Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/hyperiongate
January 21 1958
Novato, California or Budapest, Hungary
About Me
I am married with three children (who seem to be slow in producing the next generation). I own a consulting company that works with shiftwork operations (www.shift-work.com). I travel about 150,000 miles a year and do a lot of my writing on airplanes. I have been with WDC for over 2 years. During that time I have written almost daily. Before that, I only thought about it. This is my favorite website. The people here are great.
Type of Writer
I like science fiction but don't hold me to that.
Writing Style
Someone once called my writing "masculine." I am not sure what that means.
Family, friends, writing, my dog (good boy!), hiking, golf, travel, reading, coaching (high school wrestling), blogging (jimdillingham.blogspot.com)
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
Science Fiction
Favorite Books
Catch 22, Atlas Shrugged, Shogun, Henry and Ribsy (going back a ways), The Thornbirds, Cryptonomican, Hyperion, Ender's Game. (I keep adding as I read other bios)
Favorite Authors
Heinlein, Dan Simmons, Greg Bear, Neal Asher, Orson Scott Card.
Favorite Poets
W.H. Alden, Robert Frost, Poe
Favorite Quote
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous." Einstein
Favorite Music
60's and 70' rock. Music from the 40's
Favorite Movies
300, Groundhog day, Ghostbusters, Dr. Strangelove, One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest, It's a Wonderful Life, For Love of the Game, The Fight Club, The Thirteenth Warrior. Television: Lost, Breaking Bad, Family Guy, Hardball with Chris Matthews.
Second Place in WDC Inspirational Quote contest.
Rated: 13+
~1,873 Words
*Dollar* 123 GPs per review
Relationship, Death, Romance/Love
Type: Short Story
Updated 15 years ago
Finalist - Adult Fiction - San Francisco's Writers Conference 2010
Rated: 13+
~1,875 Words
*Dollar* 123 GPs per review
Emotional, Sci-fi, Drama
Type: Short Story
Updated 15 years ago
Pulp Fiction style entry for Short Shots contest.
Rated: 13+
~1,707 Words
*Dollar* 300 GPs per review
Action/Adventure, Inspirational, Entertainment
Type: Short Story
Updated 15 years ago
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/hyperiongate