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Rated: 13+ · Book · Family · #2058371
Musings on anything.
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My blog was filled up. I'm too lazy to clean it out. So I started a new one.
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March 3, 2018 at 3:41pm
March 3, 2018 at 3:41pm
         We were one of the lucky ones in that we didn't lose power this weekend due to the high winds like many in our region. However, the best laid plans still go awry.

         I was prepared to go do a charity thing this morning, and go suffer at the gym afterward. I had time to spare, so I was eating a bowl of bran flakes and blueberries, feeling very healthy, when a knock came at the front door. I thought it was weird because my neighbor always rings the doorbell and it was still early. Some guy wanted to cut the tree falling in my driveway, (it sounded like falling). We have a lot of old trees, and the tree guys really hit our neighborhood on a regular basis. So I said not today, check back. "No, it's on your car. You can't get out."

         "Right now?" I asked, startled. I followed him into the cold air with no jacket. Oh my goodness. At the end of the house--my front door faces the street, but not my driveway, because the street curves and we're at the top of the hill--my car was covered by a huge green monstrosity and my dad's SUV was completely hidden by this tree. I had a clear view of my neighbor's driveway and garage which had always been blocked by this wide tree.

         My bedroom is on the street side of the house, the garage to one side. You'd think I would have heard the crash during the night. Maybe it did wake me up, but the noise didn't register. I've been waking every 45 minutes to an hour for the last week, and have trouble falling asleep. But the wind has been up for several days. Or it might have fallen while I was in the shower this morning. That was the first I knew of it. "Don't leave," I told him. Something would have to be done.

         I ran in to tell the homeowner who makes all big decisions. He is elderly and wasn't quite ready to face the world. I don't think he believed me at first. I had to yell the news, since he's almost deaf. We did engage the man who made quick work of it and freed our vehicles. He has to come back one day next week with his chipper, and haul the debris away. He has many more trees to cut today.

         We lucked out. Some pretty big dings in my dad's car and a lot of scratches. Minor scratches were all that my car took, since it's smaller and got more of the top part of the tree. Next week will require several trips to the car dealer for estimates, since I have to drive each car. Dad only drives nearby now because of his vision. We can't let him far from home on busy highways. Then it's haggling with insurance companies. I'm in favor of fixing my car, and taking the money for his and applying to a trade-in. His is older and needs replacing. Even if we fix it, the dealer will reduce the trade-in value if it's been in an accident.

         After the guy churns up the branches and cuts up the remaining trunk, still near its base, we have to rake and clean up the driveway. I'd like to plant a dogwood tree in its place. It doesn't grow as tall. And maybe a lilac bush for the fragrance. We won't have as much shade in the summer, but we won't have all those pine cones under the tires or needles to sweep.

         Life happens and messes with our to do lists.
March 2, 2018 at 4:24pm
March 2, 2018 at 4:24pm
         Tomorrow I will participate with a local group to pack meals for a foreign country. It usually involves barley, rice, dried vegetables, a vitamin pack, and wheat. It's enough for a family of four for one meal. Studies have shown that when people are hungry, they over-populate. There are lots of reasons for that, some intentional, like knowing some of your children will die, so you have more. You need children to take care of you when you are old. Some unintentional, like feeding a different kind of hunger, or just staying warm in your poverty.

         To get the meals, they have to send the kids to school. If they want to eat, they educate their children. Schooling is optional, and some poor people give away or sell their children. Sending them to school guarantees food for the family. Local missionaries or social workers give instructions on boiling water and cooking the grains after opening the vitamin pack. The grain is packed in a cone shape clear bag, so all they do is open the tip, the vitamin pack falls out first, then the rest into the boiling water.

         Local communities, schools or churches buy the supplies, an 18 wheeler full, which is expensive, and they pack the meals in assembly lines. We, the workers, wear hair nets, take our stations and stay put for about two hours. A few people run the finished bags over to the weighing station to make sure they're full. Some people seal them and pack them in shipping boxes. About 20 to 40 people can pack 10,000 meals in a few hours. The organization has lots of experience in organizing people who've never done it before and are very efficient. The volunteers provide tables, and only a few chairs, and clean up afterward. There is a lot of grain dust and a few spills.

         Doing it this way saves over $300 in labor costs, educates the volunteers, and leaves them with a good feeling. Not only have they purchased this food, they have had hands on experience with packaging it and preparing it for shipping.

         We only do it once a year. We missed a few years when we just couldn't get enough money together. I figured our effort feeds 100 families of 4 for 5 days a week, for 20 weeks. Ten thousand meals sounds like a lot, but is it really? Some families have more than 4. And what about when school isn't in? Of course, if each child gets a meal, then they have some left over for breakfast or weekends. Last year our meals went to Haiti. Hopefully, these children will benefit from their schooling and will get jobs when they are older.
March 1, 2018 at 3:48pm
March 1, 2018 at 3:48pm
         I was talking with the kids in my family Sunday and brought up the idea of opening our own zoo when they get older. They were into it. The six year old is already thinking of being a veterinarian. I told them we'd have to save our money to buy some wooded land and build a lot of fences and special buildings. The five year old said it would take an acre for an elephant. I agreed to at least that much, but a whole lot more to make him comfortable, and even more if he had friends. One wanted penguins. I said we'd need a lot of space and some ice and water for that, and a special zookeeper.

         All but the two year olds were getting into the conversation. We'd need a marketing manager, so one of them would have to study business in college. (One of them has a mother who is in marketing/PR for hospitals and health care.) We'd need to hire a lot of people for feeding the animals, cleaning the cages, cutting the grass, taking care of the plumbing, security 24 hours a day, and so forth. The six year wants a reptile house. With a grimace she asked about lizards. I told her we'd have to have a specialist for snakes and lizards, and someone to keep the glass clean where the tourists press against it. They all agreed to call it Noah's Park and have at least two of whatever animals we had.

         I pushed for llamas, alpacas, and mountain goats. We debated crocodiles and alligators, since whole farms are dedicated to those only in Florida. Maybe we'd stick to giraffes and koala bears, and leave out tigers and lions until it got big enough business wise to bring on trained handlers and add more land. I didn't point out to them that I probably won't be around when they're out of college, although one is nine already. My brother didn't point out that he'll be too old to help out physically. But we all jumped in on the dream and the skills we'd have to develop. It was kind of a fun exercise, and they enjoyed doing it.

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