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Rated: 13+ · Book · Nonsense · #2050715
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
Thoughts and takes on the way life presents....
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June 15, 2017 at 1:22pm
June 15, 2017 at 1:22pm
There is still good in the world. I had to take two large bins to my new tax accountant only to find out there is no elevator in the building. I am looking at the dolley and the three flights of stairs and realize that it ain't going to get aaaallll the way up there if I did not take the first step. So up I go. Then a man with a big smile and bright blue eyes offered to help. I kept saying Bless Your Heart and he kept saying No Problem. Anyone who thinks God is not alive and well is blind and won't let Him help.
June 10, 2017 at 10:55am
June 10, 2017 at 10:55am
Hello there!
How is everything? For me, it has been an avalanche of good and/or funny things. I have been digging myself out of all the wonderful things, that is why I have not been as active as usual.
So I want to share a funny that happened yesterday. Check this out, the main news was that a family of ducks had decided to WALK through an 800 foot tunnel on a 3 lane highway. This was during rush hour! The mean part of me laughed out loud. Too funny. The sympathetic part of me prayed that no one had to have that last cup of coffee before rushing out the door on their way to work. That’s nice, right? **smile **
I swear ducks are more superior than cat. At least the cat will let you pet it once in a while.
April 24, 2017 at 8:58am
April 24, 2017 at 8:58am
My neice was a 16 year old girl who took her own life on April 19. Whether by her own choice or accident is hard to say. She had a previous history of an attempted suicide at age 13. That left her with restless thoughts and disjointed actions. I can't say if she was in her right mind or not. Only God knows that. It's a good thing I am not the arbiter of people's fate. It is a good thing God is compassionate and merciful.

She was beautiful, but did not see that in herself, no matter what others said. She was an artist, but did not see her own talent, no matter what others said. She was a prankster, but personalized it if she got it back. She liked to run alone. Being around people made her uncomfortable. Because she shunned attention and the boys would not leave her alone, they began to bully her and sexually harass her. The torment generated from within and from the outside became too much and that was it.

Never let a tormented teen seek a confidant in someone who is also troubled and misunderstood. My neice found such a friend and they tried to ride out together with Benadryl and an alcohol chaser. She was just supposed to have an overnight with her friend. They got to talking and the next thing you know they are buying Benadryl and stealing alcohol. They found a park bench and decided to start their journey in the prettiest place they could find. One lived, one died. A jogger found them the next morning. My family's journey to the brink of hell's gate began. Jesus carry me. I need you now.

Honey, may you find the peace in Jesus's arms that you could never find on this Earth. God love you, my precious niece.
April 16, 2017 at 10:10pm
April 16, 2017 at 10:10pm
Consider for a moment that a church is not God, just the place where you go to visit with God for a moment in a manner that is comfortable for you.

Consider for a moment that God moves faster than zero, and yes, He can be in all those places at one time and visit with you in your preferred manner.

Consider for a moment that you don’t know everything and what better place to learn something that will get you to the end of your days in the best manner available.

Consider for a moment that God knew there would be doubters, so He sent Jesus back to the room of Disciples and displayed His wounds long enough for the reality to set in and the faith to take off.

Consider for a moment that God loves you – really loves you – no matter what – even if you can’t or won’t love Him back.

Consider that Jesus loves you and will help you, all you have to do is ask.

Consider for a moment that we are in the last days and that Jesus will return before you know it. It will be too late to declare for Him once He gets here.
April 14, 2017 at 11:23pm
April 14, 2017 at 11:23pm
My advice to anyone -- when doing taxes, if you are scared, putting it off, not sure, hire a professional. For many years, I did the taxes myself with turbo tax. I think those fun days are over. Now I have to amend 2015, extend for 2016 and fear for 2017.
If you are a tax professional. give free advice. That person will come back to you to fix the mess they are in. Even if they have to take a hit, they will come to you.
April 2, 2017 at 10:04am
April 2, 2017 at 10:04am
Tom is laughing so hard his eyes are tearing up. I am writing a letter to my deployed sailor friend. I loaded an envelope and then printed the letter. I now know that if you print a letter when the envelope is loaded, it will draw paper and the envelope. So I quit cussing and print the letter.... then the envelope. I now know an envelope does not self load. I quit cussing and load the envelope and print the envelope a third time. It will be a good day .... when I quit reinventing stupid.
February 21, 2017 at 5:36pm
February 21, 2017 at 5:36pm

Tell us about a time you purchased something you really wanted and couldn't wait to have, but soon regretted.

There was a time when I adored eBay. I was purchasing stuff like crazy. Every day was Christmas. One thing I always wanted was a pinball machine. Don't ask why, I just did. Had to have it. This was around the time that the Pretty Park virus was running around and what a mess. The computer got infected, I had to figure out a way to get that stupid machine to Minnesota from Arizona, and then I could not turn off or adjust the bells and whistles on that machine. Let's just say, the only good thing that resulted from that debacle was that it cured my eBay infection, and I found out why pinball machines should stay in arcades where they belong. It was not the last sale, just the last purchase. A couple "sales" later, the glow of eBay lust was dead forever.
February 17, 2017 at 1:53pm
February 17, 2017 at 1:53pm
Dying is illegal in the Houses of Parliaments – This has been voted as the most ridiculous law by the British citizens. What's your take?

I live in Minnesota and we have more than a few ridiculous laws. There is not enough space for all of them, these are just a few highlights. If they leave you scratching your head, just know, somebody did it, somebody was offended, somebody was screaming at the typewriter as it was being dictated, and a bunch of politicians had a good laugh at the local pub that they actually get paid to pass this stuff into law.

The land of 10,000 lakes declares mosquitos a public nuisance.

A person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head.

It is illegal to sleep naked.

All men driving motorcycles must wear shirts.

Citizens may not enter Wisconsin with a chicken on their head.

Oral sex is prohibited.

All bathtubs must not have feet.

Oh, yeah, it's for real. Google it.

February 16, 2017 at 11:26am
February 16, 2017 at 11:26am
We've all got them...what are some of your favorite misheard song lyrics? Those words and lines you swear are/were the truth...until someone else set you straight with the facts (and probably the lyric booklet that came with the album/tape/CD).

Oh, my gosh, he bought it hook, line and sinker! Picture it -- Houston, mid-80s, when Huey Lewis and the News was running at full steam and Heart of Rock and Roll was at the top of the charts. I am in Houston for a work assignment and there was a guy from New York who had the real last name of Bond. Alas, his first name was not James, his parents did not have a sense of humor at all. We found the one decent rock station in Houston and cranked it up to the chagrin of the others who worked with us. We did not care. Huey Lewis and the News played every hour whether we wanted to hear it again or not, and finally Mr. New York gave in: "Do you know what that line is?" I said: "Yes. The heart of rock and roll is in Cleveland."
He corrected me a few days later and said, "The heart of rock and roll is still beating."
I looked at him like he was a nut job. And then it dawned on me that he believed me! I stared at him in my best you-idiot expression, before I said "I know."
Too funny.
February 14, 2017 at 2:15pm
February 14, 2017 at 2:15pm
As a result of a conversation with the youngest child and only daughter, Mr. Hopeman made a life-changing decision. The daughter said: You know, you don't have to do it this way because that's what everyone wants you to do. You don’t have to eat breakfast, you don’t have to get dressed in the morning, you can do whatever you want to do. So at 96 he decided she was right.
The next morning he refused all meds. “I’m going out like a man and I’m not taking any more meds. Give me some maple ice cream, dammit.”
For the first time, he is doing it his way, and that means no please and thank you, no rules, no good or bad behavior. He just gets it ALL his way. And that includes ice cream for breakfast. Especially ice cream for breakfast. Not just any ice cream. It has to be maple ice cream … dammit.

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