Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/norcp
February 1 1956
The Highlands of Scotland
About Me
I am a late comer to the world of expression that is writing, but keen to have a go. By day I am a Gardener, working for myself, maintaining and developing clients gardens and grounds. I have always worked on the land as a Farmer, Gamekeeper or Forester. Rugby and Judo are my sports (Soccer is for wimps and prima donnas.) My daughter, Rhiannon has bullied me into writing, so blame her for what you read from my pen.
Type of Writer
Historical Mythology, folklore and Fantasy/Scifi with a bit of magic thrown in. Dark poetry, which surprises me.
Writing Style
Have not yet found one,
Gardening, motorcycling, reading, Bible study, pop science, bee keeping, Judo and Rugby (Armchair these days,) Rugby is masochismic for me, since I support Scotland
Group Memberships
Coffee shop for the Fantasy Society Lords of High Fantasy
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Pop science, Authors on WDC, of course!!
Favorite Books
LOTR and WOT Brandon Sandersons Way of Kings, Bible and other spiritual/historical writings
Favorite Authors
Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, Anne Mcaffery, Homer, Trudi Canavan, David Gemell, Julian May
Favorite Poets
Homer, Coleridge-Taylor, David (Psalms of) Longfellow, Keats, Burns, Robert W Service, Plato, Herodotus and other old Greeks
Favorite Quote
Happiness is not a goal in its self, it is a by-pruduct of pursuing the right goals in life. ME
Favorite Music
Classical, folk, easy listening anything my Daughter tells me is cool
Favorite Movies
Too many to list but must haves are action and special effects ... mind you a thoughtful drama is good too
Favorite Shows
Big Bang Theory, Horizon (BBC)
    Rated: 18+ · Other · #1764391
    Poetry darkish, lightish and comic
    Rated: E · Fantasy · #1798141
    Where I keep all my stories less than 10K words
    Rated: 13+ · Dark · #1762040
    A feeling of helplessness
    Rated: E · Fantasy · #1798143
    All my novel works-in -progress
    Rated: E · Dark · #1798142
    Dark writings, enter carefully!
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/norcp