021

Listen and learn from Rabbi Isaac's new Dvar Torah teaching on the 9th Torah Parashah Vayeshev Hebrew for “and he lived. " In this Dvar message, we learn how we are to "live" and always glorify the Most High like Ya’akov and his son Yoseph, whom the Parashah focuses on with a foreshadowing of Mashiach!

Acappella "Create In Me"

The Acappella Company


May 3, 2017
Acappella Create In Me written by Terry Talbot (originally recorded by John Michael and Terry Talbot.


December 14, 2024 at 8:24am
December 14, 2024 at 8:24am
8-Vayishlach/And he sent
Gen. 32:4-36:43

Obad. 1:1-21

New Testament
Heb. 11:11-20

The Faith of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph – Hebrews 11:20-21 | The Mission Church
https://youtu.be/7S-_QCRc3CQ (~50 mins)

David Crowder O Holy Night
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqsnHwM7oR8 (4 mins)

Alpha Beta Parshat Vayishlach: Becoming a Person of Integrity
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myabsva3BZs (9 mins)

How do we reconcile Jacob's behavior, tricking his brother and lying to his father, with our vision of Yaakov as an
ishemet, a man of truth? Through an analysis of several seemingly unimportant details, we will connect two stories in which Yaakov is a central character and understand what it means to develop into a person of character.

Bim Bam Parshat Vayishlach: Who Did Jacob Actually Wrestle?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc2UAY6h7PI (5 mins)

What's the deal with Jacob and the Angel? Learn what happened in this week's Torah portion.
Ready to rumble? Award-winning novelist Dara Horn brings a real chiddush - new angle - to the incredible story of Jacob's midnight wrestling match. Prepare to get the wind knocked out of you. This is Episode 8 of the weekly Torah cartoon from BimBam.com. Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tells the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!

Parashat Va'yishlach 5785 | The Transformation of Yaakov into Yisrael

Dec 13, 2024 Weekly Torah Portions
The night before his fateful meeting with his brother Esau, the patriarch Yaakov (Jacob) sends his family and flocks safely across the Jabok stream, and is left alone on the other side. A ‘man’ wrestles with Jacob all night, unable to defeat him but finally wounding him. The adversary informs Yaakov that his name will henceforth be Israel. Who was that man anyway? Why did he attack Jacob? And if his name is now 'Yisrael,' why does God Himself continue to call him by both names?

The Torah portion of Va'yishlach (Gen. 32 : 4 - 36 : 43) is read on Shabbat, 13 Kislev 5785 - December 14, 2024

Psalm 24 (The King of Glory) - Keith and Kristyn Getty - Lyrics (~5 mins)

Rabbi Richman Parshat Vayishlach- “And he sent”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYswh01g_SM (10 mins)

In Psalm 24, King David prays, ‘This is the generation of those who seek Him; those who strive for your face, Yaakov selah.’ In addition to the many references and allusions to ‘the face’ in this week’s portion of Va’yishlach, our sages also teach that Yaakov’s face resembled that of Adam, the first man…and that the image of his face is ‘depicted on the Throne of Glory.’ What is the true meaning of these remarkable teachings? Be sure to watch this week’s Jerusalem Lights video lesson, ‘Reveal Your Face!

The Torah portion of Va'yishlach (Genesis 32 : 4 - 36 : 43) is read on Shabbat, Kislev 16, 5782 - November 20, 2021

Rabbi Isaac # 8 - Torah Parashah Vayishlach (Wrestling with God against Self!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgnpobMz1YM (100 mins)

Learn the secrets to overcoming self by submitting to God like Ya'akov versus suppressing bitterness and living with unforgiveness like Esau! We all have our "wrestling' experiences but they can all be for our good if we will face our wounds and fears and be transformed by radical forgiveness and perfected in selfless love!

Rabbi Isaac # 8 -Vayishlach - D'var Torah with Deeper Understanding!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i87kkZd1AcQ (37 mins)

Prepare for next Shabbat's Torah portion... Listen and learn from Rabbi Isaac's new Dvar Torah teaching on the 8th Torah Parashah Vayishlah covering Genesis 32:4–36:43. Vayishlach is Hebrew for “and he sent,” messengers and this Dvar dives deeper into different aspects of us each being sent as messengers with a special purpose today through the lens of the life of Dinah daughter of Leah!

Each year we study and understand on a deeper level and we hope this deeper teaching on the concepts of God appearing to Avraham blesses you with deeper insights and spiritual growth!

Rabbi Isaac #8 Haftarah Vayishlach - Parallels between Jacob and Esau and Israel's prophesied End-time Enemies!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMi9bdhgx6E&list=PLjwGJ03D1fXoJ40g4nvce1GDyj7Q31... (67 mins)

This week’s haftorah mentions the punishment of Edom, the descendants of Esau, whose conflict with Jacob is chronicled in this week’s Torah reading.

The prophet Obadiah, himself a descendant of an Edomite convert, describes the punishment destined for the nation of Edom. The Edomites did not come to Judea‘s aid when she was being destroyed by the Babylonians, and even joined in the carnage. Many years later the Edomites (the Roman Empire) themselves destroyed the Second Temple and mercilessly killed and enslaved their Jewish cousins.

Though the Roman Empire was one of the mightiest to ever inhabit the earth, the prophet forewarns: “If you go up high like an eagle, and if you place your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down, says the Lord. . . And the house of Jacob shall be fire and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall become stubble, and they shall ignite them and consume them, and the house of Esau shall have no survivors, for the Lord has spoken.”

After describing the division of Esau’s lands amongst the returning Judean exiles, the haftorah concludes with the well known phrase: “And saviors shall ascend Mt. Zion to judge the mountain of Esau, and the Lord shall have the kingdom.”

Because He Lives - Grace Larson
December 7, 2024 at 11:36am
December 7, 2024 at 11:36am
Weekly Bible Reading #7 Vayetze/And he went out

Gen. 28:10-32:3

Hos. 11:7-14:9

New Testament
John 1:19-51

Hymn of Heaven-Phil Wickham

John 1:19-51 -Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
https://youtu.be/QtOMvCWAYSo ~1:11

Apr 7, 2016
What is your view of Jesus? John the Baptist was very aware of who Jesus is: "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). We learn that our faith should not be dictated by the world's opinion of God because the majority of people have not received Him—but those who do have the right to become His children.

This teaching is from our series 43 John - 2016 with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.


Rabbi Richman Torah Portion Vayetze
What is Jacob's Ladder?

The patriarch Jacob's vision of a ladder spanning from earth to heaven was no ordinary dream...it was a template and spiritual guide to teach us how to connect heaven and earth. The ladder of life!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfhjYeBYtfU (22 mins)

Rabbi Richman Torah Portion Vayetze
Jacob's Spiritual Battle

The crafty and manipulative Laban, introduced in this week's Torah portion, is a profound study in the nature of spiritual opposition. His cunning and psychological warfare serve as a testing ground for Yaakov, refining his character and preparing him for his ultimate role as the patriarch of a holy nation. Through Laban’s challenges, Yaakov emerges stronger, demonstrating that truth and holiness can triumph even in the most corrupt environments.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU7MoOu6m3Q (~ 16 mins)


Rabbi Isaac Torah Portion Vayetze
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAoL_ijlELY (120 mins) (jacobs Ladder comparisons to DNA)

Excellent information within the first 7 minutes of the video!

Nov 26, 2017 #jacobsladder #torah #biblestudy
Learn the secrets and symbolism of Jacob's Ladder and how it relates to us today and even plays a part in understanding end-time prophecy!

Rabbi Isaac
#7a Vayetze - Illustrated D'var Torah with Deeper Understanding into Jacob and Laban!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vUZsZEdCZ0 (45 mins)

Nov 7, 2021
Listen and learn from Rabbi Isaac's new Dvar Torah teaching on Torah Parashah Vayetze meaning “and he left,” is the seventh weekly Torah portion and covers Genesis 28:10–32:3
It tells of Jacob’s travels to, life in, and return from Haran. The parashah recounts Jacob’s dream of a ladder to heaven, Jacob’s meeting of Rachel at the well, Jacob’s time working for Laban and living with Rachel and Leah, the birth of Jacob’s children, and the departure of Jacob’s family from Laban.

Phil Wickham - How Great Is Your Love

November 29, 2024 at 9:36pm
November 29, 2024 at 9:36pm

Gen. 25:19-28:9

Malachi. 1:1-2:7
New Testament

Rom. 9:1-13

Janet Paschal - What Good Are Love Songs (If They Don't Make Us Lovers)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkYMMMv0ViI (~4 mins)


New Testament
Rom. 9:1-13

"God's Choice of Israel" (Romans 9:1-18)
Cornerstone Bible Church
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZumHxPikNM (~1 hr)

If you read through the stories of Isaac, one thing becomes exceptionally apparent: he is rarely the main character in his own stories! There is only one seemingly inconsequential story where the focus is all on Isaac, and it's about... digging some wells?! Why is THIS the story the Torah chooses to share about Isaac? Who cares about these wells? Is this Isaac's grand introduction? Let's explore Parshat Toldot (Genesis 29:14-28:9) together and try to understand how this introduction of Isaac perfectly characterizes the Abrahamic legacy of kindness.

Parshat Toldot 5784 : Prayer from the Depths

Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Nov 16, 2023
https://youtu.be/bCsLCPa5QYo (~11 mins)


Messianic Rabbi Isaac - This video also states that the first seal in Revelations opened in 2010!
# 6 - Torah Parashah Toldot (Generations)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEA71PPK_yw (90 min)

Look deeper at the story of Jacob and Esau and learn from Rabbi Isaac the powerful truth about the importance of the choices we make and how it is even more important than the Nature versus Nurture argument! Realize the power of God's Spirit in your life to overcome sin through this amazing teaching on the generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and learn the reason Esau lost the blessing of the firstborn and how his wrong choices not only affected him but his whole lineage down through the ages... even playing a part in end-time prophecy!

Messianic Rabbi Issac- Interesting discussions!

#6 Haftarah Toldot - Parallels between Jacob's descendants versus Esau's

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbaJup04udQ&list=PLjwGJ03D1fXoJ40g4nvce1GDyj7Q31... (58 mins)

This week's haftorah is from Malachi 1:1-2:7. It opens with a mention of the tremendous love God harbors for the children of Jacob and the retribution He will visit upon the children of Esau who persecuted their cousins. This follows the theme of this week's Torah reading, whose two protagonists are Jacob and Esau.


Riding On The Wings Of Love
Legacy Five
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KVGUB4Qse4 (~3min)

November 23, 2024 at 2:26am
November 23, 2024 at 2:26am
Weekly Reading #5-Chayei Sarah/Sarah's Life

Gen. 23:1-25:18

1Kings 1:1-31

New Testament
Matt 1:1-17

Speer Family - I’ll Be There

The Hidden Beauty of the Holy Name of God - YHVH
Assembly of Called-Out Believers (21 mins)

Parshat Chayei Sarah: Find Me A Find, Catch Me A Catch!

Aleph Beta

In our journey to understand the epic legacy of Abraham and Isaac, the stories in Chayei Sarah (Genesis 23:1 - 25:18) of their actions and attributes are abruptly cut short by the urgent quest to find Isaac, a worthy wife - welcome to the team, Rebecca. Clearly, the text is trying to teach us that something unique and essential about Rebecca is required to continue the Abrahamic legacy. Join us as we unravel the story of Rebecca at Lavan's house and how it sheds light on the unique characteristics necessary to continue this chosen heritage. What can we learn from her, and how can we continue this legacy?

Pastor Isaac #5 -
Torah Parashah Chayei Sarah (Life/Death of Sarah)

Learn about the life of Sarah and Abraham’s negotiations to purchase the best burial place for his wife Sarah in the cave of Machpelah because of her Greatness and righteous noble traits and how we learn more about the life of Sarah and who she was from her death of Sarah than any time earlier! See amazing parallels in Abraham's servant’s mission as the first matchmaker to find and prepare a wife for Abraham’s son Isaac, which takes us on a quest to answer the question, Who is the Bride of Messiah, and what are her qualities? Learn deeper symbolism of Sarah as past Israel and Rivkah as present Israel, and so much more!


#5 Haftarah Chayei Sarah - Parallels pointing to the future Bride of Messiah!

In this Haftarah Chayei Sarah we draw Spiritual prophetic parallels between the Brides of Abraham, Isaac, King David and the future spiritual Bride of Messiah! The haftarah in I Kings 1:1-31 describes an aging King David, echoing this week’s Torah reading, which mentions that “Abraham was old, advanced in days.


Jerusalem Lights Parashat Chayei Sarah 5781: The Unspoken Prayer Rabbi Richman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pZ1wptfBfQ (12 mins)

Abraham sends his trusty servant, Eliezer, back to his homeland on a mission to find a wife for Isaac. Approaching his destination, Eliezer prays to G-d for success. It has a remarkable, powerful spiritual experience…his prayer is answered even before he finishes speaking when Rebecca appears on the scene and fulfills the condition he had begun to present to G-d in his ‘unspoken’ prayer, thus confirming that she is the one. What is the mystery and meaning of G-d hearing – and answering – a prayer, even before it is spoken?

Parashat Chayei Sarah 5785 | A Torah Lesson On Soulmates
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman

Torah wisdom teaches that soulmates are created in Heaven and that every soul that descends to this world has a pre-destined match. But why do some people have difficulty finding 'the one?' And how do we know if we have really found our soulmate? Is this what love is all about?

Matthew ~ 1:1 to 1:25
Shepherd’s Chapel

Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse study of God's letter to you, the Bible.

November 15, 2024 at 8:13pm
November 15, 2024 at 8:13pm
Abba Father
Song by Acappella
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un2dZZC7VSc ~4 mins

4-Vayera/And appeared
Gen. 18:1-22:24


119 Ministries
Genesis 18:1 - 22:24
English Standard Version (ESV)

Watch the video in the section Elohim Rescues Lot. ~4 mins


Parashat Va'yera 5784 | Someone is at the Door

The patriarch Abraham passed ten trials that proved his faith. The ultimate of these tests was the ‘Binding of Isaac’ featured in this week’s Torah portion of Va’yera: G-d’s command for Abraham to take his son Isaac, the beloved promised child of his old age, and offer him up as an offering. G-d continuously tests us all – it’s a major theme throughout the Torah, and in reality, we are all being tested constantly. But what is the real purpose and nature of the tests that G-d prepares for each individual? Why are we tested? And how can we be sure that we will pass? In this week's portion, we learn that the tests we confront present us with an opportunity to rise to our fullest potential and accomplish our mission in this world.

Rabbi Issac
Assembly of Called out believers
#4 Vayera And He Appeared

A fascinating discussion is within the first twenty minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgw4ldDoXlQ (2 hrs)

Vayeira Hebrew for “and He appeared,” the first word in the parashah) is the fourth weekly Torah portion in the annual cycle of Torah reading and covers Genesis 18:1–22:24.

Learn about how God "appears" and manifests Himself in different ways in this parashah of Vayeira and how this Torah Parashah reveals God's character of "Tzedakah" (charity) as well as his justice in "mishaptim" (i.e., his Judgements). Come to understand the lessons for our spiritual growth in the stories of Abraham's three visitors and Abraham's bargaining with God over Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's two visitors and Lot's bargaining with the Sodomites, the flight of Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as how Yeshua was the light that came out of the darkness of the cave in which Lot's daughters became pregnant by their father, and how Abraham once again was blessed in even though he passed off his wife Sarah as his sister! Come to understand the symbol of the covenant in the birth of Isaac, as well as the deeper meanings of the expulsion of Hagar, disputes over wells, and the binding of Isaac.

#4 Haftarah Vayera - The Model of God appearing, a Miraculous Birth, Death, and Resurrection! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYeiiiZoiPw&list=PLjwGJ03D1fXoJ40g4nvce1GDyj7Q31... (~58 min)


New Testament
Luke 1:26-38;24:36-53

Amy Grant - Breath Of Heaven (Mary's Song) (Lyric Video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWo3qlqyW1c ~5mins

My Honest Thoughts about the Proverbs 31 Woman | Chit Chat with Me :)
With love, Ashley
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKbqjeE4dXM (~10)
Coffee and Bible Time
Hey friend,
What comes to your mind when you think about the Proverbs 31 woman?
For many of us, we look up to this woman; she inspires us with her strength, discipline, and hard work. But, for others, this “perfect” lady gets on our nerves because of how unrealistic her life seems to be (and we feel like we cannot live up to her). In today's video, I talk about the Proverbs 31 woman and how we might be reading and interpreting it wrong. I hope this is insightful for you and encourages you to delight more and more in God's Word!
With love,

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