Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/thejaguar
Central New York State
About Me
I have been an avid reader since early childhood and an inconsistent writer since I was 18. In the late 70's I took up D&D and created my own world and have been adding to the background info until the background has become novel length. A few years ago I retired and decided to pursue writing a completed novel. After a couple of starts with different stories, I decided to write a novel based on the world I created and characters that played in the game. So far I have been happy with the work.
Type of Writer
I tend to write mostly science fiction or fantasy , I've written a couple of nature stories in my youth.
Writing Style
I'm not sure what my style would be called. They are character and complicated plot driven stories with long sentences.
Reading of which politics, science, nature, fantasy esp. Both computer games and role-playing in person are another activity. And I love to watch sports, basketball is my favorite, but I can be enticed to watch pretty much any sport.
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
Science fiction, fantasy, history, anthropologies, politics.
Favorite Books
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings The Chanur's series The Lensman series Dune
Favorite Authors
Tolkien, C.J. Cherryh, Asmov, Heinlich, Hal Clements, Poul Anderson, Clarke, Silverberg, many old science fiction writers.
Favorite Music
Rock and roll, Blues, Classical, Big band, Pop of the 50's and earlier, Bluegrass, Folk.
Favorite Movies
Lord of the Rings Casablanca Showboat Paint Your Wagon Dragonslayer
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/thejaguar