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Rated: E · Book · Activity · #1947466
memories are fading
today i tell myself of the observation i'm about to receive. waking up silence my breath,i heard of a noise,and i silently scream. i tell myself a good day is a bad day and i awake to that silent day. memories are fading,memories are to cherish,and if i were to perish then i have receive my day of observation. i tell myself to live to that day to be happy and to live to that day to perish. my mind is amaze world heartily and i can see a vision,a vision of an knight. i see this world as an innovated mind,i see clouds and dust,and i am journey to my observation. this world is to live and die,the power is the power of an enemy,and resurrection is the resurrection of life. i tell myself the enemy lives and i'm that enemy. i live to survive which is to conquer all humanity. today i live to see the world another day.
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January 7, 2014 at 3:32pm
January 7, 2014 at 3:32pm
days have gone days have perish since the last time i have written my blog. i usually find a blog amusing and i find a blog to be entertaining for the readers choice of view. my time is my hr and my hr is my past. i write for a choice a choice that i view to the readers. i view the readers as a choice,choice of viewers that spend their time reading. once i write i like to view my readers as a choice,choice of companion. i write with free will and i companion my readers with a choice of amusement. i write to free will my writing and i companion to free will my readers. writing is a preference of choice that we must face with free will. writing is a communication,communication of art. my companions are my readers and my writing is my art of communicating. the art of writing is the art of communicating and the art of communicating is the art of companion. maybe one day the readers will have a companion,a companion to read. maybe one day my writing will be the choice for the readers to read. a choice is a companion which we must choose from reading or communicating. to communicate is to free will and to companion is to read.
December 9, 2013 at 2:36pm
December 9, 2013 at 2:36pm
i live to see the day. i live to envision the future. i live to write another day. i realize my future is my writing. i realize another day is another century. i envision the future as another day of writing. i wake up in the morning knowing that my steadiness is the vision of the future. i wake up realizing that my vision is the vision of the future. i want to live to see the future and i want my writing to be the steadiness of the future. life is an atmosphere bright of ideas and life is the past memories of our past life. i live to see life as a vision and i vision that life as a steadiness of the future. i want to write to bring my memory to that steadiness of a vision. i want my life to be a joy of memories and i want my steadiness to be the life of the future. my idea is my future and my writing is my steadiness. my future is my joy of life and my writing is my joy of happiness. ideas come from the mind,ideas come from the future,and ideas is a base of knowledge. maybe one day my writing will be the bright full of ideas. maybe time have brought me to the century to understand that my writing can be the steadiness of the future.
November 28, 2013 at 1:34pm
November 28, 2013 at 1:34pm
before time there was the art of living. before time the art of writing was the art of living. time is a formal style type of writing. time is divided in between time. the art of writing was the art of living. writing form a style that's adjacent to living. writing is an idea,writing is a style,and before time there was living. i write to live and i live to form a style of writing. live is to live by the art of writing and time have prosper me to live. when i write i have ideas which are turn into the art of living. my ideas help me formal my life and my writing form my art of living. time elude us from living but its the art that prosper us to keep on living. the art is the living and the living is the writing. my style of writing is to form ideas which will help my living. life is a bright future,life bring memories,and life fulfill life. writing is a bright fullness of happiness and living is a prosperous life. living is a form of art that prosper our life. living is to form a style of writing. living is the art of writing and time is the happiness of ideas. time is the bright fullness of time and writing is a prosperous life.
November 17, 2013 at 2:59pm
November 17, 2013 at 2:59pm
writing is a safe atmosphere. writing can form a safe atmosphere in our mind. writing is initially a form of safe atmosphere that prosper in our mind. we use our mind to write and read,also we use our mind to prosper our mind so it can be safe. if your mind feel safe then normally your having a good day maybe even a good future that will arrive in the days to come. to be safe is the best atmosphere we can have in our mind. we live to feel good and when you can turn your mind to be safe,this usually mean you can write to be safe. writing is a form of art that can turn your mind to be safe. writing makes you feel comfortable and knowledgeable which should or will lead you to be safe in your mind. once i feel safe the hr.'s of my past will be the hr.'s of my future. by writing i form a future of bright ideas and those bright ideas can lead me to a brighter future. i want to be safe in my mind so i write. i want to know what it feels like when i wake up in the morning and be tired but at the same time i look for that day to be a brighter future. writing form a safe atmosphere in your mind and you look forward to that day to be a brighter future.
November 7, 2013 at 4:58pm
November 7, 2013 at 4:58pm
am i on a quest to see a vision. my quest is my knowledge and my knowledge is my quest. i awake every day to set my sights for the future. once my vision is complete my quest is to vision the future. hand by hand my sights is the eye of the beholder. once my vision futuristically behold itself then my sights can be the future. i awake to my knowledge and i set my sights futuristically. once my hand is set on my sights my eye behold the beauty. my quest is my beauty and my vision is mother nature. when i awake to see mother nature my beauty is the sleepless nights of my vision. mother nature is the hr.'s of all my vision and my past is my most present day of the future. i set my sights on writing and by writing my soul is mother nature most gifted beauty. once timed as a leader i lead my soul to mother nature. mother nature is the hr.'s of my soul and my quest is mother nature most gifted vision. as a writer i write to a standard of mother nature because my timing form an art that is to be said my quest is my vision.
October 23, 2013 at 4:51pm
October 23, 2013 at 4:51pm
love is an atmosphere,love become an mutual of an understanding,and love is the bypass of love. there are days when activity's become the facial of my writing. there are days when i take a mis-understanding and make it the activity of my writing. what i understand can become love and what i cherish can be diminish. i understand the concept of love but the concept itself is love's most activity's of the day. writing can be an love of an moment kind of writing. writing is an mutual understanding of love and writing form an art that we cherish so it won't be diminish. in the day my activity's is a kind of love that people love to write. i cherish to perish and i perish to survive the outcome of love. my activity is my love and my love is my writing. in the end of the day i awoke to a love of activity's and writing. in the end of the day i survive to live another day. everyday is a beginning of love and activity's. i write to form this kind of art and i free style to form this kind of love from writing. i write with a kind of love that is special from the heart.
October 12, 2013 at 2:03pm
October 12, 2013 at 2:03pm
what a 10 days its been since i wrote my blog. i would like to write my blog sooner but temptation keep me from fulfilling my task. i try to stay busy with myself and believe me,writing is an form of art. temptation is mine to give and i write with a fluent style. love is an entry and i style my writing to be the art of love. love is a form of art that we cherish and writing is a form of art that i style myself too. love is the entry of my life and writing is my first love's. i write to form an art of love and i style myself with the kind of writing that usually predict this world. love is a kind of writing that material this world. love is an scene,scene of writing,and i style myself with the art of love. temptation is love's first write and i admirably admire that type of writing. my style is my vision and my vision is my writing. i was born yesterday to be a writer and i was born today to be a survivor. time has conscious me to be wise and the wisdom i share shall rise with my love of entry from writing. time is to surrender and i have surrender my writing to be that art of love.
October 2, 2013 at 4:07pm
October 2, 2013 at 4:07pm
everyday is a good day,everyday is a bad day,and everyday is a ugly day. days past,days are gone,and days are the past of our past. an idea is in the day of the week and i feel like i'm having a good day. my good day consist a variety of bad days and ugly days. maybe i'm contemplating my ideas but i have reasons for this mood swing. i think an idea is an idea in the day and for reasons i contemplate these ideas into reality. an idea is in the mind,an idea is a vision,and an idea is an reality of struck. my good day is my ugly day and my bad day is my good day. reality have struck,i have contemplated my ideas,and i shall have a good day. my mood swing is my mood swing of a good day and my bad mood swing is my ugly mood swing of the day. i vision what is in the future and i vision my mood swing to be a contemplating day. i vision to conquer this world and i vision my mood swing to be the conqueror of all eternity. this world must die to live on and eternity is in the hands of all the creators. from beginning to the end of time creators are the creators of all eternity.
September 16, 2013 at 5:11pm
September 16, 2013 at 5:11pm
today i feel good or should i say lucky. feelings are probably the best feeling in the world because of the mind. you can feel good but to feel lucky at the same time is truly satisfying. i feel good because my mind is a mishap to come out with ideas. my mind is a mishap,mishap of ideas. i feel good as i feel lucky and time have define my moments of truth. i always thought innovating you have to feel good about yourself. innovating has a mind of its own and to feel lucky you have to have time on your side. people can come out with ideas but its the ideas that make a person feel lucky. luck is a casualty,mishap is an mishap of ideas,and to feel good about innovating one must define their ideas. temptation is always a moment of passion and an idea is always a moment of truth. innovating is a truth,a moment of truth,and the ideas are truly define.
September 9, 2013 at 2:19pm
September 9, 2013 at 2:19pm
today i feel kindly tireless and i hope this coming following week is better then last week. last week it wasn't to exciting and i thought the long following week was missing something. i always thought innovation takes a long time to consume and if i had an idea then it would be the following week before i am done with my idea. innovation is a mind,mind of the future,and if i had an idea then my idea would be to lead the future to its path. remember the future can be the following week or just a path that lead us toward that idea. my journal/blog is a writing format consist of how i can write a blog but then again how i can consume ideas into plate form. my desire are my wishes and my wishes are my desire. destiny has fulfill its destiny and i am that plate form that can consume idea into ideas. anyway,idea is a bright future and innovating is a bright idea.

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