Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/scarypotato14
April 8 1986
Southern New Jersey
About Me
Just a widow, living life one day at a time. Former scare actor for a local haunted attraction. Currently looking for remote work as a writer. I enjoy reading, observing nature and thinking about really bizarre things like life on other worlds.
Type of Writer
Short stories, poems, essays, aspiring novelist
Writing Style
Enjoys writing fantasy, science fiction, and horror? I don't know I write prose and fiction? I'm not sure.
Biology, Astro-biology, Astronomy, nature, poetry, animals and video games
Favorite Genres
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Courtroom Drama, Horror
Favorite Books
"How to Train Your Dragon" by Cresida Cowel, "Howl's Moving Castle by Dianna Wynn Jones," Mistborn"Series by Brandon Sanderson, Canteburry Tales, The Discworld Series
Favorite Authors
Brandon Sanderson, Dianna Wynn Jones, Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, Isaac Asimov, H. P. Lovecraft, C.S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkein, Terry Pratchet
Favorite Poets
T.S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Rudyard Kippling
Favorite Quote
"Nothing is impossible, just improbable."--Dr. Who
Favorite Music
Coldplay, Radio Head, U-2, The Beatles, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, D3ad Mau5, Steam Powered Girrafe
Favorite Movies
Frozen, Frozen II, Wreck-It-Ralph, Brave, Zootopia, The Martian, The Fifth Element, Star Wars(4-6, 1-3 haven't been able to see the latest in the Star Wars Universe) Star Trek: First Contact
Favorite Shows
Transformers Prime, Monk, Tsubasa Chronicles, Pokémon TOS, Star Trek TOS, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Enterprise, Deep Space Nine, Doctor Who, QI, Red Dwarf, Death in Paradise, Emergency, Magnum PI
    Rated: 13+ · Sci-fi · #2337138
    There just happened to be a cave on this beach Danielle hadn't seen it on any map.
    Rated: 13+ · Sci-fi · #2332780
    A folder containing all my stuff I'll write for The Bradbury!
    Item Cover
    Static Item Icon
    Rated: 18+ · Steampunk · #2335521
    Could an automaton love? An experiment may end in Tragedy.
    Rated: E · Sports · #2336234
    An acrostic for March's Bard Hall. Because I love basketball.
    Rated: E · None · #2307970
    This is the place any less prose like works are.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/scarypotato14