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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/heartburn/month/8-1-2021
Rated: 13+ · Book · Family · #2058371
Musings on anything.
BCOF Insignia

My blog was filled up. I'm too lazy to clean it out. So I started a new one.
August 20, 2021 at 3:04pm
August 20, 2021 at 3:04pm
Prompt: “Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life."― Mark Twain Your thoughts, agree or disagree?

         Books! Oh, to be surrounded by good books. If only I could live long enough to read all I want. I am a slow reader, so that makes it even harder to keep up with the books I have. To stay up late and read a story I just can't put down, now, that's a thrill. (I can't permit myself that pleasure any longer, because I'm on a c-pap machine, and it has to be so many hours a night. It reports on me to my doctor like a GPS. Hopefully, it's making me healthier and I'll live a little better.)

         It's a family thing. My brothers liked to read, or at least two of them, but all three quote Shakespeare. My parents read and collected many books, which I now have. And the e-reader has books you can't lend or give away. I need to move to a smaller home, so deciding which books I can keep, and which have to be donated, is baffling me.

         Twain is further right. Chatting with a few friends is a wonderful way to pass the time, whether we're remembering the old days, or discussing books or movies, or contemplating alternate meanings of "The second coming". Those friends are the ones who will meet us in a crisis, or sit by our beds while we are dying, or come to our second weddings. We'll do the same for them.

         As to the "sleepy" conscience, he is right and wrong. It would be so easy to enjoy the first two, and not think about cutting the grass, doing laundry, or getting to work on time and wide awake. The carefree life floating up the Mississippi would be nice. However, we live in an age of taxes and insurance and responsibilities for the nice things we must have. And what of the rest of the world. Would the ideal life involve ignoring the damages of natural disasters in another part of the earth? A sleepy conscience permits us to be free of guilt for our own "errors in judgment", much less oppression, injustice, and violence at home and abroad.

         If only he hadn't thrown in the part about the conscience. We can never be truly carefree for long because our world is in such turmoil. It keeps us unsettled and distraught. The books and friends are a welcome relief and escape from the turbulence astir in the world.

August 5, 2021 at 3:18pm
August 5, 2021 at 3:18pm
Prompt: Write about your favorite thing to do in August. Do you have a favorite tradition to do in the summer/ winter depending on where you live that you look forward to every year?

         In August, I usually panic that summer is almost over and I haven't done some summer things. I think it's ingrained from the school days which I haven't seen in decades, but from which I have not escaped. In August you finish vacations, buy school or work clothes and office or school supplies. The days get shorter, but the weather is still scorching.

         If I haven't bought an ice cream cone all summer, this month it has to be done. It's not the same in fall or winter. There has to be a picnic or cookout somewhere. I haven't had one since last year when indoor entertaining was still frowned on. Unfortunately, the door is closing on indoor entertaining this year, too.

         When I was a kid, we had family fishing trips. We don't do that any more, but I did drive to a county lake one day this week where we used to go with my grandparents, who had given up driving by that time. It's still a small park, no camping or picnicking allowed, just boating and fishing. But there are homes built all around it now. It was a mild sunny morning and memories flooded back.

         The last of the tomatoes have to be harvested. This year I didn't have any but one Roma and a handful of tiny Asian pear tomatoes, thanks to the prolific deer in my neighborhood. I didn't grow anything else, but basil and cantaloupe which the deer ate before any melons appeared.

         I'm not buying any new clothes this year. I'm not working and have too many out of date clothes to give away or toss.

         I will still feel wistful in the late afternoon as the trees cast longer and longer shadows across the lawn. I recall watching those shadows from the window of a college study lab. Now, there's no excitement of a new school year and seeing my friends again, but a twinge of that anticipation still resides as fall approaches. The end of summer tells me life is flying by.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/heartburn/month/8-1-2021