Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/tgifisher77
May 28 1957
Washington State
About Me
I grew up on a small ranch in a rural area. I learned to do hard physical work on the ranch, in the orchards, and in the woods. Taking those lessons to heart, I went to college and studied Electrical Engineering. I married a great woman and we raised four good kids. I worked with CNC machine tools for 16 years and then began writing. I wrote maintenance manuals for jet aircraft for 20 years, then took an early retirement/layoff buyout offer. Now I'm a lap for lazy cats and write poetry for fun.
Type of Writer
Poetry, Political Satire, Biography, Fiction (maybe)
Writing Style
Reading, Writing, Poetry, Fountain Pens, Crossword puzzles, Cruising 'topless', 70's Rock
Website / Homepage
You can see my political rants at RisingGorge.com (Warning: Not a safe space for Republicans!)
Favorite Genres
Science Fiction, Mystery
Favorite Books
The Lord of the Rings (trilogy), (and a cast of thousands)
Favorite Authors
Isaac Asimov, J. R. R. Tolkien, Elmore Leonard, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Dickens, Louis L'Amour, Tony Hillerman, Ellis Peters, (and a cast of thousands)
Favorite Poets
Rudyard Kipling, Robert Service, Walt Whitman, (and a cast of thousands)
    Rated: 18+ · Biographical · #2257228
    Tales from real life
    Rated: 13+ · Comedy · #2335505
    A deconstructed classic
    Rated: ASR · Drama · #2305595
    Stories and Poems from the current year (eligible for the Quills, hint hint)
    Rated: 13+ · Comedy · #2289661
    acorns and dead branches
    Rated: E · Sci-fi · #2303117
    The launch path taken by the Hermes spacecraft to catch the Solar-3 light beam.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/tgifisher77