Male |
1950 |
Central New York State |
I have been an avid reader since early childhood and an inconsistent writer since I was 18. In the late 70's I took up D&D and created my own world and have been adding to the background info until the background has become novel length. A few years ago I retired and decided to pursue writing a completed novel. After a couple of starts with different stories, I decided to write a novel based on the world I created and characters that played in the game. So far I have been happy with the work. |
I tend to write mostly science fiction or fantasy , I've written a couple of nature stories in my youth. |
I'm not sure what my style would be called. They are character and complicated plot driven stories with long sentences. |
Reading of which politics, science, nature, fantasy esp. Both computer games and role-playing in person are another activity. And I love to watch sports, basketball is my favorite, but I can be enticed to watch pretty much any sport. |
none |
none |
Huffington |
Science fiction, fantasy, history, anthropologies, politics. |
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings The Chanur's series The Lensman series Dune |
Tolkien, C.J. Cherryh, Asmov, Heinlich, Hal Clements, Poul Anderson, Clarke, Silverberg, many old science fiction writers. |
Rock and roll, Blues, Classical, Big band, Pop of the 50's and earlier, Bluegrass, Folk. |
Lord of the Rings Casablanca Showboat Paint Your Wagon Dragonslayer |