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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2172808
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. We should be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering through meditation on His Word spiritual strength for labour in his service. We ought to muse upon the things of God, because we thus get the real nutriment out of them. . . . Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God's Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it; they would have the corn, but they will not go forth into the fields to gather it; the fruit hangs upon the tree, but they will not pluck it; the water flows at their feet, but they will not stoop to drink it. From such folly deliver us, O Lord. . . .
― Charles Spurgeon

Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths.
― C. H. Spurgeon

Hope itself is like a star- not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity.
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon

If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.
― Charles Spurgeon

A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.
― Charles Spurgeon

Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.
― Charles Spurgeon

When your will is God's will, you will have your will.
― Charles Spurgeon


(Philippians 2:13, KJV)

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April 30, 2022 at 9:49pm
April 30, 2022 at 9:49pm
The flowers bloom in purple light,
a pastel bliss for all.
This softest hue before the night
begins the eyes to call.

Each petal, and the stamen, rare,
in dancing beauty sing.
The whitest parts seem to cause us stare
for infrared's a thing.

This makeshift card from days of yore
in hand-tint color's joy
creates a gift, that's worthy for sure,
that antique sellers employ.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 30th, 2022

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April 30, 2022 at 1:15pm
April 30, 2022 at 1:15pm
For you can write a poem, too,
day by day, and day by day.
A joyful heart is yours when through,
day by day, and come what may.

You do not know to rhythm, rhyme?
Yet, you are talking all the time.
I think your words are truly prime
with thoughts to share in any clime.

I cannot write. I daren’t create.
They’ll laugh at me of Perfection’s naught.”

But if you start, you’re never late
with hopeful lines, that you just bought.

An app for finding rhyming words
or websites, that can help you, too,
are just the tickets for us nerds,
that find our rhymes in words so new.

"But what of rhythms? Apps don't aid
if we don't know the truest beat.
"All words are sized, and truly made
to help explore all rhythms, neat.

I think someone may still object
to classic forms of poems known,
but still the verse we shan't neglect
without these forms to "pick the bone."

When free verse is the way to go,
neglect it not, since rhymes you dread.
The bird so caged can't fly and grow
as Lynyrd Skynyrd aptly said.

But when you'd learn the classic forms
take note some syllables are short.
That makes them short in rhythm's dorm,
and longer syllables add import.

Let's take a Bible verse and try
to find the forms of poetry there.
When rhymes and rhythms thus apply,
what joy for us to pause write there.

But when we need to free express
the truths God's Word enlightens hearts,
the written words do still us bless
as God's Dear Spirit food imparts.

We find this verse, John 3:16,
translated for us to our tongue.
The poems form, that we may glean
impresses us in praise, that's sung.

"For God so loved this world He made,
but broken by the blight of sin,
that His Dear Son, He full obeyed
so gifted from all sin to win.

"We win this awful tug-of-war
believing Christ, the Only Son.
We will not perish as before,
since He for us this life has won.

"Since God has the greatest love for all the world,
He gave us the greatest Gift, that could be given,
His Only and Only One Son, Jesus.
As the only possible result, anyone, who believes him,
receiving this greatest of all Gifts,
would no longer be under God's Condemnation
of perishing forever in Hell,
but would rather be in the Hands of His Grace,
experiencing the everlasting, eternal life
of unchanging Joy in His Presence Forever.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 30th, 2022

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April 29, 2022 at 1:17pm
April 29, 2022 at 1:17pm
That faith is merely but a breath,
I truly cannot see.
How can it be, that in one's death
we learn each faith was free?

I must in faith receive His Grace
to truly be redeemed.
I must imagine His Blest Face
to know it's all it seemed.

That faith is trusting as a child
what never I can touch
brings fear about this One so mild,
that I would love so much.

How can I live forever Day,
if I'm not truly sure,
that Christ has saved me come what may
with saving faith so pure?

To struggle with one's living faith
is where we start to heal.
To reach to touch the childlike wraith
of rocklike faith that's real.

To know the Lord is not caprice,
and never slaps His child
for out loud speaking 'bout the piece
of faith, that is unfiled.

When just a youth of six small years
I came to know His Grace.
He gave me faith from lasting fears,
to find in Him my place.

My greatest fear throughout my days
is whether faith is true,
to know if trust is just displays
of mental things I do.

We cannot grasp with fleshy mind
one ounce of faith, that saves
as grasping water with the hand
sends thirst to early grave.

Yet, faith, that saves can learn to rest,
while looking on His Face.
The One, Who carries me is blest,
His Faith, Foundation's place.


(Hebrews 11:1; John 6:37)


by Jay O’Toole
on April 29th, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
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April 28, 2022 at 11:08am
April 28, 2022 at 11:08am
The day He rose up from the grave
began all days of life for me.
His Invitation called to save
this heart from sin to make me free.

This life is hard, but not fore'er.
He lived my shame one Friday past,
delivering from lasting care
through beatings raw to breathe His last.

I want to live so for my Lord,
Who died for me offending naught.
This promised life in written Word,
my Gift from Him so blood-washed bought.

He rose for me, that I'd arise.
What painful hours, I'm now His prize.
When the child is born with piercing cries
no memory lasts. "It's worth it." Wise.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 28th, 2022

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April 27, 2022 at 6:04pm
April 27, 2022 at 6:04pm
This spring has made the dormant things to live.
The cold relented. Now, the cool has joy.
The flowers have such warmth of heart to give.
Each day of play makes me a little boy.

Blest birdies sit and sing to heart's content.
The mockingbird has many songs to sing,
but he's the "king," and never will relent,
no matter what the songs I to him bring.

Each chilly breeze, it breathes a coolish breath
as warmer sun, now stands to scowl and stare.
Protect the plants from heat's increasing death,
and water oft when clouds no rain do bare.

'Tis springtime in the humid Southern climes,
while fast away we hie to summertime.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 27th, 2022

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April 26, 2022 at 3:18pm
April 26, 2022 at 3:18pm
America, the Beautiful,
what could be beauty more?
Thy heartstrings two directions pull.
Of sweetness quick explore.

America, thy plains of grains,
and checkerboard the farms
do please the eyes as right as rain,
but actions, thoughts alarm.

America, you sought the Lord
when but an infant small,
but now return thee to His Word,
and on His Name now call.

America, your beauty is
not just from litter free.
Your beauty starts, and ends, and lives
within the Grace of He.

O, beautify thy heart from sin.
The Savior make thee clean,
that throughout Time in the days of men
blest beauty's always seen.

Word count: 105
Line count: 20
Prompt #3:
"~Keep America Beautiful Month

1. How would you keep America Beautiful?
2. Free write about Keep America Beautiful Month

by Jay O’Toole
on April 26th, 2022

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April 25, 2022 at 4:48pm
April 25, 2022 at 4:48pm
Have a thought, that you would like
to rhyme, and say with rhythm's best?
We have a month for you to strike
out, vanquishing each poet's test.

But if the rhyming, rhythm thing
is not the way, that you would go,
then strike out on your own,
making words your tools
to serve your own behest.

haikus speak of life
nature growing where it may
bloom in peace right now

When Shakespeare wrote a sonnet from his heart,
'twould be to him a thing most near and dear.
The thoughts he'd share at poem's launching start
would be of things so oft unfair, unclear,
But then he left the harbor of mind's rest
to brave the waves of something new, unknown.
There'd be a jarring, and great striving's test,
before his latest state was fully sown.
The Tempest of his senior days and isle
the consternation of a lifetime's work
was brought to fore without a swift denial.
He owned to last with ne'er a word to shirk.
The catholic tones of these confessions, rare.
A Purgatory short was lived o'er there.

We end with hymns of praise
to God, Who paid Salvation's fee.
We end these earthly days
a-leaning on the arms of He.

Amazing Grace of Greatest Friend,
And Can it truly Be?
Unclouded Days He'll always send
in Love He Lifted Me.

Diverted best when with my Lord,
I find secluded bliss
for in His hopeful, daily Word,
I feel the Savior's kiss.

But if the words, that rhyme, give you no lasting hope,
I'd urge you to stop. Find a quiet place.
Write to your heart's content in longish lines or short,
then find your peace in unrhymed words,
and let the rhythms be just of your core.

I once knew a man of great stature and thin
his folks could not start to his naming's begin,
but his fam'ly ate poke,
and this lasting green joke
brought his name to the fore, for Slim Rick could now win.

The month of poetry is near end.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 25th, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
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April 24, 2022 at 5:02pm
April 24, 2022 at 5:02pm
Georgia pines, ubiquitous,
sprouting from the ground.
Sentries bold, surrounding us,
comfort hopes abound.

Other trees, supporting roles
offer to the pines,
which do grow in fieldlike wholes
in days and years so fine.

They come and go in service rare
offering each day
their building products, paper fare,
and cones decor display.

The pine trees grow so swift and bold,
replenishing with speed.
They help us breathe, though often sold,
are planted for their deeds.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 24th, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
April 23, 2022 at 6:35pm
April 23, 2022 at 6:35pm
Tinkling chimes so seashell thin,
Cacophony of metal chimes,
Bamboo in chunky sounds, that win,
wonders in such blowing rhymes.

The wind upon my glistening face,
it dabs the heat, and salves the ears.
I grow in peace of knowing place,
that sings away my deepest fears.

The rose, it rocks to wind, that sways,
The elm's long arms float up and down.
Each flox in joyful colors says,
"The Lord of all great Springdom's found."

"Pa - dum - pum - tee. Pa - dum - pum - tee."
All metal chimes call me to "Look!"
"Ta - bump - bump - pah. Ta - bump - bump - pah."
Bamboo it shouts, "My turn be took."

The grass and pines are static green
as browns of dirt and bark attend.
These daily sentries, faithful seen
do help the mind to rest, and mend.

What joyful dance these seashells make
in rolling air as water waves.
The busy-ness of life they take,
and from my heart's unsettled saves.

The stillness of the long, sun rays
pours gentle warmth on leaves of green.
"I'm here to live through all your days,
until Christ's Glory full is seen.

The days of Life, so many, blest
are still right here, and joy-filled bright.
"You've run so oft. Today is rest,
great hope is sun to light the night.

The chirping birds in smooth song soothes.
The ebb and flow of "words," then naught.
"All silences are lasting booths,
we sing them not as we are taught,

"But when we sing the meaning's grand
to give great hope to days and nights.
They sing their songs throughout the land
to show all souls to speak of light.

We run and work six days a week.
The Sabbath rest is of the Lord
to call each heart His Heart to seek,
and meditate upon His Word.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 23rd, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
April 22, 2022 at 8:01pm
April 22, 2022 at 8:01pm
The days of April start with rhyming,
walking ever all way through.
Poems are our daily due.
Each rhythm's needed as our timing.

Our hen insists I stop my priming
o'er the words I now must do.
The days of April start with rhyming,
walking ever all way through.

"Please, feed me or your fence I'm climbing,
quickly I will fly to you.
Feed me grub for I'm so blue.
Demanding's fowl. It's always chiming.
The days of April end with rhyming.

by Jay O’Toole
on April 22nd, 2022

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

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