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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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January 30, 2019 at 11:01pm
January 30, 2019 at 11:01pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

It's the last day of the official competition, and the last War Chest Wednesday, so it's only fitting I repeat this prompt from November. Write a list of at least 5 blogging prompts to add to the Challenge War Chest to be used for future rounds of the 30DBC. Then, use one of your own prompts to write your entry.
1. What is your favourite book of all time. Why? Can you remember how you discovered it?
2. Was their a person from your past who really contributed to who you are today? A teacher, relative, friend? Who are they and what did they do to make that significant contribution?
3. What decade of music do you find the most inspiring? Why? What were the songs that you loved?
4. What kind of music do you listen to? Why? What is your favourite and why?
5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Would it be a vacation or to live?

I will answer number 4. I love to listen to Contemporary Christian music that is more along the lines of popular, not the gospel stuff. I find it inspiring and very similar to the popular music I used to listen to when I was younger.
Here is a wee selection of some of my favourtie groups and artists:
News Boys

Laura Story

Casting Crowns
Danny Gokey
Mercy Me
January 29, 2019 at 9:54pm
January 29, 2019 at 9:54pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Allow me to share this quote regarding my local weather this week: ”Dangerous wind chills of -45 degrees F (-43 C) to -65 degrees F (-54 C) are expected for most of the period from Tuesday night through Thursday morning. This is a life-threatening situation...” etcetera, etcetera... stay inside... frostbite... etcetera.

My question for you has two parts: What is the worst weather you’ve experienced? And what is your ideal weather?

We had wind chills of -32 degrees C yesterday.... but by 10 pm it was -5 degrees C. I went out and shoveled without a coat.... but then I am partially nuts. There was no wind chill so I was 'balmy'.

-20 degrees C and the students can't go outside. -35 degrees C and they cancel the buses. -40 degrees and they close the schools.
Tomorrow is supposed to have a wind chill of -32 degrees C... but by Sunday it will be +2 degrees C. Welcome to a Canadian weather! Or rather Southern Ontario Canadian weather.

As for the worst weather.... I would have to say the day they closed the school in the northern Ontario town I lived in. I had to walk backwards in order to breath and when I got to school I realized they were closed. They had never done that before. I had to walk back home. My mom made it all the way to work before finding her office had also closed. Served us right for not listening to the local radio station. We were probably the only two people walking around outside that day. I can't seem to find the actual details. The historical weather only goes back to 2009 and this day I remember was around 1975 or so.

Ideal weather.... not super hot, but not chilly either. I'd say sunny and warm with a temperature of around 24 or 25 without a humidex. The perfect summer day.... or even a spring or fall.
January 28, 2019 at 9:41pm
January 28, 2019 at 9:41pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Write about something happy in your life! What’s happened recently that made you smile? What’s the last thing you laughed at? I will award a MB to my favorite entry today! It's the last MB challenge day of the month, so give it your best go!

I get a lot of funnies from living with two cats. They are older. Missy is fifteen. Barney is sixteen. Last night Barney was feeling funny. A storm was coming (it is here now) and Barney was restless and unsettled. I roughed him up and he got up and began to follow me around. I got him playing. He loves to play, but he tends to only play for short bouts of time.... about 10 minutes. I got him into his crinkly bag and roughed him up. He was in heaven. Purring so loud and rolling about making my mother and I both laugh. After about 10 minutes he lay there in his crinkly bag. Only his tail would flip occasionally. It was probably another 20 minutes before he worked his way out. He tried to crawl back in, but couldn't figure out how to do it on his own so the crinkly bag sat upright in the middle of the living room... ready for either of the cats to take another run at it.

Our other cat, Missy is a feral cat. She does not know how to play, but she was pretty buggy last night. She sits at my mother's knee and head butts her, then talks to her. I came upstairs to her my mother tell her to "shut up. I can't hear the TV."
The two cats offer laughs and soft comfort when the world gets a little too much.

January 27, 2019 at 11:39pm
January 27, 2019 at 11:39pm
30 Blogging Challenge

Because this is one of my favorite prompts that I just love to repeat, I have to do it again *Wink*
Reflect on the 30 Day Blogging Competition as a whole. What is something you learned about yourself over the course of the month? What is something you learned about your fellow competitors?

I like the challenge of this kind of competition... well, not really a competition, per se. The challenge is for me... to come to the page each day and find something that speaks to me from the prompt I am given. The prompts help. They get me thinking. I will admit there are some I prefer over others, but all of them manage to spark me.

I will admit I have yet to really read my fellow 'competitiors'. I have been a little distracted with prepping and having an interview, but I have read a few... mostly from people I already know; people whose blogs are already enjoy reading - Charlie ~ Author IconMail Icon and 🌑 Darleen - QoD Author IconMail Icon to name a few.
What did I learn about myself... I am not a fan a doing lists about myself as the focus. I did enjoy researching my home town and its surrounding area. That was probably my least favourite prompt of the month.

I hope to read a few more people's blogs over the next few days.
January 26, 2019 at 1:55pm
January 26, 2019 at 1:55pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

We’re in the final countdown of the competition! Only five prompts remain. For this final Creation Saturday, write about something that’s in its final countdown. Have fun!
I can't believe it is already this far into January. It is not really the time of year to think of countdowns.... beyond the interview I had last week. That was a roller coaster of emotions. Having to plan a 3 part lesion that involved problem solving and also tackle a 5 day plan of what comes before and after that lesson. And then trying to remember the words that the Board wants to hear during my interview. Going over everything and making decisions on what grade - 3, 4 or 5 and what part of the math curriculum to cover. I will not bore you with the details, but I found myself getting overwhelmed when I tried to search the internet for possible lesson plans, 5 day plans and yearly plans. I would gain confidence in the light of day, then plunge into uncertainty as the sun dipped below the horizon. I canceled all other plans and even took two days off work to get my bearings. I did manage to find my footing, but only after dipping in and out of confidence... floundering for a good pathway.

Once I had made my decisions on grade and what my lesson was going to be about, I was able to come up with a five day plan and work out the details. From there I was able to access my more general teaching content to review classroom management and behaviour concerns. I continued to do the most of my work in the daytime when I was at my freshest. As my interview approached I went from overwhelmed to someone more confident. I am still not sure how I did, but I made sure to go out a celebrate once the whole thing was over. I was still on an adrenaline high until about mid afternoon. Then I wanted a nap. The roller coaster was compete and I had my feet back on solid ground.

January 25, 2019 at 10:43pm
January 25, 2019 at 10:43pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

It's the last Fun Fact Friday of January! Here’s a straightforward prompt to celebrate: Make a list of at least ten random facts about yourself.

1. Today would have been my Dad's 84th birthday. He died of cancer. He was 44 (for 10 days). I was 12.
2. I was born in New Liskeard, Ontario, Canada - which is 100 miles north of North Bay. It is part of a Tri-Town with Cobalt and Haileybury.
Here is a fast trip!
This would be cool to see if you drive on the other side of the road, like Elle Author IconMail Icon
The Cobalt Song does mention New Liskeard. http://www.naturallist.com/cobalt.htm
3. I was born in 1967 when Canada had its Centennial birthday.
4. I have a degree in Sociology and Psychology from the University of Guelph.
5. I have two cats even though I have allergies to cats. My allergies did not develop until later in life, but I love my cats.
6. I am a writer.
7. I am a teacher.
8. I moved to Guelph, Ontario, Canada when I was 11... 2 months before my father died.
9. I was an educational assistant before I went to Teacher's College in 2003.
10. This has been a difficult list to do. It is easier to research someone else.

Still Standing episode with Cobalt as the focus.

Blog City - Day 1866

Describe what goes through your mind when you look at book you're contemplating purchasing. Does the cover attract you? Someone's recommendation? You've read the author before? What makes you commit to spending the money for the book? Especially, when there are e-books, libraries available yet you still buy the book.
Book buying is often a feeling in the moment, spur of the moment kind of thing. Sometimes I know the author... Jill Shalvis is the one author I will buy whenever I find a new one of hers I have not yet read.

I often read the back cover and if the story intrigues me, I will begin to read it. I have been known to get to the second or third chapter before I have to know how it ends so I make the purchase.

There are times when I read the reviews on Goodreads.com or hear about a book that sounds good.

I have also bought books at readings when I want the author to sign their work.

I have also bought books online because I like looking forward to getting a package in the mail.

If the book is mine I can treat it as I wish. Non fiction books will most likely be filled with underlining and notes in the margins. I have been known to make notes in fiction as well, particularly if the author is one I would like to emulate. I want to see how they handle certain situations and learn from them.

January 24, 2019 at 5:32pm
January 24, 2019 at 5:32pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

How did you start writing? Did someone urge you to write, or did it come naturally?
I don't remember the exactness of the situation, but I was around seven years old. My parents were going through a rough patch - adultery and separation. I did not know the details. I just knew that something was not right and I turned to writing to make sense of things... to make things better. My stories were about children who were perfect and had perfect families. Certainly nothing that would be a proper story, but for me they were calming. A way of healing from the emotional pain that was being tossed about. Pain I had no way of controlling. In my stories I could control all the aspects and make things right.

Any stories I did show my mother were met with the red edit pencil. She could not understand how I could make so many spelling errors. If it was up to her she would hold me back a grade. Thank God she was not my teacher. She was a secretary who edited the letters and documents for the veterinarians she worked for in the Vet Lab Services branch of the government. I would give these stories to her and ask her to read for content.... at the age of eight, I learned that my mother was not a good listener. She would not do what I had requested, she would do what she usually did. I learned to keep my unedited stories away from her. My fragile creative heart couldn't handle her nitpicking.

A teacher that liked her read a few of my stories. He was genuinely enjoyed them... he read for content and understood my need to write and share. I am grateful for him and his kind soul. Thank you Walter Timmings where ever you are now.

I did have a grade seven teacher, Mr. Key, who introduced us to journaling. I could write anything I wanted and he would read it and comment on the content. A lot of what I wrote about was memoir - wanting someone to know me. I wrote a lot about my grandparents and their farm. A place I loved and felt close too. I wrote about my father, who had died in February the year I was in grade 6 (only eight months before). Again it was a way of processing big things, but Mr. Key was kind and understanding.

I remember my mother getting a hold of that journal and being upset that she was not written about - at that age she would not have wanted to know what I thought of her!!

As I got older, particularly high school, I channelled my pain and need to understand into writing poetry. My stories took on a more memoir feel and I tended to focus on what I did have that helped me... namely my Grandparents and my relationship with them.

My poetry still comes from that place of wanting to understand. My writing has evolved as well. The more I write the more evolved it becomes and I am pleased with what I am capable of now. I understand the concept of conflict fueling the story, but I also enjoy bringing characters to light and helping them move forward on their journey when their lives begin to twist and turn. There is deep satisfaction in that aspect. Writing still heals, but it also inspires and it is an aspect of my life that shines brightly and deeply. I thank God for the pleasure of having that creative outlet to help me in my own journey.

Just to clarify a few things: my mohter was depressed when I was a child and did not get help until I was closer to high school. She is much more supportive now that she is taking her 'happy pills' and I have also learned to only share stuff with her that is already editted - or I read it aloud.

Blog City - Day 1865

If you could only use music to describe yourself to someone, what song would it be and why? If you can add the YouTube link so we can hear it too.
Hmmmm. There are so many to choose from... I got it narrowed down to two. Secular and Christian... both with similar strength. Both of these songs inspire me to step up and go forward. Life can give you a beating, but it does not have to destroy you. I want to be that fighter. I want to have that kind of faith and a belief in God. A God that thinks I am one of HIS and I am wonderfully and gloriously made. God don't make junk.

The Fight Song by Rachel Platten

Like a small boat on the ocean
Sending big waves into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream th em loud tonight
Can you hear my voice?

This time this is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My powers turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care
If nobody else believes
Cause I've still got
A lot of fight left in me

Read more: Rachel Platten - Fight Song Lyrics | MetroLyrics

You say by Lauren Daigle - A Christian Artist

I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I’m not enough
Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up
Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low?
Remind me once again just who I am, because I need to know (ooh oh)
You say I am loved when I can’t feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don’t belong, oh You say that I am Yours
And I believe (I), oh I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe

January 23, 2019 at 10:52am
January 23, 2019 at 10:52am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

How different was your life one year ago? How different do you imagine your life will be one year from today?

A year ago. A year ago I had not taken any writing workshops or gone on any writing retreats. Now I have. One of those workshops was with Melinda Burns and it was a workshop on writing and critiquing short stories. I found it wonderful to not only get feedback in person, that was also new for me, but to give it in person. That is so different than online. Melinda runs her workshop in a way that has each remember feeling good about themselves and their writing. There is no harshness to the feedback and there is no hierarchy of teacher to student... we are all equal, creators together, sharing and caring about the craft as we help each other make sense of our tales. The focus is on what is working, what was confusing, what needs more clarity, what sounds good. There is a balance of what we liked and what we feel needs work. It is definitely an environment that fosters growth.

The writing retreat was also with her. It was out in Eden Mills on a rainy weekend, the first weekend of summer. Perfect for staying in and writing, sharing and just being. We also had one afternoon in silence. That was very enriching. Being with others, but not having to talk to them. Sounds weird, but it is actually soul stirring.

I also took a workshop in Burlington and got to know that city a little better. I also met a very nice group of writers there that I occasionally go and write with.... if the weather is decent and the roads aren't closed.

I think I have gained a little more confidence in my writing and feel I could try getting it out there a bit more.

Maybe by this time next year I will have submitted to some contests outside WDC and regardless of winning or even placing, I will have developed more confidence in my writing abilities. Who knows, in a year, maybe I have even earned a little money to put towards more workshops and retreats... or maybe even a writing conference.

Blog City - Day 1864

Prompt:"To succeed in life you need three things: a wish bone, a back bone and a funny bone." Reba McEntire Do you agree?

I like Reba McEntire. She's funny, smart and authentic.

I would most certainly agree with this statement. You gotta have hope and wishes to see your dreams and follow them. You need a back bone to follow through on those wishes and dreams, especially when your heart is telling you this is the way and the world is telling you differently. And you definitely need that funny bone to laugh at yourself when things get hairy. It is a great way to relieve tension and put the rough stuff into perspective.

So here's to wishing you all a fabulous day. Make sure your take time out of your schedule to look about, appreciate where you are and find something funny that makes you smile. Life will go a whole lot easier that way. *Bigsmile*

January 22, 2019 at 1:58pm
January 22, 2019 at 1:58pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

What is your preferred book reading medium? Kindle, computer screen, audiobook, or good old fashioned paper? How come?

Paperback is my preference. It is easy to carry and I can manage to pull it out to read at any time in any place - grocery line, coffee shop. Hardcover is too heavy to lug around. I like being able to turn the pages and scribble notes in the margins if anything intrigues me. It is also great when you meet the author and want them to sign the copy.

I do read on my computer screen but I don't like it much. It is too bulky and not so easily accessible. Imagine balancing a laptop while waiting to buy my groceries. I can still make notes and highlight things, but it is not quite the same. I have been known to read my writer reference books. It is a good place to keep them altogether so long as I remember my password and don't lose the downloaded copy of the book - if that's possible I am sure I can do it.

Kindle bothers me for much the same reason. If you lose your Kindle you lose your whole bookshelf, not just the one book. That would bother me, as does having to hold the devise up to see it. My aunt is learning to enjoy hers. She will be going to Italy for several months and is happy about taking books in English to read without having her luggage be weighted down by taking too many books.

Audiobooks are fine but you can't make notes in them. Listening is not my strongest sense. I am a visual learner, listening allows me to miss things and it is harder to go back and check something. It might be worth a listen to see if I would be interested in buying the actual book.

Blog City - Day 1863

Prompt: "The image in the mind’s eye. For me, it’s where the obsession began. It’s what keeps me going, it never fails to excite me.” -Martin Scorsese
What do you think of obsessions? As a creative writer, are you as happy as Martin Scorsese about your own obsessions?

I think all of us as creative writers have our areas of interest, whether they are obsessions or not. For me, I tend to obsess over the concept of personal growth and regrowth after a relationship or job situation tanks. I enjoy those kind of stories and I enjoy crafting them as well. Finding oneself, following your dreams those hold my interest as well. I would not call it an obsession, per se, but the topic pulls at me and I usually follow to see where the journey will take me.

I also find myself interested in places, parts of cities that I want to explore.... and that finds its way into my stories.

People interest me as well. Being a Sociology / Psychology major I have always been intrigued with how people tick. Playing with characters allows me to explore that venue, as well.
January 21, 2019 at 9:30pm
January 21, 2019 at 9:30pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Today in the US is Martin Luther King Day, a federal holiday celebrating the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights activist best known for advancing civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience. In August of 1953, King delivered his famous speech “I Have a Dream” calling for civil and economic equality for all Americans and the end of racism. On this Motivational Monday, write a speech advocating for something you’re passionate about and use the phrase “I have a dream” in your entry.

Interesting how I considered this as my event from history to see...

"I Have a Dream". And my dream is for.... each person to be able to reach their potential without risk of discrimination. The best person for the position should not be based on anything but talent and ability.

Race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age... none of those things should impede a person from reaching their goals so long as they are willing to be positive role models for the next generation. No one should be locked out of a dream because they don't fit the stereotype or the expectation.

We need to get rid of those stereotypical ways of thinking that curtail greatness. Those ways of thinking are limiting and take away from the human experience.

Greatness can happen if we accept each other as capable human beings, not with labels that define us in terms of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age or any other limiting thinking out there.

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