Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/kat024
March 14 1986
About Me
Hi, my name is Kim and I have written stories off and on for a little bit more than 10 years now. I have an associate's degree in medical administration and I have recently gotten out of college for a 2nd time where I was in a program to get certfied in medical coding and billing. I am still waiting on the results of the test to let me know whether or not I am certified. Even though I chose to have a career in the medical field, I have always had a real passion for writing.
Type of Writer
Writer hoping to someday become an author
Writing Style
Real Life Romance Opinion
Reading, writing, spending time with family, etc.
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Coming soon
Favorite Genres
I am pretty much up to reading from any genre.
Favorite Books
Any book that catches and is able to keep my attention
Favorite Authors
Danielle Steel, Lurlene McDaniel, etc.
Favorite Poets
I can't really pick a favorite
Favorite Music
Anything except rap
Favorite Movies
I like mainly comedies, some drama, occasionally action/adventure. I'm not big on religion but 1 movie that I can't get enough of is Fireproof
    Item Cover
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    Rated: E · Opinion · #1829590
    The tregedies that we have faced.
    Item Cover
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    Rated: E · Tribute · #1826289
    A true life story of the man who I think is the greatest man to have lived on Earth.
    Item Cover
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    Rated: E · Opinion · #1827915
    The title says it all
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/kat024