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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/hawaiifoeva/day/8-1-2020
by Emily
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2166092
A blog to house my musings, curiosities, and fascinations.
When it came time for me to start blogging again, I found myself paralyzed. I was trapped by the belief that my blog had to be unique, that it had to have a defined theme, and that it had to be appealing to everyone. After some time scouring Google for advice, I realized that if all I did was worry and plan, I would spend forever worrying and planning and never get to writing.

From that realization, I've decided to display my blog writing guidelines here for everyone to see, but especially for me to see when I come here to write.

Blog about what is appealing to YOU.
Don't worry about anyone else.

Allow yourself to WRITE!
Don't restrain yourself to one voice, one writing style, one genre, or one topic area.

Throw out the fear of maintaining a consistent theme.
Blog about your passions, interests, fancies, inspirations, opinions, musings, curiosities, ramblings, and loves.

Explore, experiment, and have fun!

So, this is my solution. A blog about anything and everything that sparks my interest. *BigSmile*

The title is inspired by the quote at the bottom of this introduction. Everything you love, even for a short time, becomes part of you. Our experiences and perception of the world is colored by those things we love and have loved, whether those things are *Paw* or not. This blog will be a place to house those passions and curiosities. Please enjoy!

In memory - 8/15/2017

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."

Merit Badge in Aloha
[Click For More Info]

Only the most selfless, dedicated person would come up with an idea like an Aloha MB. But then, from all those  things you do on WDC and we know you're doing out in the world, it's what we should have known you'd do. You've always been working to make things better and help people, animals, and places. Maybe the badge should have your picture so everyone knows a real example of Aloha.

Cover image by Jessica Woulfe
August 1, 2020 at 8:18pm
August 1, 2020 at 8:18pm
July was a huge success for me. First, I paid off a big chunk of my student loans so I only have about $4,000 left to pay. I also got a raise at work, lost 10 pounds, and wrote A LOT! I mean ... WAY more than I normally write in a month. The things I wrote in July are listed below *Smile* Looking back, I wanted to reflect on how and why I had managed to write so much more than I’m normally able to write in a month. I think the partial answer is that I’m trying to catch up with the Contest Challenge, but also I’ve honed in my poetry writing process so it is easier for me to start a new piece. I always find it interesting when others share their writing process, so here’s a quick overview of mine (for poetry only, stories are a whole other beast).

First, I open my little book, grab a pen, and write the prompt or topic of the poem. Whatever it is that I’m supposed to be writing about. Then, I start doing some word association and word vomiting everything the prompt makes me think about. Often, interesting phrases emerge in this stage, but nothing concrete. When the word vomiting is finished, I read through the random phrases I’ve jotted down and underline things I think are good. Sometimes I’ll draw arrows between different thoughts that might connect. Then, I’ll usually write the lines I liked on a new page in my book and add more structure to the thoughts. If new phrases come to me at this stage, I include those as well. Usually, at this point, the theme and story of the poem starts to emerge. I’ll start writing numbers in the margins to indicate if the line should belong at the beginning of the poem, middle, or end. I’ll also draw arrows and add more connecting words to start stringing the poem together. At this point, I’ll rewrite all the lines again in their new order and including the additional words. Now, the poem is nearing its final stage. I’ll type it on my computer, adding line and stanza breaks where appropriate and punctuation. Usually, I’ll let it sit for a while (few hours) before coming back to re-read it. I’ll edit my punctuation and word choice at least twice before posting to WDC. With this method, I feel less pressure at the beginning and it allows me to start writing even if I don’t know what I’ll write about. It is also a fairly fast process, quite different from how I used to write, laboring endlessly over a single line to make it perfect before moving on. How I write now allows the full picture to come out first and then find order on the page. And it’s working! Here’s what it helped me write in July:

Where the Ocean meets the Sand  (E)
This is the color that centers me - heals me
#2225972 by Emily

On Traditions and Tiropita  (E)
Thoughts on making new traditions through food
#2225999 by Emily

Cocooned in Time  (13+)
It would have been thrilling if I wasn’t drowning.
#2226181 by Emily

The Wolf Dog  (13+)
He still remembered his wildness
#2226215 by Emily

The Shrouded Door  (ASR)
What happened to leave you this way?
#2226319 by Emily

A Moment on Superior’s Shore  (E)
An observation of the simple life of another being
#2227111 by Emily

The Bee's Bride  (13+)
Have you ever seen a bee sleep on the petal of a flower?
#2227145 by Emily

Of Breath  (ASR)
Sometimes, it is hard to do even this one simple thing.
#2227146 by Emily

The Joy of Bread  (E)
The way to my heart is simple...
#2227188 by Emily

Climate Refugees  (18+)
When Earth becomes inhospitable to the human race, where do we go?
#2227481 by Emily

He is a River  (18+)
I embrace these feelings and let them carry me to where I’m meant to be.
#2227544 by Emily

Of Waters and Mothers  (ASR)
The language of water is one we all know, but soon forget
#2228219 by Emily

In August, I will:

For "CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge, "Little Mouse Loves to Read and "Angel Product Reviews
*Boxcheck* "Emma in the Night: A Novel"  
*Boxcheck* "Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss, and the Fight for Trans Equality"  
*Boxcheck* "Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion"  

Enter Contests:
*Boxcheck* *Boxcheck* *Boxcheck* *Boxcheck* *Box* "Promptly Poetry Challenge (2023-2024)
*Boxcheck* "The Taboo Words Contest ~ On Hiatus for "The Contest Challenge

Contest Challenge Catch-Up:

*Boxcheck* June 2017 "Invalid Item
*Boxcheck* March 2018 "The PET NEWS CONTEST

Continue Regular Commitments:
*BoxCheck* Normal review crediting for "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group and "Anniversary Reviews

Be proud of yourself!


© Copyright 2021 Emily (UN: hawaiifoeva at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Emily has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/hawaiifoeva/day/8-1-2020