Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/jonnyb893
July 14 1993
North Carolina
About Me
I'm Jonny. I view poetry as a sort of way to express things that I wouldn't say in real life and I love describing things. Ummm, I'm usually pretty friendly and casual and I like constructive criticism and ego stroking as much as the next guy. Please don't think you know everything about my personality after reading my poetry, I only write when I'm feeling all emotional and whatnot, I swear my sappiness isn't continuous.
Type of Writer
Not sure about this one...amazing?
Writing Style
I dabble in all sorts of styles.
Religions, writing, reading, soccer,tennis,Wikipedia-ing miscellaneous stuff, music, philosophy, understanding medical vocabulary via wikipedia, piano, psychoanalysis, biology, foreign languages-- romance languages specifically, chemistry
Favorite Link
Favorite Books
Let's do series? The Dresden Files, The Codex Alera, LOTR, Harry Potter, The Pendgraon Series, The Fourth Realm Trilogy, His Dark Materials,Ender's Game... more will come to me, give it time. In General: Fantasy/ Science Fiction/ Mystery
Favorite Authors
Jim Butcher, Rowling, Tolkien, Tamora Pierce, Paolini sort of, John Twelve Hawks, Orson Scott Card,
    Rated: E · Relationship · #1691755
    Loneliness with a happy ending. If you want to be part of the titling process let me know.
    Rated: 18+ · Dark · #1790028
    So you've gone and I'm still here and, unfortunately, I still love you.
    Rated: 13+ · Psychology · #1696276
    A short wherein I describe the things that keep me up at night.
    Rated: E · Relationship · #1685082
    A free verse poem
    Rated: 13+ · Relationship · #1690521
    A poem, rhymey.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/jonnyb893