Male |
April 13 1986 |
North Carolina |
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I majored in Comparative Literature... so I can pretty much read and enjoy anything. I love the classics though, give me Hardy or Wilde and I can sit around and be worthless all day. | | |
Epic Fantasy, Thriller, Spy |
In the Name of the Wind, The Wise Man's Fear, The Song of Ice and Fire series, The Shack, Vellum, Jude the Obscure, The Passage, Rant, Invisible Monsters, Tell All, Survivor, anything by Chuck actually, |
Patric Rothfuss, Thomas Hardy, Oscar Wilde, Alfred Hitchcock, George R. R. Martin, Justin Cronin, Chuck Palahnuik...I would need a book to list them all. :D |
Keats, Dante...erm, not really a fan of poetry. |
"Greedily she engorged without restraint, And knew not eating death;" Paradise Lost "Well I don't write, I attempt to scribble here and there. And no, nothing ever so grand as being published." Charles Keating |
Classical, Rock, Country |