Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/sashie
May 20 1996
About Me
My real name is Sasha, but pretty much everyone calls me Sashie or Sash(feel free to call me by my nicknames. I love getting to know you all! I fell in love with reading about 3 years ago. I recently started writing about a year ago and I think I'm pretty good. I have one sister at college and have a jinx cat called Ally. I live at home with my parents and I hope to become either an author or a journalist when I'm older. I love milk chocolate and that's pretty much all there is to say about me.
Type of Writer
Casual writer. Avid reader! I like to write YA fiction or romance/emotional/teen stories. I love to write articles too.
Writing Style
Mostly 1st person. Sometimes third. Still deciding which I like best. Hopefully you guys can tell me.
Writing, Drama, Kind of music, Art is pretty cool and going out with my friends.
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
YA fiction/paranormal, romance, emotional, teen and friendship and non fiction.
Favorite Books
LOADS! So I'll just name a few I randomly picked from my bookshelf. Entangled (Kat Clarke, just read, pretty good) Passion (Fallen series, Lauren Kate) House of night series, Kristen Cast + P.C Cast.
Favorite Authors
Quite a lot, here's a few of my favorites. Lauren Kate. Meg Cabot. Stephanie Meyer. P.C Cast + Kristen Cast. L.J.Smith.
Favorite Poets
Ummm...None. Just wrote some poetry though, check it out!
Favorite Quote
Can't think of any right now (I'll get back to this) There is something I like to say though: "Live life with sass" it's a quote I came up with because of my name :P It's funny to say in the right situations.
Favorite Music
Everything! The Wanted. Rihanna. Take That. Paramore. Kings of Leon. Evanescence. Justin Bieber (Not really kidding, yuck!)
Favorite Movies
I love movies! Anything comedy or rom-com. The inbetweeners. TVD. Knocked up. Valentines Day (basically any movies where Aston Klutcher is in them, preferably shirtless :P)
    Item Cover
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    Rated: 13+ · Teen · #1826355
    An article on site gurl.com. Practicing to become a journalist, I think its good. Reviews.
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    Rated: E · Friendship · #1823549
    About some friendship problems I've been having lately. Best poem I've ever wrote, R&R.
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    Rated: 13+ · Teen · #1820762
    High school senior Emily enjoys playing around with guys. Perfect for teens, please review
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    Rated: 13+ · Teen · #1812181
    Prologue: 15 year old Zoe goes to her Dad's funeral, some un-expected guests attend.
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    Rated: E · Romance/Love · #1817630
    About a heartbroken girl. My first crack at poetry, ever! Be nice and enjoy! Reviews.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/sashie