Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/j.ward12
October 12
Blue Ridge Mountains
About Me
I was born. I am still in the process of growing up. Eventually, I'll die. I had no say in the first process and little in the second, so I'm not going to worry about the third too much. I think He's got a handle on that. ;o)
Type of Writer
Writing Style
Laying on the floor w/headphones on, a good selection of pens nearby, and a few balled up sheets of paper scattered about.
Varies from day to day. Today my interests are charcoal drawing, slow-steeped unsweetened iced tea, and hermeneutics. Also: music, books, coffee, bible studies, philosophy, languages, apologetics, psychology, history, photography, flora and fauna
My Blog
Favorite Genres
Depends on mood.
Favorite Books
Too many to list!
Favorite Authors
Top five (at this moment, anyway): C.S. Lewis, Norman Geisler, Arthur C. Clarke, Anne Rice, and Brennan Manning. (Subject to change at any moment, without notice, and without updating.)
Favorite Poets
Whitman, Frost, Shakespeare, Poe. Dylan Thomas had a couple good ones, too. Whitman wins, though.
Favorite Quote
"So anyway....uh......um...yeah."
Favorite Music
Anything that is recognizable as music, must NOT contain weak* lyric or excessive noise. *Read: foul, vulgar, offensive, trite, etc.
Favorite Movies
If I can manage to sit still through it, it's a favorite. Not many make the cut...
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1677728
    sometimes the pain burns the tears from your eyes...
    Rated: E · Spiritual · #1677694
    A brief overview/example of the four Greek loves. An essay for one of my religion classes.
    Rated: E · Experience · #1622842
    I responded to a code 45 the day after Thanksgiving - person down, not breathing, no pulse
    Rated: E · Spiritual · #1620422
    When I think of Jesus' life and death, so many questions come to mind...
    Rated: E · Experience · #1620168
    I'm a paramedic, & often write about my patients' experiences. Their stories must be told.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/j.ward12