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We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. We should be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering through meditation on His Word spiritual strength for labour in his service. We ought to muse upon the things of God, because we thus get the real nutriment out of them. . . . Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God's Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it; they would have the corn, but they will not go forth into the fields to gather it; the fruit hangs upon the tree, but they will not pluck it; the water flows at their feet, but they will not stoop to drink it. From such folly deliver us, O Lord. . . .
― Charles Spurgeon

Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths.
― C. H. Spurgeon

Hope itself is like a star- not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity.
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon

If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.
― Charles Spurgeon

A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.
― Charles Spurgeon

Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.
― Charles Spurgeon

When your will is God's will, you will have your will.
― Charles Spurgeon


(Philippians 2:13, KJV)

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April 19, 2022 at 9:47am
April 19, 2022 at 9:47am
The sun, that shines in brightness rare
declares the new day's come.
The hope to live in peace o'er there
are joyful thoughts in sum.

Salvation bought on Calvary's cross
by Jesus, Son of God
shows the Light of life, restoring loss
in One we all must laud.

Up from the grave He surely rose,
fore'er His right to reign.
The sons He made in lives He chose
await His coming again.

Be faithful all, who hope in Him.
Returns He soon enough.
To praise His Name in lasting hymn
erases pain, now rough.

Uncertain days, a century at best
are all endured on Earth,
but Heaven's abode beyond the test
is given through His new birth.

Receive Him, now, this very day,
transformed, renewed, and whole
you'll be forever on display,
a blessing ever told.

For Jesus Christ, the loving Lord
endured a moment's loss
to save forever says His Word
upon one cruel cross.

He died and rose forevermore
to save souls in their need.
Just look to Him, no long implore,
redeemed, His lasting seed.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 19th, 2022

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April 18, 2022 at 10:16pm
April 18, 2022 at 10:16pm
They started walking down the road
without much hope in sight.
Their saving Lord, and closest Friend
had died, now all was night.

A Stranger came and matched their gait.
So pleasant, seemed they odd.
He asked of life, their sad, low mood,
"unknowing" the fate of their God.

"You're sad on this most pleasant day,"
He spoke in Question's tone.
"You seem as though you've lost a Friend.
Your words in softness moan.

"So, where have you been these past few days?
Do you not know the news?
Did you leave shipping 'round the world,
that the Teacher missed your views?

"I'd hoped He'd be the new day's dawn,
but now the day is dawned and new.
It's been three days since He was killed.
Our hope is gone since His life's through.

"And now we feel another loss
for women of our group have said,
'We've seen the grave. It's empty, clean,'
and now our loss is weighed with dread.

"O fools, and slow of heart to grasp
all that the prophets spoke so true.
Ought not the Christ to suffer tests,
and enter Glory as His due?

He spoke to them of Scriptures all
the things, concerning what He did.
The day was long, but still, He walked,
until, "Please, stay the night," they bid.

Then, sitting down to nightly meat,
He took the bread and blest it the same
as when the seder He did lead,
and gave Himself to take our blame.

And when He break and gave to them,
their eyes were opened, and they knew
Messiah stood as risen now,
yet vanished 'fore they aught could do.

O, serious fools, we ought to have known
this One, Who warmed and touched our hearts.
The Scriptures point us to His Throne.
What wisdom through His mouth imparts.

Then waiting not, they braved the dark,
returning to Jerusalem.
They found the eleven huddled, stark.
They told the truth. He'd been with them.

They said, "The Lord is risen, indeed,
and He appeared to Simon's eyes.
He walked along, and kept our speed.
When breaking bread, we saw our prize.

And as they spoke dear Jesus stood
in the midst of them to lift each heart.
He said to them in His tender mood,
"Peace be to you. Let Hope now start."

Affrighted, that He was a ghost,
they shook and trembled in His wake.
"Why are you fearful, all this host?
Your thoughts, that arise, are quite a mistake.

"Behold, my fleshly hands and feet.
Come. Touch and see. I'm flesh and bones.
A spirit cannot do this feat
to be of flesh, and walk through stones.

While showing them it all was true,
He asked for meat, that He could eat.
Consuming food could none dead do.
He ate fish, and honeycomb, a treat.

So many things, He taught them more.
To many more, He showed, alive.
The future's full of His great store,
and with Him, we shall ever thrive.

When walks we take, alert we must
seek hope beyond the daily test.
The Lord will help our wavering trust
by being with us ever blest.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 18th, 2022

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April 17, 2022 at 7:43pm
April 17, 2022 at 7:43pm
The door was opened in a rush.
"He's risen!" came the blurted words.
This startled man's still heartfelt crush
could hear the chirping of the birds.

"He died. How can you say these things?
A dead man stays all wrapped, and still.
"The normal can't apply to kings.
He overrules all earthly will.

Alert enough to find his feet,
he stood and followed through the door.
The walkers soon ran pretty fleet,
until the grave they stood before.

"What's down there, Peter? Is it safe?"
As John just stood there all transfixed
impetuous Peter explored the grave,
while John's own hopes and fears were mixed.

"He's gone! Come see the cloths, that lie.
The stone is cold, but my heart's warm.
I sense, that there's a new thing nigh,
a thing, that stops all felt alarm.

"What can it be?" John's question, true.
"The women said they saw Him here,
but I've not seen, nor yet have you.
When will we know, and see it clear?

A body stealing? Could it be?
Within John's mind, a maelstrom roiled.
Returning home with thoughts not free.
His hopes were dark, the future foiled.

'Twas later in that same first day,
so new the week, so sad the heart,
but meeting friends some fear allayed,
where hope could find a smallish start.

Then Jesus came and stood right there.
"SHALOM, my friends. There's hope for you."
They staggered at some answered prayer
they hadn't prayed in this day so new.

He showed His hands and side as proof.
He bid them live in peace as sent.
The days to serve for these few youth
would go where the Holy Spirit went.

In eight days hence, dear Thomas joined,
and he convinced became a force.
He ne'er would glory have purloined,
but humbly stayed on the God-bid course.

When Jesus died, they hid, they ran.
They knew the corners, shadows deep,
but when they saw Him, bold to stand,
they sought the sheaves, began to reap.

They preached, "Redemption for all men!
The Savior, dead, has risen, lives!
O, bow the knee. Repent of sin,
receive Salvation, that He gives!

They served, and died, and serve Him now.
This Savior of all childlike hearts.
When all Earth's souls before Him bow,
His lasting Kingdom daily starts.

O, Christian, in this modern day
let service be your life's blest call.
"Well done," your hope to hear Him say.
Your crown before His Feet will fall.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 17th, 2022

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April 17, 2022 at 8:49am
April 17, 2022 at 8:49am
O, “He arose!” The birds now sing.
That He's a rose the garden shows.
O, “He arose!” The bells now ring.
Sweet. He’s a rose the image grows.

No grave could keep the Son of God.
The Earth explodes to bring Him forth.
My hopeful heart will full applaud
to show the Christ of lasting worth.

The ground is level at the cross.
All humans have no statured grace.
Salvation’s Hope removes all loss.
For in the Lord we now have place.

We bring Him spices to anoint.
He died and now our hope is gone.
The door is open. What’s the point?
He’s gone, and we are all alone.

The angel said, “He is not here.
He went to Galilee as told.
They fled away from the musty tomb.
Belief now lost. They felt so cold.

The sun now shines more bright than day.
Salvation’s Light illumines hearts.
He is alive. We need obey
Receiving Hope, redemption starts.

We daren’t refuse to trust the Lord.
It is not good for our own lives.
Arise” was promised in His Word.
In joyful Hope believers thrive.

Belief transforms each purposed thought.
We live and breathe and serve throughout.
Receiving Hope as we are taught
will show to all what we’re about.

The weakness of our faith is sad,
but not at all the final loss.
We serve Him with each heart, that’s glad.
Our life is service at His Cost.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 17th, 2022

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April 16, 2022 at 3:48pm
April 16, 2022 at 3:48pm
"A day ago my Friend was killed
upon a cruel cross.
I thought He was Messiah, who
would save me from all loss.

"But here I sit with head in hand
in this dark upper room
alone, not with the former band,
who supped before the tomb.

"His words were odd. I could not tell
what He could possibly mean.
'I'll rise again. I'll be quite well,
the life you've never seen.'

"But that was then, and this is now.
'Twas great while it did last.
I really must go on somehow,
and put that in the past.

"The sabbath gives me a moment's rest,
but what to do next week?
Return to fishing? Pack and wrest
my life to new life seek?

"There's nothing left for me right here.
Messiah, and my friend,
is dead and gone. My life is drear.
How can I ever mend?

"I pride myself on being blest
to know one's character,
but I'm just stupid. Now, I've messed
my life up. What's left here?

"I hope, that when my life doth end,
I'll live with Adonai,
but sin is where He cannot bend.
I hope, that I won't fry.

"I wish I knew the way to go
to live my life, again.
Much better, if I did not know
this one, who was my Friend.

"What's left to do, but go to sleep,
and hope I never wake.
If He is dead, I'm not His sheep,
but one big, black mistake.

"A pile of flax, my tunic rolled,
and tears to serve as meat.
My hope is gone. I can't be bold.
I'm a tare and not some wheat.

"O, give me sleep, Dear Adonai.
Make me forget my pain.
Please make the morning blessings nigh,
that I may hope, again.

"I hold you in my arms, Dear Child.
The waiting's almost through.
The pain you feel will seem as mild
when I am holding you.

"The task I've lived, I did obey,
that you could live with me.
The death I died has more to say
when from this death I'm free.

"My child, the Morning is so blest.
You'll wake refreshed, and see,
your faith is stronger through this test.
Forever you're with me.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 16th, 2022

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April 15, 2022 at 10:20am
April 15, 2022 at 10:20am
Good Friday? Why do we call it thus?
A man was beaten, killed so raw.
Such shamefulness He bore for us
to bring us good in lasting awe.

Good Friday? A man upon a cross,
He suffered there in the breathless dark.
In awful pain, He bore my loss
before the world in shame so stark.

Good Friday? Ne'er had a man been wronged
to die in innocency so pure,
but ne'er before had guilty songed
to live in Bliss forever sure.

Good Friday? When is good so sad,
that awful souls get off scot-free,
and He, Who never has done bad
brought life, and love, and health to me?

Good Friday is of fairness naught.
The Son of God a criminal?
Eternal life for me He bought.
His perfect life paid the debt in full.

Good Friday was for God, great bad,
yet also was for God, great good.
The Father took all that He had
to make Him sons of ones so rude.

Good Friday in one moment made
the rift be gone, that Sin once tore.
The Son to Father full obeyed,
that Sin be naught forevermore.

Good Friday is the dividing line
between eternal bad and good.
To rest my debt on Him I'm fine.
To see despite, no lasting food.

Great Aslan lay 'neath witching knife,
"He's dead, no more to rise, again."
So thought the fiend of lasting strife,
the one, who killed us in our sin.

Good Friday in the victory bad
became great good in the third day's sun.
The world of Sin danced joyous mad
until new life began His run.

Good Friday was not surface good.
He died for wrongs He had not done.
The Blessed Savior on the wood
made me a righteous man and son.

Good Friday is great good for me.
It is great good for Him as well.
His stripes and resurrection free
the ones, so lost and bound for Hell.

Good Friday can be good for you
if you let Him give you His Gift.
The days of lostness can be through
if in Christ's Hands your soul be lift.

Good Friday was transacted best
when lasting Good did pay for Sin.
He vanquished ev'ry earthly test
to save dear souls in lasting Win.

Good Friday's Balance has been met
as Judgment's Wrath sees Mercy and Grace.
Salvation given is always let
by Smiling Good upon His Face.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 15th, 2022

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April 14, 2022 at 11:06pm
April 14, 2022 at 11:06pm
He served His loved ones with His All,
He washed their feet and served the meal.
He died to save, obeyed the call.
He was the only hope, so real.

'Twould be some days before the new
would change the world and save the Day,
but now He served these ones He knew
with physical strength, and the words He'd say.

The path to honor shows its best
through gentle hands, and a loving heart.
Humility will know it's blest
when peace extends, and others start.

On Maundy Thursday at the meal
this Jesus took the bread and wine.
"The broken bread, my body heals,
and poured out blood to make you fine.

"You must not bite my arm to eat
my flesh as now I true demand.
You must not make my finger bleed
to drink my blood by Father's Plan.

"To eat my flesh, and drink my blood
is vivid language for One Truth.
Consume the Truth I AM, that's good.
Receive me with your core as youth.

"'Except you come as children small,
you cannot enter my Kingdom's rest.'
'But he, who on my name doth call
will sav-ed be, and truly blest.'

"I'll die, tomorrow, then I'll rise.
The third day's dawn is when you'll see
your savior's new with Him the prize,
and one day you will be with me.

The men with Him were broken, sad.
This could not possibly be true.
Emotions swirled in feelings, bad,
unable to yet think it through.

He spoke of one, who would betray.
He told another, "You'll deny."
They wondered who, until He'd say
which chosen man, so very nigh.

This flustered flock of frozen men
were not more saintly than we are.
He called them to Himself with sin.
He'd save them to His Perfect Bar.

"The ones my Father gives to me
are always saved, transformed, and blest.
The one, who comes will always be
received by One, who passed their test.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 14th, 2022

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April 13, 2022 at 5:03pm
April 13, 2022 at 5:03pm
The world keeps turning 'round and 'round.
It seems like a cliché,
but winter leaves and new life's found
as flower graves obey.

The elm has tresses flowing green
from crown to near the earth.
This beauty statuesquely preens
in joy as a grand new birth.

The Japanese Red Maple shines
in its beauteous first year.
It bids, "Relax in soft recline
as the Creator's gifting's clear.

As ferns transition from the cold
to humid, summer fare
some leaves are brown and burnt as told,
"Environments you bear."

Hibiscus bushes, royal blooms,
as summer sentries stand.
All feasts from tropics, fully groomed
as their Good Maker planned.

The frozen months of winter brought
a shroud of deathly white.
Each need to cling to warmth has taught
Earth's residents Your might.

Each day we traverse farther toward
the core of springtime's sweet
we sense the beneficial chord
of Three-in-One, replete.

The Christ, Messiah, fully bloomed
from planting, three days hence.
The rock, a nap, not kept entombed.
No moment caused Him wince.

He took His beating, breathed His last,
inert His Body lay.
Through Joseph's wrapping, spicing task
the call fulfilled, obeyed.

Then up He rose, those few wounds marked
the Savior as the Lord.
New physical life He then embarked
fore'er, so says His Word.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 13th, 2022

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April 12, 2022 at 11:49pm
April 12, 2022 at 11:49pm
The depths of ev'ry heart is filled
with sadness on our own,
until we see, that One once killed
has risen all alone.

"I am not good enough to save.
I'm awful, and despised.
Too much of me has sinned, depraved.
Too much I hate, once prized.

"You cannot be the good at all,
that comes to me to live.
You need just heed my Father's call,
a gift to me He'd give.

The pain of ev'ry human heart
is our own Hell on Earth.
One touch from Jesus truly starts
real Hope through His new birth.

Redemption's Price was paid by One,
Who died, that I might live
to make me His own blessed son
to joy, and ever thrive.

I've known my sadness in Despond's
dark murky, smelly Slough,
but He has rescued oft beyond.
His Smiling Help it's through.

The vict'ry's not one aught my own
for He has rescued me.
He stepped down from His blinding Throne
to mortal weakness free.

He makes me new with strength, not mine.
He keeps me in His Hand.
Now grafted in His lasting vine
He teaches me to stand

upon the heights I could not go,
except He placed me there.
He's making me to ever know
He frees me from each care.

Though still I face the tests of day
and nights without the moon,
I know I'll live with Him for aye,
called "morning, night or noon."

by Jay O’Toole
on April 11th, 2022

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April 11, 2022 at 9:37am
April 11, 2022 at 9:37am
Oh, He has risen. Yes, indeed!
It's more than sentimental creed.
It's more than hope-so for the day
when He will call each soul, "Away."

Indeed, arose this full bloom Rose,
within some hearts, He grows and grows.
within a life, that He once bought
is Joy and Peace, He's honed and taught.

His death on Friday, wounded heel
but wounded head of serpent's real.
Endured He momentary pain,
that souls, His Bride would ever gain.

The sunshine of that blessed morn
shined light upon the mend, once torn.
The veil now torn from top to floor
lent cloth to clothe by loving Lord.

He makes us righteous by His deed
to turn us white by crimson's bleed.
Forever Hope is now our home
in His to live no more to roam.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 10th, 2022

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