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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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July 11, 2020 at 10:17pm
July 11, 2020 at 10:17pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT July 11th
Imagine what the world would be like today if humans had never discovered/invented _________ (fill in the blank).

These prompts always get me thinking... the first thing that pops in my head is computers, but that is too recent. Then my mind jumps to fire. Then it flits on the idea of how did discrimination start anyway? I drop that idea and consider television or music. Now those I can get my head around.

No television. No time to sit around vegetating on nothing as we stare at some stupid screen. No TV babysitting our children. No children with the attention span of gnats.

Have we really gotten anything good out out of the development of television, beyond being able to share information in the visual realm. Making reading less popular in terms of getting the information out there... and dumbing up the world.

Some people don't even have televisions.

The ones that get me are the ones that have televisions in their SUVs keeping their kids quiet while they drive. What ever happened to communication or driving games? Whatever happened to figuring out what to do when you're bored? Read a book. Invent a game. Tell a story. Sing along to the radio. Interact with your family!

My family was a one TV family. We all grouped around and watched whatever was on at the time. There was not so much choice back then. My ex-husband's family had a TV on every floor - three floors, three TVs. That alone breaks up the family unit and makes it more challenging to monitor what others (your children) are watching. Sure, there are stations that you can block, but really, have you seen some of the idiotic shows that are out today?

My aunt and uncle have a huge house... and only one TV. They both grew up without television. My aunt lived on a farm without electricity or flush toilets, my uncle's family is Italian. He grew up in Canada, but his mother did not speak much English and the family was taught the family traditions of wine making and the making of yummy salted pork - Prosciutto. As a family, they don't have a TV up at their cottage, but my uncle will rig up a sheet and a projector so that they can watch movies... as a family. My aunt, was a teacher, is into getting her family involved in projects... like learning to make pasta. The conversations are also fun and the laughter flows.

I find I am much more productive if I limit my TV viewing time. I also gain less and am more active when I cut down or eliminate watching the 'idiot box'. I don't watch documentaries, though I have been enjoying Shark Week shows. But all too often I get sucked into reality TV which is the ultimate in CRAP TV.

Blog City - Day 2184 - July 11, 2020

Tell us about your writing space. Where do you write your blog posts?
Currently at home. Depending on the time of the day I write them, I am either in the basement at my writing table trying to stay cool or I am out on the front stoop of my house watching the people and cars go by as I work. I can even work out there if it is raining so long as the rain is coming straight down and not blowing in towards the house. I like working behind the curtain of rain.

I have a huge tree in the front yard that blocks the beating down heat of the sun, but there are still some hours where I need to move when the sun creeps around.

I can also write in the car port. We have wicker furniture set up and a power cord so that I can recharge.
July 11, 2020 at 4:45am
July 11, 2020 at 4:45am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT July 10th Go somewhere outside or where you can observe the happenings of the world beyond the walls of your home (looking out a window is fine). Spend at least five minutes watching and listening. What do you see, hear, and smell? Where does your mind wander when you sit quietly?

This would have been a great one to do yesterday because I walked Uptown to hang out for awhile outside Starbucks and later the Bauer Bakery and Cafe. I walked around to see what kind of life was happening in Uptown Waterloo and compare it to the quiet, disappointing aspects of Downtown Kitchener.

Living in a Twin City, you would think these two downtown areas would be similar, but they are vastly different. For one, Waterloo has made bathrooms available to customers in cafes and restaurants... that makes a big difference. Kitchener is still locked up. There are a few places open, but no bathrooms, making walking downtown not a great plan.

Kitchener City Hall is also taking this summer to dig up the huge water fountain in its front courtyard, making the area loud and dusty. That, added to the excessive heat wave we are having, is another reason to stay out of downtown.

Kitchener City Hall is the host of many summer music concerts all of which have been cancelled. Kitchener also has a more visible homeless situation, whereas Waterloo has more students (from two Universities - though students are mostly gone for the summer and Covid-19). I think there is also a creeping in of the drug issue... the City of Guelph (half an hour away) has a real problem with drugs in their core and I have a feeling that it is seeping this way. Cannabis shops are also cropping up... though the drug problem is associated with fentanyl.

But if I focus on today.... it's pretty quiet out here on my front stoop. I like it here - I can sit and watch the action on my street, but today the heavy heat is keeping most people indoors. The only people I have seen or heard are postal workers making deliveries or cars driving through on a short cut to avoid the lights at the corner of Westmount and Greenbrooke. The cicadas are also starting to wind up with their high pitched buzzing in the tree tops. With the heat wave, I figure they are singing a month early. The sun just hightailed it behind a greyish cloud... I hope we get another downpour. A little rain relief would be appreciated... though it is usually far more sweltering after it is done.

We did get that downpour later and it was glorious!!!!

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💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/carly1967/day/7-11-2020