Female |
November 1 |
Southeastern United States |
Thank goodness I was educable with my limited vocational aptitude! Have an advanced degree in psychology & have always wanted to write fiction. Up until finding writing.com, I've gotten most of my information through reading books on writing. I've always thought I wanted to write "serious" stories, but I have to admit my natural voice is one of humor. |
Evolving-- your guess is as good as mine. Fortunate to have had early & excellent instruction in the mechanics of writing. |
Straight and to the point, so I'm having to work at "gussying up" my prose. I think I have a pretty good ear for dialogue. |
Candlelight dinners, long walks on the beach... oh, wait-- wrong website! I don't read responsibly so right now I get my fix through audiobooks. Right now, I would say my biggest interest is doing what's necessary to retire as early as possible. |
Except for romance & erotica, I'm an omnivore. Love mystery & suspense. Recently, I've been consuming fantasy series. |