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Rated: 13+ · Book · Family · #2058371
Musings on anything.
BCOF Insignia

My blog was filled up. I'm too lazy to clean it out. So I started a new one.
March 20, 2018 at 1:00am
March 20, 2018 at 1:00am
         I've always wanted to travel, but couldn't afford it. When I was married, I didn't want to travel with my husband, but that's another story. Now I have a little saved up, and I'm not looking at living for many more decades (I'm being a positive thinker to think THAT big). But I still can't travel because I'm taking care of my dad who can't travel. Maybe that's why I want to go so badly. Like a teenager, you want to do what you can't. And these days I'm a little more afraid of international traveling, although I still want to go to Ireland. And Spain. And all around the Mediterranean.

         Yes, I saw The Bucket List. It did make me think of my own list, but skydiving and mountain climbing weren't on it. Recently, I saw a Tyler Perry movie in which Kathy Bates and Alfre Woodward take off in a convertible and just follow the road, like an older version of Thelma and Louise, but not running from the law. Oh, did that drive the wanderlust home. I started thinking of all the places I'd like to go, just driving across America. Bates and Woodward joked about hitting every Cracker Barrel in the country. I have discovered on a few travels that local establishments can be better than the big chains, or not. How cool would that be, to just ride west or north, or south, or in between, and stop at any place or festival that took my eye, no plan from day to day.

         I like visiting historical homes, art museums, caves, and factories. The Bush Beans factory was fascinating in Tennessee. I learned a lot, found it entertaining, and enjoyed myself. And it was in the middle of no where. I thought I was lost before I found this tourist spot in the middle of a big farming and production complex. The Grand Old Opry was fun. I'd like to stay in their fancy (not cheap) hotel and ride on their riverboat. I have never been west of Kansas City, so I am willing to keep on driving. Maybe Branson would be nice. I get e-mails from South Dakota tourism groups, so they've fed my curiosity. You could spend a month exploring Texas. They have beaches, mountains, deserts, big cities, The Alamo, and so much history. Louisiana has old homes, artwork, Creole food and accents, elegant gardens, swamps and music.

         I wouldn't want to spend my time in rock concerts, or heme parks. They're artificial, and I'm not into thrill rides. But I would go to plays and outdoor concerts, and local productions. I'm willing to go alone. I've traveled across several states alone before. If only the logistics could work out. I'd like to travel before I have something go wrong and can't. It's a beautiful country, and it's waiting for me!

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