Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/ldj5
April 6 1972
Alberta, Canada
About Me
Mommy, Wifey, Health Care Aide. My first born is gearing up to leave the nest, hence we are experiencing a life shift. I tend to be passionate, am typical for my sun sign, and am under 5 feet tall.
Type of Writer
Casual. Newbie. Have written in journals for years. Am hoping to expand beyond that.
Writing Style
When I figure it out, you'll be the first to know! ;-p
Reading, reading, reading. Gardening. I've been trying out a scooter with my youngest! Thinking of longboarding. Skyrim. Nature. Random picture taking. Wandering - or adventuring. People watching.
Favorite Genres
Books are like food to me. I'll read anything at least once!
Favorite Books
As a young teen, my favorite book was a paperback copy of Alice Walker's 'The Color Purple.' This was the first non-classic book I read that deeply impacted me on an emotional level.
Favorite Quote
There is no friend as loyal as a book. ~ Ernest Hemingway
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/ldj5