Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/lobosluna
April 15 1970
Vallenar, Chile
About Me
I am a Spanish and Philosophy teacher who likes books and creative work. I am from a small town in Chile, called Vallenar. My work is made in Spanish language, but I am trying to put it into my poor English for you, so I hope you forgive my mistakes... or don't.
Type of Writer
Those who have a lot of problems to start writing, end reading, and stop dreaming up.
Writing Style
Reading, writing, creative work, languages, movies, social justice, and learning about another cultures.
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Favorite Genres
Short story, Sci-Fi, horror, poetry.
Favorite Books
"Tales" by Edgar Allan Poe, "Stories" by Ray Bradbury, "Collected Stories" by John Cheever; "Rayuela", "Imagen de John Keats" by Julio Cortázar; "La guerra del fin del mundo" by M. Vargas Llosa, "Pedro Páramo y El Llano en Llamas" by Juan Rulfo, etc.
Favorite Authors
Edgar Allan Poe, Ray Bradbury, Julio Cortázar, Mario Vargas Llosa, Juan Rulfo, John Cheever, J.M. Coetzee, Gabriela Mistral, Augusto Monterroso, Enrique Lihn, Gonzalo Rojas, Tucídides, Platón, Séneca, etc., etc.
Favorite Poets
Enrique Lihn, Gabriela Mistral, Gonzalo Rojas, Oscar Castro, Rosario Castellanos, León Felipe, Charles Bukowski.
Favorite Quote
"Mi paso ha retrocedido cuando el de ustedes avanza" ("My steps is backward while yours keep advancing") VIOLETA PARRA
Favorite Music
All kind of music (opera, classic, blues, rock, pop, etc.) that catches me.
Favorite Movies
"Modern Times", "Stalker" by Tarkovsky; "M" by Fritz Lang; "To be or not to be" by Ernst Lubitsch; "It's a wonderful life"; "Wings of Desires" by Wim Wenders; "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz" by Wright-Pegg-Frost; "The reader", "Alien" (saga), etc.
Favorite Shows
"Bionic Woman" (1976-79), "Salme's Lot" (1979); "Marin Rivas" (1979, chilean series); "Moonlighting" (1985-89), "Spaced", "IT Crowd", "Big Train", "Vaya Semanita" (basque series); "Yo soy Betty, la fea"; "El reemplazante" (chilean series), etc.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/lobosluna