Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/matt674885
December 12 1972
About Me
Happy guy (even though she doesn't like me anymore).--matt476@nyc.rr.com. Feel free to use it if you must.
Type of Writer
Novelist, Poet, Novella and Short-Story Writer (Bad Term), Essayist, Humorist--Murderer
Writing Style
Mercurial—kind a like what they call life, I guess. At least that's kind a like me a little bit.
Need I mention them?I mean don't we all reallyknowwhatwewant?I mean really.(Interests:Love,Power,Hatred,Discontent/Our Social Truths/Authentic Powerlessness/Fear/Sex-Being/Being Sexy/The Humanities,The Hard Sciences/Oh!--Reading And Writing/(& They.)
Website / Homepage
Not yet.
My Blog
I'm moving to a new one.The old one stank—Wordpress.Don't get it please.And also please don't buy a computer or anything from Hewlett Packard.Thanks.
Favorite Link
The one that was cut after I left paradise.
Favorite Link
Kielbasas(yes,I know "s" is technically incorrect (I believe it is),but it sounds better to me,and I am a Poet you know.So back away please.Thank you.
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
Romance,and love,and tragedy. That is, fiction. Right? Hell,what's the difference.(Once again, I know. Love is not a genre.)
Favorite Books
The one I haven't finshed yet. (Joke.) However, I will copy and paste that list into here when it is not quite so late at night.
Favorite Authors
Just found out about David Means. (New Yorker--three short-story collections published not-so very, very, and very, very recently.
Favorite Poets
Plath. Shakespeare. Keats. Whitman. Dickinson. Don't know nearly enough about who the hell to read though. I guess I should read more of it. (Oh—Edgar Lee Masters. A poet? I mean of epitaphs and haunted and embittered lost spirits of the dead?)
Favorite Quote
--Heard melodies are sweet,but those unheard are sweeter. --What a piece of work is a man (the entire soliloquy)-- I used to like:For we are here as on a darkling plain/swept with confused...where ignorant armies clash by night,etc.-Not sure now.
Favorite Music
Unheard (Above please.)
Favorite Movies
Casablanca, The Matrix, Annie Hall, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Star Wars...pq 1, Henry Portrait of A Serial Killer, Terminators One And Two, A Forgotten Tune For The Flute, High and Low (Kurosawa), Glengarry Glen Ross, Goodfellas, Fight Club
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/matt674885