Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/sillywaimin
January 1
Guangzhou, China
About Me
If I was a character I read in a book I wouldn't think she was plausible. I grew up on a small ranch in Arizona where I was frequently bucked off horses and talked back to aggressive longhorn cattle, spent a year of high school doing a study abroad in Japan, I enjoy both Japanese and Olympic archery, taught myself how to skateboard in college (getting bucked off horses was good practice), and am now living and working in China. Oh, and I LOVE high heels, nice nails, and video games.
Type of Writer
I got excited about doing essays in college. Thus, I'll write anything with a smile. Except poetry.
Writing Style
I've spent years of my life living immersed in other cultures (including a new family), so I find almost everything interesting. Notable exceptions: wasabi, polka music, murder or any harm inflicted on others, and gun control (downrange, people!).
My Blog
If someone knows of a good blogging site that works in China, I'll be much appreciative.
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Political Thriller, Historical Fiction, Drama, Horror (in no particular order).
Favorite Books
The entire Wheel of Time Series. The Giver. Ender's Game. The Bible (not for particularly religious reasons - try the first testament. Its a good read!) Harry Potter (I have never laughed out loud so much while reading) Greek Myths and Legends
Favorite Authors
Robert Jordan, hands down. I have never read a series that can juggle that many story lines, especially with the finesse this fine man had. J.K. Rowling. I admire how seamlessly she can incorporate humor into the book.
Favorite Poets
Ronald Dahl (I'm not that big on poetry).
Favorite Quote
"The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly placed pause." - Mark Twain "When you wish for life without difficulty, remember that coal cannot turn into a diamond without intense pressure." - Unknown
Favorite Music
Whatever I'm in the mood for at the moment.
Favorite Movies
Ones that reverberate in my mind not because of impressive cinematics or bold acting, but because it introduces a theory so intriguing I can't help but mull it over for hours or days afterward.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/sillywaimin