Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/kinetrix
February 6 1968
Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland
About Me
My name is Martin Murray and I am a casual writer. I'm from Ireland and at the moment I'm a single parent going to college as a mature student, studying English.
Type of Writer
Casual Writer/Avid Reader
Writing Style
I don't believe I have found my voice yet.
A few of my interests include: Reading, Writing, Photography, Film, Theatre.
Favorite Genres
All genres are of interest to me as long as the work is well done and with a purpose no matter the medium.
Favorite Books
The Secret History; The Little Friend; The Poisonwood Bible; The Historian; Fingersmith; The Little Stranger; Slaughterhouse Five; Wurthering Heights; Wide Sargasso Sea; Hard Times; Misfortune. Just a few that come to mind right now.
Favorite Authors
Donna Tartt; Sarah Waters; Wesley Stace; Kurt Vonnegut; Charles Dickens; Elizabeth Kostova; Kafka. Like above, just a few that I can think of right now.
Favorite Poets
Shakespeare; Tennyson; T.S. Eliot; Arthur Rimbaud; Charles Bukowski; Leonard Cohen; W.B. Yeats; Patrick Kavanagh; Simon Armatige; Ogdan Nash; Sylvia Plaith; Ted Hughes.
Favorite Quote
The poet is a liar who always tells the truth - Jean Cocteau.
Favorite Music
Too many to mention, but to name a few: Patti Smith; Leonard Cohen; Muse; Cathy Davey; Mozart; Chopin.
Favorite Movies
Again too many to mention, but to name a few; anything by Kieslowski; Renoir; Cocteau; Tarkowski; Goddard and Truffaut.
    Rated: 13+ · Dark · #1671858
    Just going through one of those bad times and this poem came out of it.
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1671855
    I wrote this after I had had a bad nights sleep.
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1671852
    This is an experiment. I was trying to play around with the poetic form.
    Rated: E · Spiritual · #1671447
    This came to me one night as I looked out my window. It came fully formed.
    Rated: 13+ · Dark · #1671446
    This Poem is inspired by Film Noir. I tried to get the rhythm and emotion of the visual.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/kinetrix