Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/glynndah
November 1 1956
Floating in my sparkly bubble
About Me
I have Flying Monkeys! Well, they're independent contractors now so I don't really have them. Oh, and they've tossed out those little jackets and bellboy caps. It's fedoras and black leather jackets. About me? Oh, I'm terribly boring. Except maybe for the wandering pea hen who adopted me.
Type of Writer
I'm still trying to figure that part out. When I find out, I'll stop back by here.
Writing Style
I seem to be the queen of the sentence fragment and am inordinately fond of alliteration.
I read. I write. I spend way too much time playing free cell and spider solitaire and yet haven't even managed to get past the first level.
Favorite Genres
I read whatever's in front of me at the time. Cereal boxes have greatly improved since I was a child!
Favorite Books
As a rule, I don't re-read books so it's rather hard to name a favorite. The first book I can remember reading as a child was a Dick and Jane book. I recently found a reprint of the book and it's just like I remembered. Oh. Oh. Oh. Funny, funny Tim!
Favorite Authors
Sherrilyn Kenyon; J.R. Ward; Nora Roberts; Jayne Anne Krentz; Kerrelyn Sparks; Suzanne Brockman; Shannon McKenna; Nina Bangs; Lori Foster, etc. I'd be happy to keep going, but I'm afraid I'm going to run out of space in this little box very soon.
Favorite Music
Mostly I listen to oldies, but if you want to share your favorites, I'd be happy to listen.
Favorite Movies
The Wizard of Oz
    Item Cover
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    Rated: ASR · Other · #1923185
    Thoughts in the middle of the night
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    Rated: E · Other · #1922107
    What I see isn't always what's there.
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    Rated: ASR · Other · #1916226
    Just what the title says. Haikus.
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    Rated: E · Other · #1919910
    Quite simply, what I see from my window.
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    Rated: E · Other · #1919611
    Thoughts upon hearing a certain rhythm.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/glynndah