Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/shyelena
August 22 1982
Western New York
About Me
Hi, I'm Elena (Eh-lane-uh) and I've been writing as a hobby since I was in 3rd grade. I am a speech therapist, which is the best job in the world. But my fire comes from creativity and writin. I've been working on since I was 15 years old! I will read anything as long as it's interesting-my favorite authors range from Tolstoy to Roald Dahl. Guess you could say I have eclectic interests. Looking forward to getting to know everyone! Elena
Type of Writer
I guess I write for teens or kids. Not sure where most of my stories would fall, but most have a teen as the main character.
Writing Style
Usually 1st person
My cats, my house, reading both kids and adult books, movies, gardening
Favorite Genres
Children's classics, contemporary fiction, classics
Favorite Books
Harry Potter series, Carmilla, Crank, Tricks, The Hungeer Games trilogy, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, Divine and Human, Slaughter house-5 to name just a few! Too many to list, I go to the library at least twice a week.
Favorite Authors
J.K. Rowling, C.S. Lewis, Ellen Hopkins, Roald Dahl, Eva Ibbotson, Leo Tolstoy, Ray Bradbury, Colette, Robert Sawyer, Mark Twain, Bruce Coville, Hans Christian Anderson, and many more!
Favorite Poets
A.A. Milne, Jeanne Little, Rudyard Kipling
Favorite Quote
Winston Churchill: "Never, never never never give up" "If you're going through hell, keep going" "Be kind to strangers for you may be entertaining angels unawares" Hebrews 13:2 Too many to list!
Favorite Music
Anything but country. Love classical when I'm writing
Favorite Movies
Disney, Tim Burton, Lorenzo's Oil, Volver, The Wizard of Oz, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sweeny Todd, The Hours, Good Evening, Mr. Wallenburg to name just a few
    Rated: 13+ · Death · #2221410
    A hotel where the living can visit with the dead. But there's a catch....
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    A young girl's voyage on the Titanic
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    Every one must fit the mold...
    Rated: E · Children's · #2152657
    A brother and sister have an interesting summer
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/shyelena