Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/mwayne
November 21 1955
West Virginia
About Me
I was born and raised in West Virginia and have traveled the East Coast from Key West to New Hampshire. With over 40 years as a computer technician, I've worked with everything from mainframes to laptops. I've also been involved in steel production and worked as a short-order cook. I served as a lay minister and was a stand-up comedian until I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Now, I enjoy crochet, drawing, writing, and gaming as I navigate the journey of aging.
Type of Writer
I enjoy writing Poetry, and short fictional stories for now. Eventually I would like to write a murder mystery Novel.
Writing Style
I like 3rd Person Limited POV. I like twists and turns. I always like to compare the payoff to how much is put into it.
Many things hold my interest. Science and Numbers. Mysteries. Comedy. When I was younger golf and baseball occupied most of my time. Programming also captured my interest.
Group Memberships
Favorite Link
www.writing.com How can it be anything else?
Favorite Genres
I like mysteries, like to dampen it with humor where possible.
Favorite Books
Any of the Sherlock Holmes books by Conan Doyle
Favorite Authors
Issac Asimov Jack London Conan Doyle
Favorite Music
Classical as well as oldies(70's 80's)
Favorite Shows
    Rated: E · Holiday · #2331619
    My Word Search Pages
    Rated: E · Detective · #2334654
    First Draft. Who Killed Floyd Preston of South Bunker? Someone from his days as Mayor? Or?
    Rated: E · None · #2332762
    My poetry and contest entries
    Rated: E · Holiday · #2333169
    80's Love songs
    Rated: E · None · #2332760
    Bradbury 52 short stories in 52 weeks.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/mwayne