Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/tbears_angel
November 21
Where I need be, When I need to be there.
About Me
Mother, Grandmother, Wife. ADD, Bi-polar, panic disorder, OCD. Blessed by God with loving supportive family and friends. I thank God for being able to express myself through the art of words. Wrote for years, but never thought I was good enough to do anything with it until 13 years ago, when my dear husband entered my life. He is extreemly supportive and tells me all the time that I should write write write!. Since then I've had poetry published twice, and 3 editor's choice awards.
Type of Writer
I write for fun and feeling, and if there is a time I can make a difference in someones life, then all the better
Writing Style
First I write tons of notes on paper....Then I prefer to write on my tablet then to comp.
Adult w/ ADD & eclectic personality. Would be easier to say what my interests are NOT. Anything against God. Nasty people, Bad additudes, Communist who think they can run this country better then the people who built it.
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Children' and young adult's stories
Favorite Books
The Bible, fantasy-Sci/Fi, self-help, writer's magazine's, All the Complete Idiot's Guides & For Dummy's books...lol
Favorite Authors
God, JRR Tolkien, Terry Brooks, CS Lewis, Eoin Colfer..... and many more
Favorite Quote
Abide in Me and I in you, as the branch cannot bare fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye except ye abide in Me. John 15:4
Favorite Music
Again with the ADD/Eclectic bit...easier to say what I'm Not into. Not into: acid rock/headbanger stuff, cry in your beer country, and rap that degrades women & romantisizes the gangster life.
Favorite Movies
Comedies, adventure, action, sci-fi, fantasy
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/tbears_angel