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Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #2177669
A metaphor for my take on life and how it affects me.

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December 20, 2018 at 11:18am
December 20, 2018 at 11:18am
I think I over stepped my boundaries with my niece. After writing the previous blog, I sent her a email along with a copy of my post. I haven't heard anything and I probably never will but I tried on behalf of my brother. It was not my battle or business but I put my two cents in and I shouldn't have. I should have left well enough alone but I wanted to help and maybe get them back together. It wasn't my place so I hope she will forgive me.

We all have trials and tribulations we encounter in our life time. Our upbringing plays a role in how we deal with those situations. I had one major life altering problem arise. When it happens you make choices that not only affect you but others around you. Family can be helpful and the support they give is invaluable. There are always two sides to a story but when you are out in the cold and wondering if you made the right choice family and friends help.

I wrote a story about family that I had posted on this site before I shut it all down. The story came about when my wife's family had a major blowup. This all happed two weeks before her father died. Heated words between her and her siblings ensued with her parents in the room. The family has not been the same since. I had a number of replies to my story with a verity of comments on the subject. It was surprising how people felt about the breakdown and whether or not you could or should walk away from a family member. When the actions of a family member is so egregious it's hard to forgive, but forgiveness is what's needed.

Ok once again I've gotten my thoughts off my chest, so I will step off the soap box and let the issue come to an end.

Life Is Good.
December 19, 2018 at 8:57am
December 19, 2018 at 8:57am
We're getting close to Christmas and the end of the year. I'm in a funky mood not so much for myself but for my brother. He has been estranged to a large degree from his family. I don't have the details that caused this riff but it runs deep. His kids gave him an ultimatum several years ago and he couldn't go along with it. So they have stayed away even though they live close by. Of course with the Holidays here, he is in a depressed mood and would like to share in his children's life. Since I don't know the particulars I can't comment or try to intercede though I've given it some serious thought. As a Christian, I believe in forgiveness and moving on. I know from my own experience that hanging onto a grudge or hurt feelings gets you nowhere. You are the looser when it comes to what you're missing. This is breaking my mothers heart and she too doesn't know what to do. Unfortunately my brother is living with the decisions he made and not handling it well.

Several years ago I sent his kids a email asking them to cut my brother some slack over the way they were handling a situation. That didn't go over very well, and their reply was for me to mind my own business. I don't have a bad relationship with these kids with the exception of one. His dislike for me stems from his feelings about my not being involved when his dad had a breakdown, he thinks I don't know what family is all about. My brother and I have lived on two different planes, he was a climber, wanna be, I just wanted to be happy with where I was and the people around me. I visited my brother more times than he ever came to our place. We've had a few disagreements over the years but nothing that made us lose the family connection. The one nephew never understood our relationship and I believe that his mother (who is separated from my brother) thought I should have the same connection with him as she has with her sisters. Not all families are the same, we are two peas from the same pod but we developed completely different. I did not involve myself in his family affairs so I wasn't there when the break up of his family occurred.

I had a similar situation with my youngest daughter. She met a great guy and they were married, during a period of time we began to get separated and we both blamed each other for the problems we were having. I replied to a letter she sent me and I was not very nice. I was hurt and wrote some words I wished I could take back, but like words that come out of our mouths they can't be put back in! My daughters husband died suddenly, and she called me from the hospital in Oklahoma and I asked her if she wanted me to come. Her reply was yes and I was on my way. We have been re-establishing our relationship ever since. It's a terrible shame that it took a death of a good person to make us see that family is important for the support they give. Both my father and father in-law were very big on the importance of family and how they should be kept together at all cost when possible.

I've gotten my feelings off my chest so I will say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Life Is Good
December 18, 2018 at 11:01am
December 18, 2018 at 11:01am
Looking back in the mirror is not always wise, but I must take a moment to reflect on how this year has gone so far.

We began the year continuing to work on our house to make it a home we are proud of. We have reached that point; but it will always be a work in progress.

In April I had a heart attack and was taken to the Hospital where I had an angogram then a couple of days latter I had a triple bypass surgery. The first few months were trying but over all my return to normal life has gone smoothly and without any major problems. I continued to have A-Fib and while going through Cardiac Rehab I had an episode which caused the nurses concern so I put my Rehab on hold and wore a monitor for 30 days. It confirmed what we knew, I had A-Fib and I was never able to tell when that happened. My doctor suggested I have an operation called Ablation and that required us to go into Los Angeles where the procedure was done at Good Samaritan Hospital. This happened on November 26 and I was able to go home the next day. I took it easy for two weeks then I began my walking routine which is a 1 mile walk around my neighborhood. I take my dog Gracie and we walk 2 miles then I drop her off and walk another mile. The recumbent bike we have is still gathering dust but it is my intentions to include it in my daily routine.

The spa we bought in February and the shed we had built around it has not seen much action this year account of my medical problems but the New Year will be different. The High Desert has wind and cold temps during the late fall and winter. It's not unusual for the temp to drop into the 30's, so having an inclosed building for the spa makes it that more enjoyable. We don't have the view we once had in our last home so we're not missing anything being inside.

My wife and I are truly blessed, with our children all doing well. We had them over on Thanksgiving and had a great time, listening to what was new in their lives. 3 of our children now live in So Cal, and the other is in Phoenix a short 5 hour jaunt away.

Life is Good
December 17, 2018 at 4:37pm
December 17, 2018 at 4:37pm
I seem to be having difficulty with my blog, so we will see if this begins my first attempt at getting back to writing.

I'm going to make it short just to see if I set it up properly. If I did, I will be back with my regular blog!

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